Juliet Webster

Director of GenTIC from 2011 to 2015

Foto Juliet WebsterI am a social scientist with a research background in the gender equality issues involved in the development and use of information and communication technologies, particularly in the workplace. My current research addresses European Union measures to advance women in science and technology, including in these professions. My past work has examined gender equality policy issues in the development of the knowledge society, the implementation of equality strategies by employers, and workplace measures to achieve pay.

I have held positions at the universities of Edinburgh, East London, Vienna, and at Trinity College in Dublin. I have worked as a gender expert in the European Commission DG Employment in Brussels, and as a Director of the Involvement and Participation Association (IPA) in the UK. I regularly provide research and consulting advice to the European Commission and European Parliament.


Email: equality.research@debeauvoir.co.uk
Social: LinkedIn


My books include

Webster, J. [Juliet], & Randle, K. [Keith] (Eds.) (2016). Virtual Workers and the Global Labour Market. Palgrave Macmillan London. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-47919-8

Castaño, C. [Cecilia], & Webster, J. [Juliet] (Dirs.) (2014). Género, ciencia y tecnologías de la información. Aresta.

Ducatel, K. [Ken], Webster, J. [Juliet], & Herrmann, W. [Wener] (Eds.) (2000). The Information Society in Europe: Work and Life in an Age of Globalisation. Rowman and Littlefield.

Webster, J. [Juliet]. (1996). Shaping Women’s Work. Gender, Employment and Information Technology. Addison Wesley Longman Limited.

Webster, J. [Juliet]. (1990). Office Automation: the Labour Process and Women’s Work in Britain. Harvester Wheatsheaf.


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