Letizia De Coll

I am a psychologist, registered at the Ordine degli Psicologi del Piemonte (OPP), a PhD candidate in Health and Psychology at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), and part of the Gender and ICT Research Program. I received a MD in Clinical Psychology (2014-2016) at the University of Turin with the thesis “Supporting the well-being of the gender variant child starting from the family”.

In 2015, I received a European mobility grant funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and I went to Barcelona where I collaborated with ACATHI (Catalan association for LGBTQI+ immigrants and refugees) mostly working with the Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) community.

My main research field is gender variance with a focus on youth and migrants. In particular, my PhD project is focused on gender variant youths, their health, well-being, and school pathways.

Currently, I am also editorial board member of the European Journal of Volunteering and community-based projects.



Email: ldecoll@uoc.edu

Social: Academia.edu, ResearchGate


Selected publications

De-Coll’, Letizia (2019). Health, Well-being and Social Inclusion of Transgender Immigrants and Asylum Seekers. Book of Abstracts. 3rd Biennial EPATH Conference Inside Matters: on Law, Ethics & Religion, Rome, IT, April 11- 13 (p.119).

Petiva P. , Spitito M., De-Coll’ L., Gerino E., Ghersi S., Siragusa R., & Porcheddu P. (2018). “Siblings’ matters”: The Impact of Coming Out in Siblings’ Relationship. Opuscolo del Convegno Internazionale La popolazione transgender e gender nonconforming: i differenti contesti di intervento, Naples, IT, Ottobre 19-20.

De-Coll’, Letizia (2018). Health, Well-being and Social inclusion of Immigrants and Asylum Seekers Transgender: The Italian Experience in Bologna and Piacenza. ONIG International Conference Brochure La popolazione Transgender e Gender Nonconforming: i Differenti contesti di intervento. Naples, IT, Ottobre 19-20. EDIZIONI Fondazione Genere Identità Cultura.

Speeches from International Conferences

De-Coll’, L., & Falzea L. Identità in TransiTO. Reception and support for migrants and asylum seekers Trans. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum: A European human rights challenge – SOGICA Final Conference. University of Sussex (UK). July 8th, 2020.

Poster presented at International Conferences

De-Coll’, Letizia.LGBT Health and Migration: Double Stigma and Access to Resources. International conference La salute delle persone LGBT tra stigma e risorse: modelli a confronto, Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II.  March 27th, 2018.


Translator Spanish – Italian for La violenza filio-parentale. Tra segreto e vergogna by Roberto Pereira. Seminario internazionale “Giovani e violenza: strumenti di prevenzione e di intervento” organized by: City of Turin, Progetto Aria, Terzo Tempo, Turin, IT, July, 2nd 2020.


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