Maria del Carmen Gallego Arias

mari-carmen-gallegoI am a PhD Candidate at the Gender and ICT Research Programme at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3). I got my Bachelor Degree in Primary Education from the University of Extremadura in Badajoz (with minor in Foreign Languages) and my Official Master Degree in Intervention in Social Psychology from the University of Granada.

Currently, I got a full-time grant from the Generalitat de Catalunya, funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), to study a Doctoral Programme in the Information and Knowledge Society at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. My main research field is focused in learning how to teach science, technology, humanities, and social sciences without gender gaps: attitudes about how to become a primary and secondary teacher with a gender perspective.

Previously, I got a grant from Bancaja to do an internship at Universidad Autónoma de Baja California in Ensenada (México), where I was studying part of my Bachelor Degree, and I received an Erasmus grant to do an internship at University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu, where I was a teacher assistant of different academic studies and finished my Bachelor Degree.





Social: LinkedIn


FI Grant for Doctoral studies 





Sáinz, M. [Milagros], & Gallego, M. C. [María del Carmen] (2022). High school students’ sexist beliefs about academic abilities and women’s roles: The influence of School Specialization (Creencias sexistas de los estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria sobre las aptitudes académicas y el rol de las mujeres: la influencia de la especialización escolar). International Journal of Social Psychology, 37, 2, 383-411.


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