About GenTIC



The Gender and ICT research group was established in 2006 in the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya to identify and analyse the gender relations involved in the design, development and use of scientific and technological innovations, with a particular focus on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

We tackle the mutual shaping of Internet, ICTs and human activity, from a gender perspective using an interdisciplinary approach. The team is at the forefront of creating and advancing knowledge regarding the continued importance of gender as a structuring principle of contemporary societies and social relations. In this way, we provide new insights to emerging societal challenges by incorporating a gender dimension. We address the different phases of the research cycle ranging from basic research to more applied activities such as the design and evaluation of policies, elaborating key recommendations, or developing RRI and public engagement initiatives.

Gender and ICT is currently a Consolidated Research Group of Catalonia (2021 SGR 01032) and is active in projects at regional, national and international level.

Main research lines:

  • Gendered factors shaping young people’s motivations to choose ICT and STEM studies and occupations. The development of gender roles and stereotypes about ICT and STEM occupations during childhood and adolescence
  • Co-design, analysis and evaluation/impact assessment of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies, particularly in the R&I system
  • Feminist research design and methods in the digital age
  • Health and care in the future society from a feminist approach
  • Digitalization and gender
  • Power relations and organisational change