Newspapers and blogs 2018-2019





2019-2018 2017-2016


2019, 23 December.  UOC News. ¿Cómo escoger un juguete de ciencia y tecnología sin connotaciones de género? Milagros Sáinz, director at GenTIC, and María Antònia Huertas, professor at the UOC Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications) underline the importance to promote non-sexist games during childhood and explain how to choose toys that encourage the scientific and technological abilities of girls and boys. (Spanish)

2019, 12 October. Ara. Dones que manen: el canvi més necessari en les esferes de poder. Lidia Arroyo comments on the characteristics and benefits of female leadership, a leadership style linked to values traditionally associated with women, and remarks that it could also be exercised by men. (Catalan)

2019, 11 October. ABC. El futuro laboral de las niñas peligra. Milagros Sáinz highlights the causes of the lack of technological vocations in girls and young women and the impact it might have on their job opportunities. (Spanish)

2019, 8 October. UOC News. La manca de vocació tècnica de les nenes posa en perill el seu futur laboral. Milagros Sáinz underlines the influence of gender roles and stereotypes in higher education choices. (Catalan) The Spanish version is available here.

2019, 7 October. El Diari de la Sanitat. Incorporar la perspectiva de gènere en salut per erradicar tota desigualtat: prioritat per l’ICS. Chronicle of the workshop “Let’s incorporate a gender perspective in health” at the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS), which included a presentation by Jörg Müller on the social sciences approach to sex and gender and the relevance of integrating the gender dimension in healthcare. (Catalan)

2019, 4 October. Institut Català de la Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya. Més de 150 professionals participen en la primera Jornada de l’ICS per incorporar la perspectiva de gènere en salut. Chronicle on the first workshop organised by the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS) on the integration of the gender dimension in healthcare, which included a presentation by Jörg Müller. (Catalan)

2019, 16 July. Innovamos. Revista de Divulgación Educativa. Se buscan ingenieras, físicas y tecnólogas. Article on the book ¿Por qué no hay más mujeres STEM? Se buscan ingenieras, físicas y tecnólogas, which collects the results of a research project funded by Fundación Telefónica and directed by Milagros Sáinz. (Spanish)

2019, 6 July. La Vanguardia. Una universidad holandesa decide contratar sólo a mujeres. La TU de Eindhoven, referente en la UE, dirige su oferta de empleo al talento femenino durante seis meses. Lidia Arroyo highlights the structural change measures of positive discrimination implemented by TU Eindhoven to address gender inequalities. (Spanish)

2019, 4 July. CTecno. Ezmorzar-networking: Visibilitzar les dones TIC canviarà el futur de la tecnologia. Chronicle of the networking session and event “La propera revolució digital: les dones TIC”, organised by the Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya (CTecno) in collaboration with Barcelona Activa. (Catalan)

2019, 22 May. Vilaweb. Maria Rodó: ‘Barcelona és dissenyada pels homes i per als homes’. Interview with Maria Rodó Zárate analysing gender bias in Barcelona’s urban design. (Catalan)

2019, 16 April. UOC News. El futuro profesorado aún tiene estereotipos sobre las competencias de las mujeres en las TICMaría del Carmen Gallego explains the preliminary results of her doctoral thesis on the persistence of gender stereotypes in pre-service teachers. (Spanish)

2019, 4 April. Observatori de la comunicació a Catalunya-INCOM UAB. Entrevista a Lidia Arroyo Prieto Gènere i el sector de les TIC. Lidia Arroyo reflects on gender, technology, empowerment, equality and labour market. (Catalan)

2019, 28 March. Bulletin of the Spanish Scientific Society of Social Psychology. Seminario con Janet Hyde en Barcelona. Reference to the Seminar and links to the interviews with Janet Hyde published by Catalan media. (Spanish)

2019, 26 March. ‘Economistas frente a la crisis’ Blog/ El Feminismo y el Progreso. Cecilia Castaño elaborates on the current feminist tide, its achievements, challenges, and reflects on the inequalities of the labour market. (Spanish)

2019, 11 March. SModa, El País. Pros y contras de ser ‘freelance’: el modo de trabajo que mira al futuro. Lidia Arroyo on the ‘gig economy’ and freelance jobs from a gender perspective. (Spanish)

2019, 8 March. IN3 Blog. The UOC breaks gender stereotypes at the Youth Mobile Festival.  Maria del Carmen Gallego and Efrem Melián, from GenTIC, gave a workshop for young students in the framework of the YoMo Festival, aimed at tackling gender stereotypes in science and technology. (English)

2019, 5 March. IN3 Blog. Young women’s interest in STEM. Why should we worry?. Milagros Sáinz introduces GenTIC to the recently launched IN3 blog, emphasizing the importance of having more women in STEM fields. (English)

2019, 4 March. El Diario Montañés. La inclusión digital empodera a las mujeres, pero no mejora su posición laboral. Press article that analyses the findings of Lidia Arroyo‘s research on the impact of digital inclusion programmes for effective equal opportunities in the labour market.

2019, 4 March. UOC News. La inclusió digital apodera les dones, però no en millora la posició laboral. Lidia Arroyo elaborates on digital skills, women and labour market. (Catalan)

2019, 28 February. El País. ¿Dónde están las mujeres? El desafío de lograr la igualdad en el MWC. Lidia Arroyo refers to the scarce presence of women in the Congress, especially in the decision making positions. (Spanish)

2019, 12 February. El Periódico. Janet Hyde: “Reivindicar que hombres y mujeres somos iguales se ha convertido en una idea radical”Janet Hyde questions common beliefs about psychological differences between women and men, based on her extensive research . (Spanish)

2019, 17 January. Ara. Una cosa buena de Trump es que ha hecho renacer el movimiento feminista en EEUU. Janet Hyde explains why gender stereotypes are so pervasive and how to tackle its influence on girls’ choices and expectancy values. (Spanish)

2018, 1 December. El País. Quiero ser científica como tú. Milagros Sáinz refers to the influence of gender roles and education on the different expectations of girls and boys (Spanish)

2018, 15 November. UOC EPCE Blog. El impacto de las políticas de inclusión digital en la posición de las mujeres en el mercado de trabajo. Blog post by Elsa Santamaría López on the results of the research carried out by Lidia Arroyo in which she analyses the impact of the adquisition of digital competencies for employability from a gender perspective (Spanish)

2018, 21 November. UOC News. Expertas recomiendan formar al profesorado y promover debates en las aulas para frenar la violencia de género en las escuelas. Maria Rodó Zárate explores how to tackle gender violence in schools from a holistic perspective. (Spanish)

2018, 6 September. funcasBLOG. Brecha y sesgos de género en la elección de estudios y profesiones en la educación secundaria. Blog post by Milagros Sáinz and Julio Meneses on the influence of secondary teachers and families’ gender biases on sex segregation in study choices. (Spanish)

2018, 7 August. El País. ¿Por qué ellas no eligen carreras técnicas? Si bien hay carreras paritarias como Química, Medicina y Biología, faltan alumnas en otras como Física, Informática e ingenierías. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the lack of representation of women in STEM fields and its consequences (Spanish).

2018, 26 July. AmecoPress. Información para la igualdad. Sexismo, estereotipos y acoso machista en la comunidad, ¿ha cambiado la industria del videojuego? Lidia Arroyo reflects on the impacts of sexist, misogynist and violent contents in video games (Spanish).

2018, 28 June. UOC EPCE Blog. Un estudi sobre la poca presència d’editores a la Wikipedia vol reduir el biaix en aquesta font d’informació clau. Julio Meneses and Sergi Fàbregues take part in this study that focus on the reasons why so few women act as editors in Wikipedia.

2018, 27 June. Regió 7. El Bages proposa setanta actes contra la discriminació de les persones LGTBI. Presentation of the LGTBI Plan of the Bages Regional Council, elaborated by researcher Maria Rodó Zárate based on a diagnosis on homophobia, biphobia and transphobia (Catalan).

2018, 19 June. El Mundo. Sueños de ‘start up’ hechos realidad. Maria Rodó Zárate participates in the #SpinUOC 2018 event and presents “Relief Maps”, among seven other UOC projects (Spanish).

2018, 29 May. El Mundo. Faltan profesionales con conocimientos tecnológicos y científicos, sobre todo, mujeres. Milagros Sáinz points at persistent gender stereotypes among the main reasons for women’s underrepresentation in STEM occupations (Spanish)

2018, 2 May. Regió7. El col·lectiu LGTBI percep el Bages com una comarca conservadora. Maria Rodó Zárate takes part in the presentation of the diagnosis regarding the situation of the LGTBI collective in the Bages Region (Catalan)

2018, 17 March. ARA Balears. Maria Rodó de Zárate: “Saber-te opressor és sempre complicat d’admetre i gestionar”. Interview with Maria Rodó Zárate on the feminist theory of intersectionality and Relief Maps as a methodological tool (Catalan)

2018, 10 March. La Vanguardia. Tras el 8-M, ¿y ahora qué?. Lidia Arroyo comments on the mobilisation around the International Day of Women in Spain (Spanish)

2018, 15 February. El Diario. “Los planes de igualdad son sólo declarativos”. Interiew with Cecilia Castaño about the situation of women in scientific and technological fields, and the factors that impede effective gender equality (Spanish)

2018, 2 February. Ara. Criatures.“L’educació no sexista, base per prevenir assetjaments sexuals”. Milagros Sáinz and Lidia Arroyo offer recommendations for enhancing children’s education on gender equality and preventing sexist violence (Catalan)


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