GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo participated as a guest speaker at the first edition of the Annual Open Government Conference organized by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Open Government of the Government of Catalonia between 25 and 28 October 2021.


Lídia Arroyo, member of GenTIC and principal investigator of the Data COVID Gender project, took part in the session on 26 October, dedicated to discussing how access to the Government of Catalonia’s open data favoured better communication of what was happening in real-time during the pandemic, facilitating pedagogy on its evolution and decision-making. In her intervention, Lídia Arroyo offered an overview of the Data COVID Gender project, which analyzes the incidence of occupational segregation in the prevalence of Covid-19 from an intersectional gender perspective. “Knowledge provided by Social Sciences and the analysis of gender inequalities in the labour market are essential to understanding how a disease like Covid 19 works and to addressing its prevention,” she affirmed. In the framework of the Data COVID Gender project, Lídia Arroyo has promoted the #COVIDGenderArchive on GenPORT, a repository where everyone can share all kinds of open access resources on gender and Covid 19.


The round table was chaired by Pastora Martínez, Vice-Rector for Globalization and Cooperation at the UOC. Together with Lídia Arroyo, the following speakers took part in the debate: Sílvia Cordomí, Director of Strategy and Quality at the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS), Toni Sanclement, designer of infographics and health data analyst, and Alexandre López-Borrull, professor and researcher in the Learning, Media and Entertainment Research Group (GAME) at the UOC’s Information and Communication Sciences Studies.


Watch the video of the round table here: