Other publications


Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2024). Estereotipos y sesgos de género en la evaluación de las propias competencias científico-tecnológicas. Panorama Social, 39, 95-104. https://www.funcas.es/revista/digitalizacion-e-inteligencia-artificial-oportunidades-y-desafios-sociales/OPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2024). Benestar digital amb perspectiva de gènere. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13774195 OPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2024). Bienestar digital con perspectiva de género. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13774178 OPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2024). La perspectiva de gènere en l’àmbit escolar. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13774044 OPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. La perspectiva de género en el ámbito escolar. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13773755 OPEN ACCESS

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2024). Per a una sobirania digital en equitat: un dret a reivindicar. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13950388 OPEN ACCESS

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2024). Para una soberanía digital en equidad: un derecho a reivindicar. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13950352 OPEN ACCESS

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2024). L’equitat digital: com (re)apropiar-se de les tecnologies. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13950565 OPEN ACCESS

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2024). La equidad digital: cómo (re)apropiarse de las tecnologías. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13950485 OPEN ACCESS


Arroyo, L. [Lídia], & Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2022). D1.1 Project Management Handbook. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10549091OPEN ACCESS

Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2023). D3.6 Methodological framework for QCA-based research. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10043270OPEN ACCESS

Müller, J. [Jörg], & Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2023). D1.2 Data Management Plan v1. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10549134 OPEN ACCESS

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta]. 2023. Pròleg. Del dia a dia a la història. In Casanovas Iglesias, Mariàngels. Santpedor amb veu de dona. El relat vital de divuit santpedorenques a partir de les entrevistes publicades a cambradetardor.cat (p. 7-9). Ajuntament de Santpedor. 

Palmén, R. L. [Rachel Louise], & Inspire Project Consortium. (2023). D2.6 Policy Brief INSPIRE vision. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10039559OPEN ACCESS

Vinkenburg, C. J. [Claartje J.], & Ossenkop, C. [Carolin]. [Lead authors], Myers, E. S. [Eva Sophia], Krzaklewska, E. [Ewa], Holzinger, F. [Florian], Palmén, R. [Rachel] [Authors]. (2022). D2.5 INSPIRE re-imagine workshop report: Imagining a gender equal future for R&I. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10548587 – OPEN ACCESS


Fritch, R. [Rochelle], Sauer, A. [Arn], Barajas, M-A. [María-Ascensión], Petherick, K. J. [Kathy J.], Murphy, H. [Helen], Foley, C. [Clare], Boland, M. [Marion], Weißenberger, L. [Lukas], Schwan, M. [Marie], & Palmén, R. [Rachel] (2022). Guide to Promoting Gender Equality for Research & Innovation Funding Organisations: Data collection and impact monitoring (1.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7388891OPEN ACCESS

Müller, J. [Jörg], & Tzanakou, C. [Charoula] (2022, March 15). As gender equality becomes a priority for EU research funding, does Europe need Athena SWAN? LSE Impact Blog. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2022/03/15/as-gender-equality-becomes-a-priority-for-eu-research-funding-does-europe-need-athena-swan/OPEN ACCESS

Müller, J. [Jörg] (2022). Consolidated report of outreach, dissemination and exploitation activities. Zenodo. https://zenodo.org/record/6411806 OPEN ACCESS

Müller, J. [Jörg] (2022). Report on the CASPER final conference. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6394527OPEN ACCESS

Müller, J. [Jörg] (2022, March 30). What can we expect from an EU certification scheme for gender equality? Some reflections from the CASPER project. SPEAR project blog. https://gender-spear.eu/blog/post/56/what-can-we-expect-from-an-eu-certification-scheme-for-gender-equality-some-reflections-from-the-casper-projectOPEN ACCESS

Palmén, R. [Rachel], & Müller, J. [Jörg] (2022, September 1). A Community of Practice: Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research. IN3 Blog. https://blogs.uoc.edu/in3/a-community-of-practice-approach-to-improving-gender-equality-in-research/OPEN ACCESS

Petroff, A. [Alisa] (2022, July 21). Desired immobility and hypermobility. IN3 Blog. https://blogs.uoc.edu/in3/desired-immobility-and-hypermobility/OPEN ACCESS

Ramírez-Ordóñez, D. [David], Ferran-Ferrer, N. [Núria], & Meneses, J. [Julio] (2022, April 7). Gender bias in Wikipedia. Analysing behaviour linked to editing and the collaborative knowledge creation process. IN3 Blog. https://blogs.uoc.edu/in3/gender-bias-in-wikipedia/OPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2022, March 16). Educación crítica para desmontar los estereotipos. La Vanguardia. https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20220316/8126612/educacion-critica-desmontar-estereotipos-brl.htmlOPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2022, September 18). La brecha de género en el deporte y su desarrollo en el aula. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/la-brecha-de-genero-en-el-deporte-y-su-desarrollo-en-el-aula-187291OPEN ACCESS

Sáinz Ibáñez, M. [Milagros] (2022). How to Address Stereotypes and Practices Limiting Access to STEM-Related Education for Women and Girls. UN Women. Expert Paper for the Expert Group Meeting on ‘Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls’. https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/2022-12/EP.3_Milagros%20Sainz.pdfOPEN ACCESS


Aldercotte, A. [Amanda], Caprile, M. [Maria], Guyan, K. [Kevin], Malibha-Pinchbeck, M. [Memory], Müller, J. [Jörg], Palmen, R. [Rachel], & Startin, C. [Carla] (2021). ACT – Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) – version 2 (2.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5348197OPEN ACCESS

Aldercotte, A. [Amanda], Caprile, M. [Maria], Guyan, K. [Kevin], Müller, J. [Jörg], & Yanes, S. [Sergi] (2021). ACT – Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) – Word Questionnaire (Version 2). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4925859OPEN ACCESS

Arroyo, L. [Lídia] (2021, January 27). Cura, digitalització i el futur del treball. Diari ARA. https://www.ara.cat/opinio/cura-digitalitzacio-futur-treball-lidia-arroyo-prieto_129_3837037.html 

Arroyo, L. [Lídia], Garrido, N. [Natalia], Rodó, M. [Maria], & Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2021). Guía de contenidos sobre Género & LGTBIQ. Recursos: contenidos teóricos. School Break Project. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. https://doi.org/10.7238/uoc.game.genero.2021OPEN ACCESS

Müller, J. [Jörg] (2021). Community of Practice Taxonomy (1.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5801857OPEN ACCESS

Müller, J. [Jörg], & Pollitzer, E. [Elizabeth] (2021). ACT on Integrating Sex and Gender Analysis in Research & Innovation. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5137588OPEN ACCESS

Palmen, R. [Rachel] (2021). ACT on Intersectionality. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5602859OPEN ACCESS

Palmen, R. [Rachel] (2021). ACT on Resistance to Gender Equality. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5137500OPEN ACCESS

Palmen, R. [Rachel] (2021). ACT on Decision-making. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5137565OPEN ACCESS

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta]. (2021, May 28). Pornografía e Internet: hacia una moralidad democrática. Ctxt. https://ctxt.es/es/20210501/Firmas/35986/pornografia-internet-moralidad-feminismo-placer-Marta-Roqueta.htmOPEN ACCESS

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta]. (2021, July 20). Smashing Catalan media patriarchy using digital tools. IN3 Blog. https://in3.blogs.uoc.edu/smashing-catalan-media-patriarchy-using-digital-tools/OPEN ACCESS

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta] (2021, desembre). Pandèmia, tecnologies digitals i afectes. Qüestions de Vida Cristiana, número 271. https://www.fundaciojoanmaragall.org/publicacions-fundacio/crisi-pandemia-i-genere/

Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2021, March 8). La importancia de desafiar los roles y estereotipos de género a través de la docencia. FECYTedu. Blog de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT). https://www.fecyt.es/es/FECYTedu/la-importancia-de-desafiar-los-roles-y-estereotipos-de-genero-traves-de-la-docenciaOPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2021, March 8). Orientació no sexista per fomentar vocacions científico-tècniques entre les nenes. Blog de El Diari de l’Educació. https://diarieducacio.cat/educaciolocal/2021/03/08/orientacio-no-sexista-per-fomentar-vocacions-cientifico-tecniques-entre-les-nenesOPEN ACCESS

Solanes, B. [Bàrbara], & Meneses, J. [Julio] (2021). La gestión de las agresiones en el ejercicio profesional: Una visión desde la práctica de la Educación Social. Educació social. Revista d’Intervenció Socioeducativa, 77, 127-143. https://doi.org/10.34810/EducacioSocialn77id371347OPEN ACCESS


Escalante-Barrios, Elsa-Lucía, & Fàbregues, Sergi (2020). Una introducción a las revisiones sistemáticas en ciencias de la salud. Editorial UOC. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348477156_Una_introduccion_a_las_revisiones_sistematicas_en_ciencias_de_la_saludOPEN ACCESS

Fàbregues, Sergi, Mumbardó-Adam, Cristina, & Escalante-Barrios, Elsa-Lucía (2020). Diseños de encuesta y cualitativos en logopedia. Editorial UOC. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347535569_Disenos_de_encuesta_y_cualitativos_en_logopediaOPEN ACCESS

Fàbregues, Sergi (2020, October 6). Género, producción académica y COVID-19. Blog de los Estudios de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. http://epce.blogs.uoc.edu/es/2020/10/06/genero-produccion-academica-covid/OPEN ACCESS

Müller, Jörg (2020, September 29). Thinking Critically about Gender Equality Certification and Award Systems. CASPER Blog. https://www.caspergender.eu/blog/thinking-critically-about-gender-equality-certification-and-award-systemsOPEN ACCESS

Palmén, Rachel (2020, September 17). No hay duda: los programas para lograr la igualdad de género en ciencia funcionan. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/no-hay-duda-los-programas-para-lograr-la-igualdad-de-genero-en-ciencia-funcionan-146348OPEN ACCESS

Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria (2019). Gènere i nació: contradicció irreconciliable o intersecció d’eixos? Revista Idees, 47. Retrieved from https://www.revistaidees.cat/ca/47–feminisme-s-/genere-i-nacio:-contradiccio-irreconciliable-o-interseccio-d-eixos-OPEN ACCESS

Rodó-Zárate, Maria (2020, April 24). La infància i el (des)confinament: apunts per superar la perspectiva adultocèntrica. Directahttps://directa.cat/la-infancia-i-el-desconfinament-apunts-per-superar-la-perspectiva-adultocentrica/OPEN ACCESS

Rodó-Zárate, Maria (2020, May 5). Polititzar la llar en època de confinament. Pensem. https://www.pensem.cat/noticia/106/polititzar/llar/epoca/confinamentOPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, Milagros (2020). Brechas y sesgos de género en la elección de estudios STEM. ¿Por qué ocurren y cómo actuar para eliminarlas? Centro de Estudios Andaluces. https://www.centrodeestudiosandaluces.es/publicaciones/descargar/1049/documento/2368/Actualidad84.pdfOPEN ACCESS

Striebing, Clemens, Palmén, Rachel, & Reidl, Sybille (Eds.). (2020). Special Issue on Measure GE Impact on R&I Guest edited by Clemens Striebing, Rachel Palmén, Susanne Bührer, Sybille Reidl and Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt. Evaluation and Program Planning, 79. – OPEN ACCESS

Xavier, Marlon, & Meneses, Julio (2020). Dropout in Online Higher Education: A scoping review from 2014 to 2018. e-Learn Center, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. https://openaccess.uoc.edu/bitstream/10609/114826/8/Dropout%20in%20Online%20Higher%20Education%20-%20Xavier%20%26%20Meneses%202020.pdfOPEN ACCESS


Bretones, Eva, Solé, Jordi, Castillo, Miquel, Meneses, Julio, & Fàbregues, Sergi (2019). Acció social i educativa en contextos escolars: Situació actual dels educadors socials i els tècnics d’integració social en el sistema educatiu de Catalunya (Informe de recerca Març 2019). Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. https://femrecerca.cat/meneses/publication/accio-social-educativa-contextos-escolars/OPEN ACCESS

Bührer, Susanne,  Reidl, Sybille,  Schmidt, Evanthia K.,  Palmen, Rachel,  Striebing, Clemens, & Groo, Dora (2019). Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in Research and Innovation: How does gender equality influence research and innovation outcomes and what implications can be derived for suitable evaluation approaches?. fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, 47, 140-145. doi:10.22163/fteval.2019.332OPEN ACCESS

Meneses, Julio, Minguillón, Julià, González, Loles, & Martínez-Aceituno, Toni (2019). ESPRIA. Millora de l’Acompanyament dels EStudiants de PRimer Any (Informe de projecte Maig 2019). Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. https://femrecerca.cat/meneses/publication/espria-millora-acompanyament-estudiants-primer-any/OPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, Milagros (2019). La bretxa de gènere en la tria d’estudis STEM i TIC. Nota d’Economia, 105, 64-76. Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de la Vicepresidència i d’Economia i Hisenda. Retrieved from http://economia.gencat.cat/ca/ambits-actuacio/economia-catalana/estudis-publicacions/nota-economia/numero-105/OPEN ACCESS


Arroyo Prieto, Lídia. (2018). Guia Didàctica De la poma a la pantalla: amor, sexe i desig a l’època digital. ISBN: 978-84-1303-128-6-g – OPEN ACCESS

Müller, Jörg (2018) “Using Wearable Sensors In Gender Research. Comparative Case Study Report.” GEDII Project Deliverable D2.4, March. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1442701. – OPEN ACCESS

Rodó-de-Zárate, Maria (2018) Pla comarcal per garantir els drets de les persones lesbianes, gais, trans, bisexuals i intersexuals (lgtbi) 2018 – 2021. Diputació de Barcelona. https://www.ccbages.cat/wp-content/uploads/sites/39/2019/05/Pla-comarcal-LGTBI-2018-2021.pdfOPEN ACCESS

Sáinz, Milagros, y Meneses, Julio (2018). Brecha y sesgos de género en la elección de estudios y profesiones en la educación secundaria. Panorama Social, 27, 23-31. https://www.funcas.es/articulos/brecha-y-sesgos-de-genero-en-la-eleccion-de-estudios-y-profesiones-en-la-educacion-secundariaOPEN ACCESS


Arroyo, Lidia (2017) La digitalización y la igualdad de género en el mercado de trabajo. Revista Estudios y Cultura, Fundación de 1º Mayo, 81: 25-28. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328164090_La_digitalizacion_y_la_igualdad_de_genero_en_el_mercado_de_trabajo#fullTextFileContent

Badia, A., Meneses, J., & García, C. (2017). La identidad del profesor como docente virtual: Roles, enfoques y sentimientos. El caso de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Informe d’investigació. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10609/60327

Martínez-Cantos, J.L., & Castaño, C. (2017). La brecha digital de género y la escasez de mujeres en las profesiones TIC. Panorama Social. Las desigualdades digitales. Los límites de la Sociedad Red 25, 49-65. Retrieved from https://www.funcas.es/Publicaciones/Detalle.aspx?IdArt=23245

Müller, J., Palmén, R., Arroyo, L., Mohlakoana-Motopi, L., & Liccardo, S. (2017). GenPORT Research Synthesis 2: Academic and Science Careers. Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/genport_rs2_academiccareerv3_13jan2017.pdf

Palmén, R., & Bitusikova, A. (2017). GenPORT: Research Synthesis 3: Institutional Practices and Process. Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/genport_rs3_instpractprocv3_13jan.pdf

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Gender Balance in Decision-Making. Policy Brief 19: How to lead? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/resources/gender-balance-decision-making-how-lead-genport-policy-brief-19

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Encouraging the Recruitment and Promotion of Female Researchers: Policy Brief 4: How to Innovate? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/resources/encouraging-recruitment-and-promotion-female-researchers-how-innovate-genport-policy-brief

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile,M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Gender Balance in Decision-Making: Policy Brief 17: Where to start? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/resources/gender-balance-decision-making-where-start-genport-policy-brief-17

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile,M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Integrating the Gender Dimension into Research content for RFOs: Policy Brief 16: how to innovate? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/resources/integrating-gender-dimension-research-content-research-funding-organisations-how-innovate

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Integrating the Gender Dimension into Research content for RFOs: Policy Brief 15: how to lead? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/resources/integrating-gender-dimension-research-content-research-funding-organisations-how-lead

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile,M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Integrating the Gender Dimension into Research content for RFOs: Policy Brief 14: how to consolidate? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/pb14_genderdim_rfo_consolidate.pdf

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Integrating the Gender Dimension into Research content for RFOs: Policy Brief 13: how to start? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/resources/integrating-gender-dimension-research-content-research-funding-organisations-where-start

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017) GenPORT Policy Briefs: Integrating the Gender Dimension into Research Content for RPOs: Policy Brief 12: how to innovate? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/pb12_genderdim_rpo_innovate.pdf

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017) GenPORT Policy Briefs: Integrating the Gender Dimension into Research Content for RPOs: Policy Brief 11: how to lead? Retrieved from  http://www.genderportal.eu/resources/integrating-gender-dimension-research-content-research-performing-organisations-how-lead

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017) GenPORT Policy Briefs: Integrating the Gender Dimension into Research Content for RPOs: Policy Brief 10: how to consolidate? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/pb10_genderdim_rpo_consolidate.pdf

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Integrating the Gender Dimension into Research Content for RPOs: Policy Brief 9: where to start? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/pb9_genderdim_rpo_start.pdf

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile,M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Gender Balance in Decision-Making: Policy Brief 20: How to innovate? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/pb20_decisionmaking_inno.pdf

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). Gender and Science Policy Briefs: An Introduction. Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/pb_introduction_.pdf

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Encouraging the Recruitment and Promotion of Female Researchers: Policy Brief 1: Where to Start? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/pb1_recruitpromote_start.pdf

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Encouraging the Recruitment and Promotion of Female Researchers: Policy Brief 3: How to Lead? Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/pb3_recruitpromote_lead.pdf

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Gender Balance in Decision-Making: Policy Brief 18: How to consolidate? Retrieved fromhttp://www.genderportal.eu/resources/gender-balance-decision-making-how-consolidate-genport-policy-brief-18

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile,M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Brief 5: Implementing Gender Equality Plans in Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) Retrieved from http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/pb5_gep-rpo_start.pdf

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E., & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Implementing Gender Equality Plans in RPOs: Policy Brief 8: How to Consolidate? Retrieved from http://eige.europa.eu/sites/default/files/d4.8_gender_and_science_policy_briefs_genport.pdf

Palmén, R., Bitukisova, A., Caprile, M., Getz, L., Hearn, J., Husu, L., Lipinsky, A., Müller, J., Arroyo, L., Pollitzer, E. & Steinweb, N. (2017). GenPORT Policy Briefs: Implementing Gender Equality Plans in RPOs: Policy Brief 7: How to Lead? Retrieved from  http://www.genderportal.eu/sites/default/files/resource_pool/pb7_gep_rpo_lead.pdf

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