Knowledge transfer


Our research lines provide knowledge and evidence to support the design and implementation of gender equality policies in the ICT, STEM and R&I fields. In that regard, we usually collaborate with educational centers (primary, secondary and higher education), research groups and research organizations, gender equality units, public administrations (at regional, national and international level), companies and private organizations in the ICT and STEM sectors, policy makers, feminist and LGTBI movements, and organizations for digital inclusion.

GENTIC also provides feedback of its research results and key findings to the people and organizations who have participated in the research process.


Knowledge transfer to secondary education centers

In 2014, Gender and ICT finished the project EXPECTANCIES, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ref. FEM2011-2014117). Once completed, we provided feedback about the research outcomes to all participating centers by sending informative dossiers to every secondary school and organizing seminars addressed to students and teachers.



Knowledge transfer to higher education institutions

Our research lines provide knowledge and evidence to support the design and implementation of gender equality policies around the ICT, STEM and R&I fields. In that regard, the Equality Unit at the University of La Laguna (ULL) has used the EXPECTANCIES project’s results (Ref. FEM2011-2014117) to plan gender equality measures aimed at secondary and higher education institutions.



Intercambia Meeting

Milagros Sáinz, director of Gender and ICT, offered the keynote lecture in the XII Intercambia meeting, held in Madrid on 23 November 2016 and dedicated to the academic and occupational guidance to students. Sáinz showed current data on the masculinization of technological careers and occupations and highlighted the reasons that could explain vocational segregation.



Social Welfare Council of Barcelona

Lidia Arroyo was invited by the Social Welfare Council of the City of Barcelona to participate in its Ageing Working Group. The session took place on 21 June 2016 and tackled the potentialities that the information and communication technologies offer for enhancing elderly people’s social participation with a gender perspective.



Institut Català de les Dones (ICD)

Gender and ICT has signed a collaboration agreement with the Institut Català de les Dones (ICD) aimed at addressing the challenges related with the influence of sexism on secondary students’ academic motivations and educational choices.



Assessment & Training on LGTBI identities

The Manresa City Council and the Bages Regional Council have started to elaborate an LGTBI Plan which aims to transfer and develop at the local level the principles established in the Catalan Law 11/2014 against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. In this sense, one of the preliminary actions consist on making an indepth diagnosis in order to know what is the LGTBI reality of the region in its different dimensions: public space, work, leisure time, education, etc.. From this starting point, concrete actions will be implemented in a second stage, aimed at guaranteeing the rights of these groups and fostering a free sexual and affective diversity life experience, while eradicating discrimination.

This research will be carried out by Maria Rodó de Zárate, postdoctoral resercher at Gender and ICT, as principal investigator.



Proposals for the mobility plan of Ciutat Vella District (Barcelona)

Maria Rodó de Zárate participated as an expert in feminist geography in the participative process promoted by the Barcelona City Council in order to revise the diagnosis and define proposals for the Mobility Plan of the Ciutat Vella District, in Barcelona. The event took place on the 23rd of November 2017. 



Relief Maps

GenTIC has developed the digital version of Relief Maps, a methodology created by Maria Rodó de Zárate that allows the systematization and analysis of qualitative data for studying social inequalities from an intersectionality perspective, considering three dimensions: social (positions and identities of gender, social class, ethnicity, age, etc.), geography (places in daily life) and psychology (effects on emotions).

Know more about the project and check out the digital tool in the Relief Maps website.

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