Newspapers and news blogs







2024, September 12. UOC News. “Indigenous people’s knowledge could be essential for mitigating the climate crisis”. Ana María Noguera Durán, a new postdoctoral researcher at GenTIC, talks in this interview about the INDIWOMINT project (Indigenous Women Interconnecting Knowledge: Bodies, Territories, and Technologies for Life), with which she won the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA). The INDIWOMINT project focuses on the productive practices of indigenous women in the Amazonian regions of Brazil and Colombia and explores their relationship with nature. 

2024, March 11. El Marta Roqueta: “Tenir fills és un servei públic”. Interview with Marta Roqueta, journalist and predoctoral researcher at GenTIC, on the meaning of motherhood and parenting in the current context from a feminist perspective.

2024, March 8. Harpers Bazaar. De Carmen Calvo a Bebi Fernández: las expertas hablan sobre la fractura del feminismo (y cómo solucionarla). GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta talks in this magazine article about the diversity of perspectives within the feminist movement in Spain. 

2024, March 6. Blog dels Estudis d’Economia i Empresa. Cristina Delgado Bonet: “Arran del meu TFM estic més compromesa que mai a canviar estereotips i rols de gènere”. Interview with Cristina Delgado Bonet, winner of the 2023 Cecilia Castaño Prize in the Master’s Thesis category. Her research highlights the different perceptions that men and women have of women’s experiences of working in STEM. 

2024, February 28. UOC News. Ten ideas to make research gender equality plans inclusive. Rachel Palmén explains in this article the content of a recently published policy brief in the INSPIRE project, which provides conceptual clarifications and key recommendations for the implementation of inclusive gender equality policies and plans with an intersectional perspective.

2024, February 15. UOC News. “Students appreciate training in gender equality, but they don’t think they need it”. Interview with Cristina Miralles, a researcher awarded the 2023 Cecilia Castaño Award for best doctoral thesis on gender inequalities in science and technology, coordinated by GenTIC.

2024, February 13. UOC News. La UOC premia recerques i treballs sobre gènere. News about the joint award ceremony of the Cecilia Castaño Award for research on gender inequalities in science and technology (STEM), promoted by GenTIC, the Final Project with a Gender Perspective Awards of UOC’s Equality Unit, and the Equit@T Awards of UOC’s Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications.

2023, December 14. UOC News. “The biggest threat to equality is the attitude of the right against gender studies”. Interview with Rachel Palmén, a senior researcher at GenTIC and coordinator of the INSPIRE project. Rachel Palmén describes the activities developed during the first year of INSPIRE activities and introduces the forthcoming actions and next steps to create the INSPIRE Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research and Innovation. 

2023, December 5. UOC News. What does the digital gender divide entail? A UOC research study has shown that digital inclusion policies must be redefined in order to end digital inequalities. News article on the doctoral thesis authored by GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo. Lídia Arroyo‘s research analyzed digital inclusion policies from a gender and intersectional perspective, exploring how inequalities related to gender, social class, age, migrant origin, or sexual orientation impact women’s use of the internet and its implications.

2023, November 28. UOC News. Scientists believe that men do better than women in some spatial tasks and that virtual reality could be used to reduce the gap. The director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about how social beliefs and expectations about boys’ and girls’ intellectual skills are often unconscious and have an impact on gender differences in academic performance, on the occasion of an editorial co-authored by Pierre Bourdin, a researcher and professor of UOC’s Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications.

2023, October 26. UOC news. Female Computer Engineering students obtain better grades than their male counterparts and prefer more people-oriented specializations. The director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, reflects on the complex factors that explain the gender gap in science and technology in this news article on the occasion of a recently published research by a team of researchers from the UOC’s Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia, and Telecommunications.

2023, October 22. La voz de medina digital. Una investigación revela carencias en la ley de igualdad en la lucha contra la discriminación y vulnerabilidad laboral de las mujeres. News article on the doctoral thesis written by Fabio Zamarreño Méndez and co-supervised by Milagros Sáinz, which examined gender equality plans legislation and initiatives from an intersectional approach and developed a set of recommendations to create inclusive GEPs.

2023, October 20. RRHH Digital. La Ley de Igualdad no facilita suficientes herramientas contra la discriminación laboral de las mujeres, según un estudio. News article on the doctoral thesis written by Fabio Zamarreño Méndez and co-supervised by Milagros Sáinz, which examined gender equality plans legislation and initiatives from an intersectional approach and developed a set of recommendations to create inclusive GEPs.

2023, October 18. UOC News. According to a research project, Spain’s Equal Treatment Law does not provide enough tools to combat the discrimination and vulnerability experienced by women at work. News article on the doctoral thesis written by Fabio Zamarreño Méndez and co-supervised by the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz. Zamarreño’s research examined academic literature, legislation and gender equality plans from an intersectional approach and developed a set of recommendations to create inclusive GEPs.

2023, October 18. HECHOS DE HOY. La Ley de Igualdad no facilita suficientes herramientas contra la discriminación laboral de las mujeres. News article on the doctoral thesis written by Fabio Zamarreño Méndez and co-supervised by Milagros Sáinz, which examined gender equality plans legislation and initiatives from an intersectional approach and developed a set of recommendations to create inclusive GEPs.

2023, October 18. El mundo financiero. Una investigación concluye que la Ley de Igualdad no facilita suficientes herramientas contra la discriminación laboral de las mujeres. News article on the doctoral thesis written by Fabio Zamarreño Méndez and co-supervised by Milagros Sáinz, which examined gender equality plans legislation and initiatives from an intersectional approach and developed a set of recommendations to create inclusive GEPs.

2023, September 12. UOC News. Entries are now being accepted for the 2023 equit@T awards to get more young women studying on science and technology programmes. The director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, reflects on the importance of recognizing the contributions of women to various fields of knowledge on the occasion of the call for the Equit@T Awards for videos on gender and technology, promoted by UOC’s Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia, and Telecommunications to encourage girls to pursue degrees in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

2023, Septembre 3. ARA Balears. Rubiales eixampla la base del feminisme. GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo reflects in this press article on the Rubiales case and the impact of the social reaction to the forced kiss on Jenni Hermoso.

2023, August 21. ARA. Allau de crítiques a Rubiales pel petó no consentit a Jennifer Hermoso. GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez talks about the Rubiales case and highlights that his non-consensual kiss to football player Jennifer Hermoso was an act of sexual abuse of power.

2023, July 10. El Temps. Em preocupen els reaccionarismes que s’estan identificant a la CUP, ERC i Junts.  Interview with Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez regarding the emergence of reactionary discourses within the Catalan independentist movement.

2023, May. WELDING AND CUTTING. UN Women organisation: Increasing the number of women in technical professionsWelding and cutting, 1, 6-7. Magazine article about the paper “How to Address Stereotypes and Practices Limiting Access to STEM-Related Education for Women and Girls”, authored by Milagros Sáinz as an expert contribution to UN Women. 

2023, May 12. UOC News. Les competències digitals, clau per estendre l’ús educatiu de la xarxa. On the occasion of the Internet Day, on 17 May 2023, Milagros Sáinz, director of GENTIC, and Nati Cabrera, professor at the UOC’s Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, analyze digital skills as a key aspect to extend the educational use of Internet and how the gender gap persists in terms of Internet use.

2023, February 19. EL ESPAÑOL. No culpabilizar a las mujeres es la clave para aumentar su presencia en profesiones tecnológicas. Article about Milagros Sáinz’s Expert Paper on how to address stereotypes and practices limiting access to STEM-related education for women and girls, written as an invited contribution to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

2023, February 12. CANARIAS7. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 12. DIARIO DE NAVARRA. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields.

2023, February 12. IDEAL DE ALMERÍA. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields.

2023, February 12. SUR. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields.

2023, February 12. LAS PROVINCIAS. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields.

2023, February 12. LA VERDAD. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 12. LA RIOJA. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 12. EL DIARIO MONTAÑÉS. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 12. HOY EXTREMADURA. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 12. EL NORTE DE CASTILLA. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 12. IDEAL DE GRANADA. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 12. IDEAL DE JAÉN. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 12. HERALDO DE ARAGÓN. Ellos reparten el juego en televisión. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 11. ELCORREO.COM. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 11. DIARIOVASCO.COM. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 11. ELCOMERCIO.ES. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. In this article, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the lack of female presenters in television contests in relation to women’s exclusion as role models in scientific and cultural knowledge fields. 

2023, February 11. LAS PROVINCIAS.ES Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. DIARIOSUR.ES Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. LAVERDAD.ES Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. ELNORTEDECASTILLA.ES Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. IDEAL.ES Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. HOY.ES Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. CANARIAS7.ES. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. ELDIARIOMONTANES.ES. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. LEONOTICIAS.COM. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. LARIOJA.COM. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. BURGOSCONECTA.ES. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. SALAMANCAHOY.ES. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 11. TODOALICANTE.ES. Ellos reparten el juego: los concursos de televisión solo tienen rostro de varón. GenTIC’s director, Milagros Sáinz, talks about the root causes of women’s lack of participation  in TV contests.

2023, February 10. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC ESPAÑA. Datos que demuestran la brecha de género en la ciencia. Article by Aitana Palomar on the gender gap in science which refers to the Expert Paper elaborated by Milagros Sáinz for UN Women on how to address stereotypes and practices limiting access to STEM-related education for women and girls.

2023, February 10. ¡Hola! Milagros Sáinz, experta en roles de género, explica por qué las niñas no eligen asignaturas y carreras STEM. Interview with GenTIC’s director Milagros Sáinz on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Sáinz explains the diverse reasons why girls do not choose STEM subjects and careers, and makes recommendations to reverse the situation.

2023, February 10. El País. Del efecto Matilda a las científicas de hoy: así se ayuda a visibilizar las contribuciones de la mujer a la ciencia. On the occassion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Milagros Sáinz is interviewed in this article to reflect on the so-called “Matilda effect” and how to increase the visibility of women’s contributions in science and technology throughout history. 

2023, February 10. Revista Haz. Eliminar estereotipos en la educación, clave para que haya más mujeres en la ciencia. Article about Milagros Sáinz’s Expert Paper on how to address stereotypes and practices limiting access to STEM-related education for women and girls, written as an invited contribution to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

2023, February 10. Computer World España. “Es preciso que tengamos tolerancia cero con los sesgos conscientes e inconscientes de género”. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in which she talks about how to reduce the gender gap in STEM and ICT fields.

2023, February 7. UOC News. Especial Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena en la Ciència – 11 de febrer. On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February 2023, UOC’s Bulletin compiles diverse news on the GenTIC research group activities.

2023, February 2. INDISA. No culpabilizar a las mujeres, clave para aumentar su presencia en profesiones tecnológicas. Article about the Expert Paper elaborated by Milagros Sáinz as an invited contribution to the Commission on the Status of Women of UN Women on how to address stereotypes and practices limiting access to STEM-related education for women and girls. 

2023, February 2. RRHH DIGITAL (ONLINE). HORIGESTEM, proyecto que promueve la igualdad de género en la investigación y en innovación científica. In this article, Milagros Sáinz talks about the goals of the research project HORIGESTEM, aimed to analyze the influence of female role models in STEM fields to increase girls’ interest in scientific and technological fields.

2023, February 2. LADO.MX. No culpabilizar a las mujeres, clave para aumentar su presencia en profesiones tecnológicas. Article about the Expert Paper elaborated by  Milagros Sáinz, director of Gentic, as an invited contribution to UN women in which she analyzes the causes and consequences of the barriers that prevent gender equality in STEM, and provide with  recommendations to address them. 

2023, February 1. PHYSORG.COM. Not Blaming Women Is Key To Increasing Their Presence In Tech Professions, Says Researcher. Article about Milagros Sáinz’s Expert Paper on how to address stereotypes and practices limiting access to STEM-related education for women and girls, written as an invited contribution to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

2023, February 1. DESDE PUEBLA (ONLINE). No culpabilizar a las mujeres, clave para aumentar su presencia en profesiones tecnológicas. Article about Milagros Sáinz’s Expert Paper on how to address stereotypes and practices limiting access to STEM-related education for women and girls, written as an invited contribution to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

2023, February 1. CÓDICE INFORMATIVO (ONLINE). No culpabilizar a las mujeres, clave para aumentar su presencia en profesiones tecnológicas. Article about Milagros Sáinz’s Expert Paper on how to address stereotypes and practices limiting access to STEM-related education for women and girls, written as an invited contribution to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

2023, February 1. MURCIA.COM. No culpabilizar a las mujeres, clave para aumentar su presencia en profesiones tecnológicas. Article about Milagros Sáinz’s Expert Paper on how to address stereotypes and practices limiting access to STEM-related education for women and girls, written as an invited contribution to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

2023, February 1. La Vanguardia. Eliminar estereotipos desde educación, clave para aumentar mujeres en ciencia. Press article about the content of Milagros Sáinz’s Expert Paper entitled “How to Address Stereotypes and Practices Limiting Access to STEM-Related Education for Women and Girls”, published by UN Women as an invited contribution to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

2023, February 1. UOC News. Not blaming women is key to increasing their presence in tech professions. Article about Milagros Sáinz’s Expert Paper entitled “How to Address Stereotypes and Practices Limiting Access to STEM-Related Education for Women and Girls”, published by UN Women as an invited contribution to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. In this article, Milagros Sáinz reflects on how to overcome existing barriers and promote equal access and opportunities in STEM-related fields for women and girls. (English) (Catalan) (Spanish)

2023, January 26. UOC News. “It’s a fascinating moment in time to study the reasons behind gender differences in the STEM fields”. Interview with Izaskun Zuazu, the first prize winner of the Cecilia Castaño Award 2022 for research on gender inequalities in science and technology. (English) (Catalan) (Spanish)

2023, January 10. IN3 Blog. The family, abuse and vulnerabilities, in the spotlight of artists and academic experts. Blog post about the first round table discussion in the series entitled “The family (or the family?)”, co-organized by the UOC and Sala Beckett. GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo participated as an invited speaker at this round table to discuss issues such as sexual and sexist abuse within families around the play El cor del desig, an adaptation of Caryl Churchill’s play Heart’s Desire, directed by Lucia Del Greco.

2023, January 10. Todo comunica – EIMT Blog. Familia, abusos y vulnerabilidades, en el punto de mira de artistas y expertos académicos. Sumary of the first round table discussion in the series entitled “The family (or the family?)”, co-organized by the UOC and Sala Beckett. GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo participated as an invited speaker at this round table to discuss issues such as sexual and sexist abuse within families around the play El cor del desig, an adaptation of Caryl Churchill’s play Heart’s Desire, directed by Lucia Del Greco. [Spanish] [Catalan]

2022, December 22. UOC R&I News. Resolution about the Cecilia Castaño Award 2022. News about jury’s decision on the first edition of the Cecilia Castaño Award, launched by GenTIC at the UOC to promote research oriented to study gender inequalities in ICT and STEM. (Catalan) (English) (Spanish)

2022, December 14. IN3 Blog. Redefining excellence, the key to ensuring gender equality in research. Blog post about the seminar ‘Moving beyond diagnoses: gender equality and incorporation of female talent in higher education, research and university management’, co-organised by the Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo (UIMP), the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) and the Catalan Public University Association (ACUP). GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller participated in this seminar as an invited speaker to discuss how to transform university institutions to incorporate a gender perspective.

2022, November 23. UOC News. How to put an end to gender biases in internet algorithms. Article on the main findings of a paper about sexist and gender biases in algorithms co-authored by GenTIC researchers Milagros Sáinz and Sergi Yanes together with a transdisciplinary team of researchers including members of the ICSO research group of the IN3. The publication addresses how internet algorithms reproduce gender biases and provides a series of recommendations to minimize them. (English) (Catalan) (Spanish)

2022, November 17. Blog dels Estudis d’Arts i Humanitats UOC. La família, a debat en el nou cicle de la UOC i la Sala Beckett. Blog post about the cycle of round tables “La família (or la família?)”, organized by Sala Beckett and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya to facilitate a meeting point between academic thinking and dramaturgy about the concept of family. GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo participates in two of the round tables: “Rols, abusos i vulnerabilitats” (November 18, 2022), linked to the theatre play El desig del cor, and  “Les altres famílies” (November 24, 2022), linked to the theatre play Tocar mare.

2022, November 11. INNOVA SPAIN. INSPIRE. Promover la igualdad en la investigación y la investigación sobre igualdad. Article on the launch of INSPIRE, a new research project funded by Horizon Europe which is coordinated by GenTIC and led by Rachel Palmén as principal investigator.

2022, November 4. Fulls d’Enginyeria. La UOC crea un nou premi per a treballs de recerca sobre desigualtats en les STEM. Blog post on the first edition of the Cecilia Castaño Award for research on gender inequalities in science and technology, promoted by GenTIC to advance gender equality in ICT and STEM fields.

2022, November 4. La precariedad laboral en las primeras fases de la carrera investigadora es más habitual entre mujeres. News article about the start of the Horizon Europe project INSPIRE, coordinated by GenTIC and led by Rachel Palmén as principal investigator.

2022, November 3. UOC News. Less women in scientific production, a reality of the COVID-19 lockdown. Article on the main findings of a research study co-authored by GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller together with members of the “Women in Science” working group of the Can Ruti Campus. The paper has been published in Frontiers in Psychology and analyses the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown in a biomedical research campus from a gender perspective, based on surveys conducted on 147 researchers between July and October 2020. (English) (Catalan) (Spanish)

2022, November 28. IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute. Less women in scientific production, a reality of the COVID-19 lockdown. News blog post on the IrsiCaixa website summarizing the conclusions of a study co-authored by GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller and members of the “Women in Science” working group of the Can Ruti Campus, which has explored the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown in the scientific production and other academic activities of a biomedical research campus from a gender perspective. (English) (Catalan) (Spanish)

2022, October 28. MURCIA.COM. El presidente Aragonès y el rector Planell inauguran el nuevo edificio de investigación de la UOC en el distrito 22@ de Barcelona. Article on the inauguration of the UOC’s Research Hub, including a presentation of the INSPIRE project by GenTIC researcher Rachel Palmén.

2022, October 28.  ELPERIODICO.COM. La UOC estrena un Hub tecnológico en el 22@ en su 25 aniversario. Article on the inauguration of the UOC’s Research Hub, including a presentation of the INSPIRE project by GenTIC researcher Rachel Palmén.

2022, October 26. UOC News. UOC to coordinate new European centre of excellence for gender equality in research. In this article by Juan F. Samaniego at UOC News, GenTIC researcher Rachel Palmén explains the goals of INSPIRE, a new Horizon Europe project coordinated by GenTIC and led by Rachel Palmén as principal investigator, which will generate new knowledge and provide support for innovative practices to promote inclusive gender equality in research and innovation. (English) (Catalan) (Spanish)

2022, October 26. EUREKALERT! New European Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality in Research. Article on the launch of INSPIRE, a new research project funded by Horizon Europe which is coordinated by GenTIC and led by researcher Rachel Palmén as principal investigator.

2022, October 26. PHARMATECH. La UOC coordinará un nuevo centro de excelencia europeo de igualdad de género en la investigación. Article on the launch of INSPIRE, a new research project funded by Horizon Europe which is coordinated by GenTIC and led by researcher Rachel Palmén as principal investigator.

2022, October 26. PORTAL DE LA INDUSTRIA QUÍMICA. La UOC coordinará un nuevo centro de excelencia europeo de igualdad de género en la investigación. Article on the launch of INSPIRE, a new research project funded by Horizon Europe which is coordinated by GenTIC and led by researcher Rachel Palmén as principal investigator.

2022, October 26. ALPHA GALILEO. Nuevo centro de excelencia europeo de igualdad de género en la investigación (online, Latin America). Article on the launch of INSPIRE, a new research project funded by Horizon Europe which is coordinated by GenTIC and led by researcher Rachel Palmén as principal investigator.

2022, October 26. ALPHA GALILEO. New European centre of excellence for gender equality in research (online, Europe). Article on the launch of INSPIRE, a new research project funded by Horizon Europe which is coordinated by GenTIC and led by researcher Rachel Palmén as principal investigator.

2022, October 26. MURCIA.COM. La UOC coordinará un nuevo centro de excelencia europeo de igualdad de género en la investigación. Article on the launch of INSPIRE, a new research project funded by Horizon Europe which is coordinated by GenTIC and led by researcher Rachel Palmén as principal investigator.

2022, October 26. LA REPÚBLICA. La UOC coordinarà un nou centre d’excel·lència europeu d’igualtat de gènere en la recerca. Article on the launch of INSPIRE, a new research project funded by Horizon Europe which is coordinated by GenTIC and led by researcher Rachel Palmén as principal investigator.

2022, October 24. ACUP. “Més enllà dels diagnòstics: igualtat de gènere i incorporació del talent femení a l’educació superior, la investigació i la gestió universitària”. Chronicle on the Course: “Beyond diagnoses: Equality of management and incorporation of female talent in higher education, research and university management”, organized on October 5-6 by the CUIMPB-Centre Ernest Lluch in collaboration with the Global Network of Universities for Innovation (GUNi) and the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP). Jörg Müller participated as an invited speakar to discuss how to approach the transformation of university institutions to incorporate the gender perspective and what we can learn from European experiences.

2022, September 22. The Conversation. En cours d’éducation physique, ces stéréotypes qui pénalisent les filles. French edition of the opinion article written by the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, for The Conversation. In the text, Milagros Sáinz reflects on the stereotypes and expectations linked to gender roles that impact on the unequal participation of women and men in sports.

2022, September 18. The Conversation. La brecha de género en el deporte y su desarrollo en el aula. Article by the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, on how stereotypes and expectations linked to gender roles influence the unequal participation of women and men in sports.

2022, September 14. El Periódico de Catalunya. Uno de cada tres investigadores en la UE son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller explains in this press article the results of the CASPER project in exploring the feasibility of different scenarios for establishing a European certification system for gender equality in research organisations.

2022, September 13. UOC News. Universities can do more to support their students with disabilities. Efrem Melián, doctoral student in Education and ICT at the UOC, and Julio Meneses, researcher at GenTIC and associate professor at the UOC’s Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, talk about their recent study to explore the experiences of students with disabilities at the UOC to understand the potential and possible shortcomings of online education.

2022, September 1. IN3 Blog. A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research. Rachel Palmén and Jörg Müller present the contents of the book they have edited and recently published by Routledge A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research. The publication documents the experiences and lessons learned in setting up eight Communities of Practice in the ACT project to further gender equality in R&I organisations and higher education.

2022, July 21. IN3 Blog. Desired immobility and hypermobility. Alisa Petroff, a postdoctoral researcher at GenTIC, summarizes in this IN3 Blog post the findings of her research on the labour trajectories of skilled migrants in the IT sector and the dynamics of digital platforms in the gig economy.

2022, July 15. VilaWeb. ‘Sugar daddies’: una forma de prostitució que arriba per TikTok? GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta is interviewed in this article by Marina Arbós to reflect on how social networks have contributed to the popularization of ‘sugar dating’ relationships.

2022, July 1. UOC News. Health, equity and gender: can digitization narrow the gaps in access to healthcare? Summary of the key insights shared in the webinar Exploring the nexus between health, equity, and gender, organized by the global cluster of universities for Sustainable Development Goal 3, led by the UOC through its eHealth Center and the International Association of Universities (IAU). GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo was one of the invited experts who participated in this webinar to reflect on how equity is related to health and, specifically, what the relationship between gender equity and health is. (English) (Catalan) (Spanish)

2022, June 22. La brecha salarial, esa discriminación de las mujeres que “existe” y en la que “está en juego la propia democracia”. Chronicle by Belén Ferreras on the I Congreso sobre Brecha Salarial [1st Congress on the Gender Pay Gap]. In this event, organized by the Department of Labor and Employment of the Basque Government in Bilbao on June 22-23, the director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, gave an invited conference on gender bias in the study choices and the influence of gender roles and stereotypes.

2022, June 16. IN3 Blog. The UOC is taking part in the development of a European certificate for gender equality in research and innovation. Blog post by Lorena Farràs about the H2020 project CASPER, which has explored three possible scenarios for a future European certification or recognition system for promoting gender equality in research and innovation. GenTIC researchers Jörg Müller, Lídia Arroyo and Rachel Palmén have been part of the CASPER project research team.

2022, June 7. BARCELONADOT. Mujeres europeas en la ciencia y la tecnología: el reto de la escasa representación. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, June 6. CONSALUD.ES. Mujeres europeas en la ciencia y la tecnología: el reto de la escasa representación. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, June 1. YAHOO! NOTICIAS. Solo un tercio del personal de investigación en la Unión Europea son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 31. PHYSORG.COM. Women make up only a third of Europe’s research staff. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 31. FARMESPAÑA INDUSTRIAL. Tan solo un tercio del personal investigador en Europa son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 31. ALPHA GALILEO. Solo un tercio del personal investigador de Europa son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 31. ALPHA GALILEO. Women make up only a third of Europe’s research staff. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 31. LA FLECHA. Solo un tercio del personal investigador de Europa son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 31. EUREKALERT! Women make up only a third of Europe’s research staff. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 30. UOC news. Women make up only a third of Europe’s research staff. In this article by Lorena Farràs at UOC News, Jörg Müller talks about the CASPER project’s work to improve gender equality in research and innovation by studying the feasibility of implementing diferent certification systems in the European Union. (English) (Catalan) (Spanish)

2022, May 30. DIARIO ROTATIVO. Solo un tercio del personal de investigación en la Unión Europea son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 30. LA TRIBUNA. Solo un tercio del personal de investigación en la Unión Europa son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 30. NAIZ.INFO. Solo un tercio del personal de investigación en la Unión Europa son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 30. COPE. Solo un tercio del personal de investigación en la Unión Europa son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 30. CONSALUD.ES. Solo un tercio del personal de investigación en la Unión Europa son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 30. HECHOS DE HOY. Solo un tercio del personal investigador de Europa son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 30. MURCIA.COM. Solo un tercio del personal investigador de Europa son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, May 30. CIBERSUR.COM. Solo un tercio del personal investigador de Europa son mujeres. GenTIC researcher Jörg Müller reflects in this article on gender inequalities in the research and innovation system and the CASPER project research results.

2022, April 29. La Vanguardia. La infravaloració de les mateixes dones llasta el seu accés als graus tecnològics. The director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, reflects in this article by Josep Fita in the newspaper La Vanguardia on the factors that explain the lack of women in technological studies and occupations, such as the tendency of girls to underestimate their abilities in technological fields and the lack of female referents with which they can identify in these areas. (Catalan) (Spanish).

2022, April 7. IN3 Blog. Gender bias in Wikipedia. Blog post co-authored by Julio Meneses, a researcher at GenTIC and professor of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), David Ramírez-Ordóñez, PhD student of Information and Knowledge Society at UOC, and Núria Ferran-Ferrer, a professor of the University of Barcelona, on diverse research projects on Wikipedia and gender: “WAWW – Where Are the Women in Wikipedia?” (2018), “Women & Wikipedia” (2021), and the doctoral research: Wikipedia and gender.

2022, March 30. SPEAR project blog. What can we expect from an EU certification scheme for gender equality? Some reflections from the CASPER project. Blog post by Jörg Müller, a senior researcher at GenTIC and member of the H2020 project CASPER, on the CASPER research findings regarding the feasibility of establishing a European award/certification system for gender equality for Research Performing Organizations.

2022, March 16. Horizon. The EU Research and Innovation Magazine. Addressing gender inequalities in research through institutional change. Jörg Müller, a senior researcher at GenTIC and coordinator of the H2020 project ACT, is interviewed in this article at Horizon. The EU Research and Innovation Magazine of the European Commission, to talk about persistent gender imbalances in academic and research organisations and how to address institutional change.

2022, March 16. LA VANGUARDIA. Educación crítica para desmontar los estereotipos. Article by Milagros Sáinz, director of GenTIC, on the role of education, both by families and teachers, to dismantle gender stereotypes and promote equal opportunities in study and occupational choices.

2022, March 15. LSE Impact Blog. As gender equality becomes a priority for EU research funding, does Europe need Athena SWAN? Blog post co-authored by Jörg Müller, a senior at GenTIC, and Charoula Tzanakou, senior lecturer at Oxford Brookes University, on the lessons learnt from the international experience of implementing the Athena SWAN charter for establishing a European certification on gender equality in research organisations. Based on the study carried out in the framework of the H2020 project CASPER. 

2022, March 3. LA VANGUARDIA. No a violencia machista, Sí a la diversidad sexual y al poliamor ¿Hacia dónde va el feminismo juvenil? GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo is interviewed in this article by Lorena Ferro in La Vanguardia to reflect on the main feminist concerns and demands of young women nowadays.

2022, February 11. Sáinz (UOC): las reglas del juego en las carreras de ciencias son para ellos. In this interview, Milagros Sáinz, director of the Gender and ICT research programme, talks about the gender inequalities and biases that hinder women’s career progression in science.

2022, February 10. UOC News.  The UOC announces a video award to encourage women to study STEM subjects. The director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, talks about gender stereotypes around STEM fields on the occasion of the international Equit@T video awards, launched by the UOC’s Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications.

2022, February 4. PlayGround. Megan Fox, Machine Gun Kelly y un anillo de compromiso con espinas: los peligros de relacionar el amor con el dolor. Article by Berta Gómez in which GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez is interviewed to reflect on the stereotypes of romantic love and the risks of associating love and suffering.

2022, January 17. UOC News. From self-confidence to empathy: interpersonal skills are key to social innovation in organizations. Article at UOC News about the results of the transnational study coordinated by Lídia Arroyo in the framework of the +RESILIENT project. The research identified and analysed the individual skills and the organizational factors that are relevant to promote inclusive social and digital innovation in resilient organisations. (English) (Spanish) (Catalan)

2022, January 13. Fundació Bofill. “Si ho deixem tot a la inèrcia, les nenes no es dedicaran a la tecnologia”. In this article by Mireia Rom for the Fundació Bofill blog, Milagros Sáinz talks about the influence of gender stereotypes and academic sexism in the persistent gender gap in STEAM fields.