Claudio Durán

My name is Claudio Durán, I am 39 years old and I am originally from Bolivia, although I lived almost 14 years in Barcelona (Spain) and I have dual Bolivian/Spanish nationality. I am currently a physician in the Critical Care Department at the Univalle Hospital, in Bolivia, and a PhD student in the Health and Psychology Research program at the Gender and ICT research group (GenTIC) of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

My degree in medicine was completed in my home country, Bolivia, at the University del Valle. I studied for the degree for 6 years obtaining the title of Bachelor in Medicine (2008), which was homologated by the Spanish Ministry of Education. Later on, I decided to do a medical specialization in Spain. I prepared and passed the MIR exam in 2008, which allowed me to choose a place in a hospital in the city of Barcelona. I decided to specialize in Intensive Care Medicine because it encompasses the patient multidisciplinary. I completed the residency in 5 years, between 2007 and 2013, at the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital in Barcelona, ​​obtaining the title of intensive care physician awarded by the Ministry of Education.

Later on, I worked as a specialist physician in the area of intensive care in various hospitals in Barcelona such as Hospital Germans Trias I Pujol, Hospital Sanitas CIMA, FIATC clinic, and El Remei. This period was very profitable and I gained experience in intensive care attendance (2013-2020) and in research tasks, with participation in the EPINE study (Prevalence study of nosocomial infections), the ABIS Edusepsis study (AntiBiotic Intervention in Severe Sepsis), and the observational, retrospective study “Echocardiographic assessment of the effect of Levosimendan in the postoperative period of surgery”. I have also participated in the Zero Pneumonia (NZ) and Resistencia Zero projects, and I am a co-author of the Sanitas CIMA Emergency and Intensive Care Manual.




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