Journal articles


Inayat, S. [Shahzad] , Younas, A. [Ahtisham], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], & Ali, P. [Parveen] (2024). Premature Closure of Analysis in Qualitative Research: Identifying Features and Mitigation Strategies. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23. ACCESS –


Cacace, M. [Marina], Pugliese, F. [Francesca], Tzanakou, C. [Charikleia], Müller, J. [Jörg], Denis, A. [Alain], Sangiuliano, M. [Maria]. (In press, 2023). Certifying complexity? The case of a European gender equality certification scheme for research-performing organizations, Science and Public Policy, scad069. – First online publication

Castelló, E. [Enric], & Romano, M. J. [María José] (2023). Shepherdesses: new representations of rural women in Spain. Feminist Media Studies, 23(4), 1659-1675. ACCESS – Link to full text

Chandanabhumma, P. P. [P.Paul], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi] , Oetzel, J. [John], Duran, B. [Bonnie], & Ford, C. [Chandra] (2023). Examining the influence of group diversity on the functioning of community-based participatory research partnerships: A mixed methods study. American Journal of Community Psychology. ISSN: 1573-2770. doi: ACCESS – Link to full text

Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Sainz, M. [Milagros], Romano, M.J.[María Jose], Escalante-Barrios, E. L. [Elsa Lucía], Younas, A. [Ahtisham], & López-Pérez, B-S. [Beatriz-Soledad] (2023). Use of mixed methods research in intervention studies to increase young people’s interest in STEM: A systematic methodological review. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. ACCESSLink to full text

Fernández de Castro Sanabria, P. [Pedro], Bretones, E. [Eva], Solé, J. [Jordi], Meneses, J. [Julio], Aranda, D. [Daniel], Sampedro, V. [Víctor]. (In press, 2023). Alfabetización digital para la educación social: de las competencias digitales a los conocimientos críticos, Educar 2024, 60, 149-65. ACCESS Link to full text – First online publication

Fresán, U. [Ujué], Bernard, P. [Paquito], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Boronat, A. [Anna], Araújo-Soares, V. [Vera], König, L. [Laura], & Chevance, G. [Guillaume] (2023). A Smartphone Intervention to Promote a Sustainable Healthy Diet: Protocol for a Pilot Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 12:e41443. ISSN: 1929-0748. doi:  – OPEN ACCESSLink to full text

Guetterman, T. [Timothy C.], Molina-Azorin, J. [José F.], & Fàbregues, S. [Sergi] (2023). Editorial. The need to rigorously develop common quality guidelines for reporting mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 17(1), 6-11. ACCESS – Link to full text – Editorial material

Kalpazidou Schmidt, E. [Evanthia], Palmén, R. [Rachel], & Bührer, S. [Susanne]. (2023). Policy-making and evaluation of gender equality programmes: Context, power, and resistance in the transformation process. Science and Public Policy, scac064.

Melián, E. [Efrem], Reyes, J. I. [José Israel], & Meneses, J. [Julio] (2023). The Online PhD Experience: A Qualitative Systematic Review. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 24(1), 137-158. ACCESS Link to full text

Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2023). Challenges and Opportunities for Building Alliances for Greater Gender Equality. A Commentary on the Symposium ‘Don’t Fix Women, Fix Academia? Gender Inequality in National Academic Contexts.’ Sociologica, 17(2):125–30. ACCESSLink to full text

Peters, M. [Mitchell], & Fàbregues, S. [Sergi]. (In press, 2023). Missed opportunities in mixed methods ed-tech research? Illustrative example of meta-joint Display development as a mixed methods analytical technique for achieving integration at multiple levels. Educational Technology Research and Development. ACCESS – Link to full text – First online publication

Petroff, A. [Alisa], & Fierro, J. [Jaime] (2023). Crowd work in STEM-related fields: A window of opportunity from a gender perspective? Sociology Compass, 17(3), e13058. ACCESS – Link to full text

Pujol-Busquets, G. [Georgina], Smith, J. [James], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Bach-Faig, A. [Anna], & Larmuth, K. [Kate] (2023). Community assessment for a low-carbohydrate nutrition education program in South Africa. Nutrients 15, no. 1: 67. ACCESS – Link to full text

Reyes, J. I. [José Israel], Meneses, J. [Julio], & Xavier, M. [Marlon] (2023). Suitability of Online Higher Education for Learners with Disabilities: The Students’ Voices. Journal of Special Education Technology, 38(3), 370-383. ACCESSLink to full text

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta], & Caldeira, S. P. [Sofia P]. (2023). Situating #MeToo: a comparative analysis of the movement in Catalonia and Portugal. Media, Culture & Society, 0 (0). ACCESS Link to full text

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta], & Cozzo, E. [Emanuele]. (2023). The Impact of Spanish Repression on the Evolution of the Catalan Networked Public Sphere During the Post-Referendum Crisis (2017–2022). Ethnopolitics. ACCESS Link to full text

Sáinz, M. [Milagros], & Malpica, C. [Claudia] (In press, 2023). Gender gaps in the evaluation of academic abilities and their role in shaping study choices. Educational Studies. ACCCESSLink to full text – First online publication

Sáinz, M. [Milagros], & Upadyaya, K. [Katja]. (In press, 2023). The development of social science motivation in the transition to high school education. Current Psychology. ACCESSLink to full text – First online publication

Sáinz, M. [Milagros], Upadyaya, K. [Katja], & Fábregues, S. [Sergi]. (2023). Editorial: Initiatives to raise young people’s interest and participation in STEM. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1151715. ACCESS – Link to full text – Editorial material

Younas, A. [Ahtisham], Durante, A. [Angela], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi]. (In press, 2023). Understanding the Nature of and Identifying and Formulating “Research Problems” in Mixed Methods Research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research. ACCESS – Link to full text – First online publication

Younas, A. [Ahtisham], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Creswell, J. W. [John W]. (2023). Generating Metainferences in Mixed Methods Research: A Worked Example in Convergent Mixed Methods Designs. Methodological Innovations. ACCESS – Link to full text

Younas, A. [Ahtisham], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Durante, A. [Angela], Escalante, E. L. [Elsa Lucía], Inayat, S. [Shahzad], & Ali, P. [Parveen]. (2023). Proposing the “MIRACLE” narrative framework for providing thick description in qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22. ACCESS – Link to full text


Bach-Faig, A. [Anna], Wickramasinghe, K. [Kremlin], Panadero, N. [Natalia], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Rippin, H. [Holly], Halloran, A. [Afton], Fresán, U. [Ujué], Pattison, M. [Mary], Breda, J. [Joao] (2022). Consensus-building around the conceptualisation and implementation of sustainable healthy diets: A foundation for policymakers. BMC Public Health, 22, 1480. ACCESS – Link to full text

Castaneda, J. [Juliana], Jover, A. [Assumpta], Calvet, L. [Laura], Yanes, S.[Sergi], Juan, A. [Angel] & Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2022). Dealing with Gender Bias Issues in Data-Algorithmic Processes: A Social-Statistical Perspective. Algorithms, 15(9), 303. ACCESS – Link to full text

Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Mumbardó-Adam, C. [Cristina], Escalante-Barrios, E. [Elsa], Hong, Q-N. [Quan Nha], Edelstein, D. [Dick], Vanderboll, K. [Kathryn], & Fetters, M. [Michael] (2022). Mixed Methods Intervention Studies in Children and Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Methodological Review. Research in Developmental Disabilities, Vol 126, 104239. ACCESS – Link to full text

Fierro, J., Parella, S., Güell Torrent, B. & Petroff, A. (2022). Educational Achievement Among Children of Latin American Immigrants in Spain. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 23(4), 1921-1940. doi: 10.1007/s12134-021-00918-x

Fierro, J. [Jaime], Parella, S. [Sònia], Güell, B. [Berta], Petroff, A. [Alisa] (2022). Generational cohorts versus national origin: explaining the educational attainment among children of Latin American immigrants in Spain. Ethnicities, 22(2), 274-296. ACCESS –  Link to full text

Garrido-Skurkowicz, N. [Natalia], & Steglich, C. [Christian] (2022). Networked solidarity economy: Gender in interorganizational networks. An evaluation with ERGMs. Applied Network Science, 7(1), 23. ACCESS – Link to full text

Garrido-Skurkowicz, N. [Natalia], Wittek, R. [Rafael], & la Roi. Ch. [Chaïm] (2022). Performance of Hybrid Organisations. Challenges and Opportunities for Social and Commercial Enterprises. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship.

Izquierdo-Useros, N. [Nuria], Marin Lopez, M. A. [Miguel Ángel], Monguió-Tortajada, M. [Marta], Muñoz-Moreno, J. A. [Jose A.], Agusti Benito, C. [Cristina], Morón-López, S. [Sara], Evans, H. [Harvey], Gualdrón-López, M. [Melisa], Müller, J. [Jörg], & Prado, J. G. [Julia G.] (2022) Impact of COVID-19 lockdown in a biomedical research campus: A gender perspective analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 906072. ACCESS – Link to full text

Melián, E. [Efrem], Mata, S [Sílvia]., & Meneses, J. [Julio] (2022). La atención al alumnado con discapacidad en la educación superior en línea: El caso de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Àmbits de Psicopedagogia i Orientació, 56, 80-92. ACCESS

Melián, E. [Efrem], & Meneses, J. [Julio] (2022). Getting ahead in the online university: Disclosure experiences of students with apparent and hidden disabilities. International Journal of Educational Research, 114, 101991. ACCESS – Link to full text

Peters, [Mitchell], Elasri-Eijaberi, [Amal], Martínez, M. J. [M. Jesús], & Fàbregues, S. [Sergi] (2022). Teacher digital competence development in higher education: Overview of systematic reviews. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 38(3), 122-139. ACCESS – Link to full text

Peters, M. [Mitchell], Pérez, A. [Antoni], & Fàbregues, S. [Sergi] (2022). A systematic mapping of E-Learning research: An interdisciplinary and multi-paradigmatic perspective from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 20(4). ACCESS – Link to full text

Petroff, A. [Alisa], Sáinz, M. [Milagros], & Arroyo, L. [Lídia] (2022). A Multilevel Qualitative Perspective to Gendered Life Course, Socialization, and STEM Trajectories Among Emerging Adults in Spain. Emerging Adulthood10(5), 1256-1268.

Reyes, J. I. [José Israel], & Meneses, J. [Julio] (2022). Advising college students with dis/abilities in online learning. Distance Education, 43(4), 526-542. ACCESS

Reyes, J. I. [José Israel], Meneses, J. [Julio], & Melián, E. [Efrem] (2022). A systematic review of academic interventions for students with disabilities in Online Higher Education. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 37(4), 569-586. ACCESS – Link to full text

Rodó-Zárate, M. [Maria], & Jorba, M. [Marta]. (2022). Metaphors of intersectionality: Reframing the debate with a new proposal. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 29(1), 23–38.

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta]. (2022). Reseña/Review (Sampedro, Víctor (Coord.)), “Comunicación política digital en España. Del «pásalo» a Podemos y de Podemos a Vox”, Barcelona, UOCPress, ISBN: 9788491807681, 242 págs., 2021). Teknokultura. Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales19(1), 115-117. ACCESS – Link to full text

Sáinz, M. [Milagros], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Romano, M. J. [María José], & López, B-S. [Beatriz-Soledad] (2022). Interventions to increase young people’s interest in STEM. A scoping review. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 954996.  – OPEN ACCESS – Link to full text

Sáinz, M. [Milagros], & Gallego, M. C. [María del Carmen] (2022). High school students’ sexist beliefs about academic abilities and women’s roles: The influence of School Specialization (Creencias sexistas de los estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria sobre las aptitudes académicas y el rol de las mujeres: la influencia de la especialización escolar). International Journal of Social Psychology,  37:2, 383-411. ACCESS – Link to full text

Thomson, A. [Aleksandra], Palmén, R. [Rachel], Reidl, S. [Sybille], Barnard, S. [Sarah], Beranek, S. [Sarah], Dainty, A. [Andrew R. J] & Hassan, T. [Tarek M.]. (2022). Fostering collaborative approaches to gender equality interventions in higher education and research: the case of transnational and multi-institutional communities of practice. Journal of Gender Studies, 31(1), 36-54. ACCESS

Xavier, M. [Marlon], & Meneses, J. [Julio] (2022). Persistence and time challenges in an open online university: A case study of the experiences of first-year learners. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 19, 31. ACCESS – Link to full text

Xavier, M. [Marlon], Meneses, J. [Julio], & Fiuza, P. J. [Patricia Jantsch] (2022). Dropout, stopout, and time challenges in open online higher education: A qualitative study of the first-year student experience. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning.

Younas, A. [Ahtisham]; Cuoco, A. [Angela]; Vellone, E. [Erco]; Fàbregues, S. [Sergi]; Escalante-Barrios, E. [Elsa], & Durante, A [Angela] (2022). Contextual coding in qualitative research involving participants with diverse sociocultural backgrounds. The Qualitative Report, 27(11), 2509-2527. ISSN: 1052-147. ACCESS

Younas, A. [Ahtisham], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], & Durante, A. [Angela] (2022). Approaches for educators to effectively teach research and research methods. Evidence-Based Nursing, 25(4), 114-115. ISSN: 1468-9618.

Younas, A. [Ahtisham], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Durante, A. [Ángela], & Ali, P. [Parven] (2022). Providing English and native language quotes in qualitative research: A call to action. Nursing Open, 9(1), 168–174. ACCESS – Link to full text


Buehrer, S. [Susanne], Kalpazidou Schmidt, E. [Evanthia], Rigler, D. [Dorottya], & Palmen, R. [Rachel]. (2021). How to Implement Context-Sensitive Evaluation Approaches in Countries with still Emerging Evaluation Cultures. Public Policy and Administration, 20(3), 368-381. ACCESS – Link to full text

De la Torre-Moral, A. [Andrea], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Bach-Faig, A. [Anna], Fornieles-Deu, A. [Albert], Medina, F. X. [F. Xavier], Aguilar, A. [Alicia], & Sánchez-Carracedo, D. [David] (2021). Family meals, conviviality, and the Mediterranean Diet among families with adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 2499. ACCESS – Link to full text

Escalante-Barrios, E. L. [Elsa Lucía], Suarez-Enciso, S. M. [Sonia M.], Putnam, S. P. [Samuel P.], Raikes, H. [Helen], & Fàbregues, S. [Sergi]. (2021). Using the Very Short Form of the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire for Spanish-Speaking Populations in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Psychometric Analysis of Dichotomized Variables. Children, 8(2), 74. ACCESS – Link to full text

Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Escalante-Barrios, E. L. [Elsa Lucía], Molina-Azorin, J. F. [José Francisco], Hong, Q. N. [Quan Nha], & Verd, J. M. [Joan Miquel]. (2021). Taking a critical stance towards mixed methods research: A cross-disciplinary qualitative secondary analysis of researchers’ views. PLoS ONE, 16(7), e0252014. ACCESS

Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Molina-Azorin, J. F. [José F.], & Fetters, M. D. [Michael D.]. (2021). Virtual Special Issue on “Quality in Mixed Methods Research”. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 15(2), 146–151. ACCESS – Link to full text

Ferran-Ferrer, N. [Núria], Castellanos, P. [Patricia], Minguillón, J. [Julià], & Meneses, J. [Julio] (2021). The gender gap on the Spanish Wikipedia: Listening to the voices of women editors. Profesional de la Información, 30(5), e300516. ACCESS – Link to full text

Guetterman, T. C. [Timothy C.], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], & Sakakibara, R. [Rae]. (2021). Visuals in joint displays to represent integration in mixed methods research: A methodological review. Methods in Psychology, Volume 5. ACCESS – Link to full text

Humbert, A. L. [Anne Laure], Guenther, E. A. [Elisabeth Anna], & Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2021). Not Simply ‘Counting Heads’: A Gender Diversity Index for the Team Level. Social Indicators Research.

Minguillón, J. [Julià], Meneses, J. [Julio], Aibar, E. [Eduard], Ferran-Ferrer, N. [Núria], & Fàbregues, S. [Sergi]. (2021). Exploring the gender gap in the Spanish Wikipedia: Differences in engagement and editing practices. PLoS ONE, 16(2), e0246702. ACCESS – Link to full text

Müller, J [Jörg]., Meneses, J. [Julio], Humbert, A. L. [Anne Laure], & Guenther, E. A. [Elisabeth Guenther] (2021). Sensor-based proximity metrics for team research. A validation study across three organizational contexts. Behavior Research Methods, 53(2), 718-743. ACCESS – Link to full text

O’Connor, P. [Pat], Hodgins, M. [Margaret], Woods, D. R. [Dorian R.], Wallwaey, E. [Elisa], Palmen, R. [Rachel], Van Den Brink, M. [Marieke], & Schmidt, E. K. [Evanthia K.]. (2021). Organisational Characteristics That Facilitate Gender-Based Violence and Harassment in Higher Education? Administrative Sciences, 11(4), 138. ACCESS – Link to full text

Parella, S. [Sònia], Silvestre, J. [Javier], & Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2021). A mixed-method analysis of remittance scripts among Bolivian immigrants in Spain. Journal of International Development, 33(1), 256-274.

Petroff, A. [Alisa], Viladrich, A. [Anahí], & Parella, S. [Sònia]. (2021). Framing inclusion: The media treatment of irregular immigrants’ right to health care in Spain. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 82, 135-144. ACCESS – Link to full text

Sáenz-Castro, P. [Paola], Vlachopoulos, D. [Dimitrios], & Fàbregues, S. [Sergi]. (2021). Exploring the Relationship between Saber Pro Test Outcomes and Student Teacher Characteristics in Colombia: Recommendations for Improving Bachelor’s Degree Education. Education Sciences, 11(9), 507.  – OPEN ACCESS – Link to full text

Sáinz, M. [Milagros], Solé, J. [Jordi], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], & Garcia-Cuesta, S. [Sara]. (2021). Secondary School Teachers’ Views of Gender Differences in School Achievement and Study Choices in Spain. SAGE Open ACCESS – Link to full text

Sáinz, M. [Milagros], Upadyaya, K. [Katja], & Salmela-Aro, K. [Katariina]. (2021). The Co-Development of Science, Math, and Language Interest Among Spanish and Finnish Secondary School Students. Front. Educ., 6, 684543. ACCESS – Link to full text

Xavier, M., [Marlon], & Meneses, J. [Julio] (2021). The tensions between student dropout and flexibility in learning design: The voices of professors in open online higher education. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 22(4), 72-88. ACCESS – Link to full text


Arroyo, Lidia (2020). Implications of Digital Inclusion: Digitalization in Terms of Time Use from a Gender Perspective. Social Inclusion, 8(2). ACCESS

Bührer, Susanne, Kalpazidou Schmidt, Evanthia, Palmén, Rachel, & Reidl, Sybille (2020). Evaluating gender equality effects in research and innovation systems. Scientometrics. ACCESS

Escalante-Barrios, Elsa Lucía, Fàbregues, Sergi, Meneses, Julio, García-Vita, María del Mar, Jabba, Daladier, Ricardo-Barreto, Carmen, & Ferreira Pérez, Sandra Patricia (2020). Male-on-male child and adolescent sexual abuse in the Caribbean region of Colombia: A secondary analysis of medico-legal reports. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 8248. ACCESS

Fàbregues, Sergi, Hong, Quan-Nha, Escalante-Barrios, Elsa Lucía, Guetterman, Timothy C., Meneses, Julio, & Fetters, Michael D.  (2020). A methodological review of mixed methods research in palliative and end-of-life care (2014-2019). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 3853. ACCESS

González-Pérez, Susana, Mateos de Cabo, Ruth, & Sáinz, Milagros (2020). Girls in STEM: Is It a Female Role-Model Thing? Front. Psychol., 11:2204. ACCESS

Martínez-Cantos, José Luis, & Rodó-de-Zárate, María (2020). El efecto Merlí: Televisión y elección de grados universitarios relacionados con la filosofía [The Merlí effect: Television and choice of philosophy related degrees]. Athenea Digital, 20(1), e2453. ACCESS

Palmén, Rachel, Arroyo, Lidia, Müller, Jörg, Reidl, Sybille, Caprile, Maria, & Unger, Maximillian (2020). Integrating the gender dimension in teaching, research content & knowledge and technology transfer: Validating the EFFORTI evaluation framework through three case studies in Europe. Evaluation and Program Planning, 79, 101751. ACCESS – Link to full text

Parella, Sònia, & Petroff, Alisa (2020). Planning to Go Back Home Because of the Economic Crisis? Evidence from the Short-Term Return Intentions of Bolivian Migrants in Spain. Latin American Research Review, 55(2), 1–12. ACCESS

Pujol-Busquets, Georgina, Smith, James, Larmuth, Kate, Fàbregues, Sergi, & Bach-Faig, Anna (2020). Exploring the Perceptions of Women from Under-Resourced South African Communities about Participating in a Low-Carbohydrate High-Fat Nutrition and Health Education Program: A Qualitative Focus Group Study. Nutrients, 12(4), 894. ACCESS

Rodó-Zárate, Maria (2020). Gender, Nation, and Situated Intersectionality: The Case of Catalan Pro-independence Feminism. Politics & Gender, 16(2), 608-636.

Sáinz, Milagros, Fàbregues, Sergi, Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria, Martínez-Cantos, José-Luis, Arroyo, Lidia, & Romano, María José (2020). Gendered Motivations to Pursue Male-Dominated STEM Careers Among Spanish Young People: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Career Development47(4), 408–423.  – OPEN ACCESS – Link to full text

Sáinz, Milagros, Fàbregues, Sergi, & Solé, Jordi (2020). Parent and Teacher Depictions of Gender Gaps in Secondary Student Appraisals of Their Academic Competences. Front. Psychol. 11, 573752. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.573752OPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, Milagros, Martínez-Cantos, José Luis, & Meneses, Julio (2020). Gendered patterns of coping responses with academic sexism in a group of Spanish secondary students (Diferencias de género en las respuestas de afrontamiento del sexismo académico en un grupo de estudiantes españoles de secundaria). Revista de Psicología Social. International Journal of Social Psychology, 35(2), 246-281. 

Striebing, Clemens, Kalpazidou Schmidt, Evanthia, Palmén, Rachel, Holzinger, Florian, & Nagy, Beata (2020). Women Underrepresentation in R&I: A Sector Program Assessment of the Contribution of Gender Equality Policies in Research and Innovation. Evaluation and Program Planning, 79, 101749.


Badia, Antoni, García, Consuelo, & Meneses, Julio (2019). Emotions in response to teaching online: Exploring the factors influencing teachers in a fully online university. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 56(4), 446-457. doi:10.1080/14703297.2018.1546608OPEN ACCESS – Link to full text

Baylina, Mireia, & Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria (2019). Mapping feminist geographies in Spain. Gender, Place and Culture, 26(7-9), 1253-1260. doi:10.1080/0966369X.2019.1567473

Bretones, Eva, Solé, Jordi, Meneses, Julio, Castillo, Miquel, & Fàbregues, Sergi (2019). Què diuen els centres educatius de Catalunya sobre la incorporació d’educadors i educadores socials a les escoles i instituts? Educació Social. Revista d’Intervenció Socioeducativa, 71, 39-58. ACCESS – Link to full text

Castaño, Cecilia, Vázquez-Cupeiro, Susana, & Martínez-Cantos, José Luis (2019). Gendered management in Spanish universities: functional segregation among vice-rectors. Gender and Education, 31(8), 966-985. doi:10.1080/09540253.2017.1410109

Fàbregues, Sergi, Paré, Marie-Hélène, & Meneses, Julio (2019). Operationalizing and conceptualizing quality in mixed methods research: A multiple case study of the disciplines of education, nursing, psychology, and sociology. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 13(4), 424-445. doi:10.1177/1558689817751774 (Article first published online: January 11, 2018; Issue published: October 1, 2019)

Fàbregues, Sergi, & Fetters, Michael D. (2019). Fundamentals of case study research in family medicine and community health. Family Medicine and Community Health, 7:e000074. doi:10.1136/fmch-2018-000074OPEN ACCESS – Link to full text

Fàbregues, S., Fetters, MD., Xinyue, Z., Yang, W., Jianjun, H., Yanli, X., Hui, Y. (2019). 家庭医学与社区卫生案例研究的基础 (Fundamentals of case study research in family medicine and community health). Chinese General Practice, 22(26), 3139-3144. ACCESS

Hong, Quan Na, Pluye, Pierre, Fàbregues, Sergi, Bartlett, Gillian, Boardman, Felicity, Cargo, Margaret,… Vedel, Isabelle (2019). Improving the content validity of the mixed methods appraisal tool: a modified e-Delphi study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 111, 49-59. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2019.03.008OPEN ACCESS – Link to full text

Jorba, Marta, & Rodó-Zárate, Maria (2019). Beyond mutual constitution: the property framework for intersectionality studies. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 45(1), 175-200. doi:10.1086/703499

Müller, Jörg, Fàbregues, Sergi, Guenther, Elisabeth Anna, & Romano, María José (2019). Using Sensors in Organizational Research–Clarifying Rationales and Validation Challenges for Mixed Methods. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1188. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01188 – OPEN ACCESS – Link to full text

Palmén, Rachel, & Kalpazidou Schmidt, Evanthia (2019). Analysing facilitating and hindering factors for implementing gender equality interventions in R&I: Structures and processes. Evaluation and Program Planning, 77, 101726. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.101726

Palmén, Rachel, Kalpazidou Schmidt, Evanthia, Striebing, Clemens, Reidl, Sybille, Bührer, Susanne, & Groó, Dóra (2019). Measuring gender in R&I – theories, methods, and experience. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 44(2), 154-165. doi:10.1080/03080188.2019.1603873

Rodó-Zárate, Maria (2019). Intersectionality for and from Queer Urban Activism Viewed through Lesbian Activism in Barcelona. Geography Research Forum, 39(1), 152-166

Rodó-Zárate, Maria, & Baylina, Mireia (2019). Presentació. Geografies de les Sexualitats, Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 65(3), 441- 449. Retrieved from: ACCESS

Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria, Estivill i Castany, Jordi, & Eizagirre Telleria, Nerea (2019). La configuración y las consecuencias del miedo en el espacio público desde la perspectiva de género [Configuration and consequences of fear in public space from a gender perspective]. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 167, 89-106. doi: 10.5477/cis/reis.167.89OPEN ACCESS – Link to full text

Sáinz, Milagros, Martínez-Cantos, José Luis, Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria, Romano, María José, Arroyo, Lidia, & Fàbregues, Sergi (2019). Young Spanish People’s Gendered Representations of People Working in STEM. A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 996. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00996OPEN ACCESS – Link to full text

Striebing, Clemens, Kalpazidou Schmidt, Evanthia, & Palmén, Rachel (2019). Pragmatic ex-ante evaluation using an innovative conceptual framework: The case of a high-tech entrepreneurship program for women. Evaluation and program planning, 77, 101714. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.101714


Aranda, D., Sánchez-Navarro, J., Martínez-Cerdà, F., & Meneses, J. (2018). The impact of digital practices on the perception of risks and benefits of digital gaming. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 10(2), 247-264. DOI:

Fàbregues, S., & Paré, M-H. (2018). Appraising the quality of mixed methods research in nursing: A qualitative case study of nurse researchers’ views. Nursing Inquiry, 25(4). ISSN: 1440-1800. doi:10.1111/nin.12247

Ficapal, Pilar, Díaz, Ángel, Sáinz, Milagros, & Torrent, Joan (2018). Gender inequalities in job quality during the recession. Employee Relations, 40(1), 2-22. doi: 10.1108/ER-07-2016-0139

Hong, Quan Nha, Fàbregues, Sergi, Bartlett, Gillian, Boardman, Felicity, Cargo, Margaret, Dagenais, Pierre, Gagnon, Marie-Pierre, Griffiths, Frances, Nicolau, Belinda, O’Cathain, Alicia, Rousseau, Marie-Claude, Vedel, Isabelle, & Pluye, Pierre (2018). The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) version 2018 for information professionals and researchers. Education for Information, 34(4), 285-291. ISSN: 0167-8329. doi:10.3233/EFI-180221

Questa-Torterolo, Mariela, Rodríguez Gómez, David, & Meneses, Julio (2018). Collaboration and use of ICT as factors of professional teacher development in the Uruguayan educational context. Analysis protocol for a multiple case-study [Colaboración y uso de las TIC como factores del desarrollo profesional docente en el contexto educativo uruguayo. Protocolo de análisis para un estudio de casos múltiple]. Cuadernos de Investigación Educativa, 9(1), 13-34. doi:10.18861/cied.2018.9.1.2818OPEN ACCESS

Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria, & Baylina, Mireia (2018). Intersectionality in Feminist Geographies. Gender, Place & Culture, 25(4), 547-553. doi:10.1080/0966369X.2018.1453489

Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria & Jorba, Marta (2018). ‘Madre hay más que una’: reflexiones en torno a las maternidades Lesbians. Revista Latino Americana de Geografia e Gênero, 9(2), 222-236. ACCESS

Rodríguez-Gómez, David, Castro, Diego, & Meneses, Julio (2018). Problematic uses of ICTs among young people in their personal and school life. [Usos problemáticos de las TIC entre jóvenes en su vida personal y escolar]. Comunicar, 56, 91-100doi:10.3916/C56-2018-09OPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, Milagros, & Müller, Jörg (2018). Gender and family influences on Spanish students’ aspirations and values in stem fields. International Journal of Science Education, 40(2), 188-203. doi:10.1080/09500693.2017.1405464


Badia, A., García, C., & Meneses, J. (2017). Approaches to teaching online: Exploring factors influencing teachers in a fully online university. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48(6), 1193-1207. https://doi: 10.1111/bjet.12475

Baylina, M., Garcia-Ramon, M. D., Porto, A. M., Rodó-de-Zárate, M., Salamaña, I., & Villarino, M. (2017). Work-life balance of professional women in rural Spain. Gender, Place and Culture 24(1), 72 – 84.

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Martínez-Cantos, J.L. (2017). Digital skills gaps: A pending subject for gender digital inclusion in the European Union. European Journal of Communication 32(5), 419-438.

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Rodríguez-Gómez, D., Armengol, C., & Meneses, J. (2017). La adquisición de las competencias profesionales a través de las prácticas curriculares de la formación inicial de maestros. Revista de Educación, 376, 229-243. doi:


Arroyo, L., & Müller, J. (2016). GenPORT, your gateway to gender and science resources. European Science Editing (ESE), 42(4), 105.

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Casado, C., Meneses, J., & Sancho, T. (2016). ¿Cómo ven los alumnos de primaria la profesión informática? Influencia del género y la percepción de su capacidad. Píxel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educación 49, 149-161.

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Rodó de Zárate, M. (2016). ¿Quién tiene Derecho a la Ciudad? Jóvenes lesbianas en Brasil y Cataluña desde las geografías emocionales e interseccionales. Revista Latino-Americana de Geografia e Gênero. 7(1), 3–20.

Rodríguez-Gómez, D., Meneses, J., Gairín, J., Feixas, M., & Muñoz, J. L. (2016). They have gone, and now what? Understanding re-enrolment patterns in the Catalan public higher education system. Higher Education Research & Development, 35(4), 815-828.

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Sáinz, M., & Upadyaya, K. (2016). Accuracy and bias in Spanish secondary school students’ self-concept of math ability: The influence of gender and parental educational level. International Journal of EducationalResearch, 77, 26-36.


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