Gloria García-Romeral

Research Assistant at GenTIC from 2018 to 2020

I graduated in Political Science and Sociology at Universidad de Granada, and obtained my MSc in Social Research and PhD in Sociology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. I have been a visiting researcher at the Université Catholique de Louvaine and the Università degli Studi di Padova.


My research focuses on the intersection of gender, public policies, and religious and cultural diversity. I currently work as a researcher at the Gender Studies Research Group (GETLIHC), as a project manager at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (CEIG) and as a lecturer at the Pedagogy Department at the Universitat de Vic (UVic-UCC).



Social: LinkedInAcademia.eduGoogleScholarTwitter


Selected publications

Coll-Planas, G. [Gerard], Garcia-Romeral, G. [Gloria], & Masi, B. [Belén]. (2022). The Incorporation of Cultural and Religious Diversity in LGBT Policies: Experiences of Queer Migrants from Muslim Backgrounds in Catalonia, Spain. Religions, 13(1), 36.

Coll-Planas, G. [Gerard], Garcia-Romeral, [Gloria], & Marti Plademunt, B. [Blai]. (2021). Doing, being and verbalizing: Narratives of queer migrants from Muslim backgrounds in Spain. Sexualities, 24(8), 984-1002.

Martínez-Ariño, J. [Julia], García-Romeral, G. [Gloria], Ubasart-González, G. [Gemma], & Griera, M. [Mar]. (2015). Demonopolization and dislocation: (re-) negotiating the place and role of religion in Spanish prisons. Social Compass, 62(1), 3-21.

Buchardt, M. [Marian], Griera, M. [Mar], & García-Romeral, G. [Gloria]. (2015). Narrating Liberal Rights and Culture: Muslim Face Veiling, Urban Coexistence and Contention in Spain. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JMES), 41(7), 1068-1087.

García-Romeral, G. [Gloria], & Griera, M. [Mar]. (2014). Politics and religion beyond national borders: the activity of Spanish MEPs on religious issues. Religion, State & Society, 42(2-3), 266-282.


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