Participation as guest speakers

Background from newspaper's letters on the real newspaper's texture background. Newspaper was aged and a bit damaged by putting it into the tea and coffee mix for 3 days.


GenTIC members frequently participate as guest speakers in dissemination and communication activities such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and roundtable discussions organized by other R&I and higher education organisations and by non-academic communities, including governmental institutions, the private sector, and civil society organisations.








Antic Gaber, M. [Milica], & Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2023, November 28). Invited presentation about the INSPIRE project at a meeting of the Gender and Diversity Working Group of The Guild (association that comprises twenty-two of Europe’s most distinguished research-intensive universities in sixteen countries). Audience: 20 people. Brussels (Belgium) and online.

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2023, December 12). Participation in the Award Ceremony of the Miquel Caminal and Anna Alabart Prizes for the best Bachelor’s Theses in Political Science and Sociology 2023, as the head of the Academic Committee of the Professional Association of Political Science and Sociology (COLPIS) and as a member of the awards jury. La CIBA, City Council of Santa Coloma de Gramenet. More information:

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2023, October 16). Reflexions sobre les noves organitzacions dels usos del temps [Reflections on the new organizations of time use]. Invited participation in the “Catalan Research Meeting on Time Use” within the Time Use Week 2023, co-organized by the Government of Catalonia, the Barcelona City Council, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, the Barcelona Provincial Council, and the Time Use Initiative. Time Use Week 2023. Per un nou equilibri del temps, Barcelona, Spain.

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2023, October 2). La reconceptualización de las brechas digitales de género desde la perspectiva interseccional [The reconceptualization of gender digital divides from an intersectional perspective] [Presentation]. Gender and ICT Research Seminar: Exploring Gender Gaps and Barriers Towards Inclusive Gender Equality in the Digital Society. Audience: 25 people. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Di Tullio Arias, A. [Anabella]. (2023, October 2). ¿Es posible legislar sobre el consentimiento? [Is it possible to legislate on consent?] [Presentation]. Gender and ICT Research Seminar: Exploring Gender Gaps and Barriers Towards Inclusive Gender Equality in the Digital Society. Audience: 25 people. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Di Tullio, A. [Anabella]. (2023, March 16). Presentation of the book: Feminismos y Política II. Educación, Cultura y Memoria. Museo de Medios de Comunicación “Raul D. Berneri”. Chaco, Argentina.

Di Tullio, A. [Anabella]. (2023, March 15). Conversatorio: Feminismos y Política. Apuntes para un debate urgente en la Universidad. Presentation of the book: Feminismos y Política II. Educación, Cultura y Memoria. Board Meeting Room of UNCAus (Roque Sáenz Peña Presidency). Chaco, Argentina.

Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2023, December 12). Analysing hindering and facilitating factors for achieving Gender Equality Impact at the organisational level. 7th Annual International QCA Paper Development Workshop, Amberes, Belgium.

Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2023, November 30). Inclusion of the gender dimension in doctoral research. Society, Technology and Culture; Information and Knowledge Society; Tourism; and Humanities and Communication doctoral programmes (practical session). Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, online.

Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2023, November 21). Inclusion of the gender dimension in doctoral research. Health and Psychology; Education and ICT (e-learning); and Business Management doctoral programmes (practical session). Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, online.

Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2023, November 14). Inclusion of the gender dimension in doctoral research (introductory session). Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, online.

Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2023, October 2). Pathways to Gender Equality in R&D. Configurational analysis of national factors shaping women’s early career progress [Presentation]. Gender and ICT Research Seminar: Exploring Gender Gaps and Barriers Towards Inclusive Gender Equality in the Digital Society. Audience: 25 people. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2023, September 18). Invited presentation about the INSPIRE project at the Symposium ‘La igualdad de género en las instituciones de ciencia, tecnología e innovación y educación superior [‘Gender Equality in Science, Technology, Innovation, and Higher Education], co-organized by the UNESCO Regional Chair on Women, Science, and Technology in Latin America and the National Program for Gender Equality of the Argentine Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation. Audience: 300 people. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Video:

Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2023, March 21). Webinar “Com incloure la perspectiva de gènere en treballs finals?” [How to integrate the gender perspective in final degree projects] (2nd Edition). Audience: 50 people. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, online.

Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2023, March 15). Opening Remarks: Monitoring and Evaluating GEPs at EU, national and institutional levels. Remaining barriers. Invited presentation at the event “Impact of Gender Equality Plans across the European Research Area”, organised by the European Commission to discuss a study commissioned by the DG Research and Innovation to examine the impacts of EU and national policies and programmes promoting Gender Equality Plans (GEPs). Jörg Müller was also a member of the study’s Steering Group. Audience: 231. Online.; Video:

Müller, J. [Jörg]. (2023, March 8). Webinar “Com incloure la perspectiva de gènere en treballs finals?” [How to integrate the gender perspective in final degree projects] (1st edition). Audience: 40 people. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, online.

Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2023, December 11). Invited participation at the third meeting of the ERA Action 5 subgroup of experts ‘Inclusive Gender Equality in the European Research Area’, established by the DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission to implement Action 5 of the European Research Area (ERA) Policy Agenda 2022-2024. 3rd meeting of the sub-group to the ERA Forum on ERA Action 5 of the ERA Policy Agenda 2022-2024 – “Inclusive gender equality in the ERA”, online. Audience: 20 people.

Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2023, October 2). A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research [Presentation]. Gender and ICT Research Seminar: Exploring Gender Gaps and Barriers Towards Inclusive Gender Equality in the Digital Society. Audience: 25 people. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2023, May 24). Invited participation at the STEM Workforce Roundtable Discussion, organized by the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) in Barcelona. Academic experts at an international level gathered in this meeting with the aim of discussing commonalities and differences in the issues affecting the recruitment and retention of women in male-dominated STEM workplaces inthe United States and in Spain/Europe. Audience: 11 people. Hotel Gaudí Meeting Room, Barcelona, Spain. More information:

Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2023, March 14). Invited presentation of INSPIRE project’s objectives and contents at the kick-off meeting of the Sub-group of experts ERA Action 5, established by the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission to implement Action 5 of the European Research Area (ERA) Policy Agenda 2022-2024 (‘Inclusive Gender Equality in the European Research Area’). Representatives from ERA Forum Members (Member States) and Observers (Associated Countries and Stakeholder Organisations) attended the meeting as members of the subgroup. Audience: 40 people. Kick-off meeting ERA Action 5 subgroup, online.

Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2023, March 1). Presentation of the INSPIRE project at the SPEAR’s Final Conference “The future of (gender) equality, inclusivity and democracy values in European academia: practices, prerequisites, pushback and prospectives” (slot dedicated to networking and engagement with 26 sister projects and initiatives) [Conference session]. Audience: 200 participants, Den Blå Hal, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2023, February 3). The role of institutions and policies in the integration of the gender dimension in teaching and higher education curricula. [Invited keynote speech]. Seminar “From gender studies to the study on gender in higher education in Portugal: balances, challenges and good practices”, organized in the framework of the ENGENDER Project. Audience: 80 people. University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2023, January 12). Best practice example II: INSPIRE – The European Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research & Innovation: Creating Knowledge & Engaging in Collaborative Action [Invited communication]. Webinar: “Get inspired and get aboard: Everything you need to know about 2023–2024 ERA calls”, joint event of the WIDERA National Contact Points (NCP) from Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, and Lithuania aimed at potential applicants to the European Research Area (ERA) calls from these countries. Audience: 144 participants. Online. More information here:

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta]. (2023, September 19). Presenter of the workshop ‘Temps per Cures als ens locals. Coneixement, reflexió i debat’ [‘Time for Care in local entities. Knowledge, reflection, and debate’], organized by the Department of Equality and Feminisms of the Government of Catalonia. The event targeted at technicians from municipalities and county councils responsible for implementing the ‘Temps per Cures’ [‘Time for Care’] program in their municipality.

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta]. (2023, August 18-19). Lecturer of the courses ‘Feminisme i independentisme: trobades i friccions’ ‘Feminism and independence movement: meetings and frictions’] and ‘Extrema dreta i pensament reaccionari dins l’independentisme: eines per identificar-los’ [‘Extreme right and reactionary thinking within independence movement: tools to identify them’]. Universitat Catalana d’Estiu, Prada de Conflent, North Catalonia/France.

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta]. (2023, May 30). Speaker at the colloquium ‘Nacionalisme català i feminisme. Una conversa imprescindible’ [‘Catalan nationalism and feminism. A necessary conversation’]. Ateneu Barcelonès, Barcelona, Spain.

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta]. (2023, March 14). Opening speech at the workshop “Bones pràctiques en perspectiva de gènere en l’àmbit sociosanitari” [Good practices with a gender perspective in social health] for students of training cycles on auxiliary nursing care and technical care for dependent people. Institut Guillem de Berguedà, Berga, Spain.

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta]. (2023, March 10). Investigación con perspectiva de género [Research with a gender perspective]. Invited presentation at the Seminar ‘Women in Research’. Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain.

Romero, A. [Aran]. (2023, October 2). Interseccionalidad: reflexiones metodológicas para investigaciones cualitativas [Presentation]. Gender and ICT Research Seminar: Exploring Gender Gaps and Barriers Towards Inclusive Gender Equality in the Digital Society. Audience: 25 people. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, December 11). Cara y cruz de las intervenciones con mujeres referentes [Upside and downside of interventions with women role models], invited communication at the VIII Encuentro de la Plataforma Universitaria de Estudios Feministas y de Género (EUFEM) [VIII Meeting of the University Platform for Feminist and Gender Studies]. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (hybrid event).

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, November 30). Inclusion of the gender dimension in doctoral research. Society, Technology and Culture; Information and Knowledge Society; Tourism; and Humanities and Communication doctoral programmes (practical session). Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, online.

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, November 21). Inclusion of the gender dimension in doctoral research. Health and Psychology; Education and ICT (e-learning); and Business Management doctoral programmes (practical session). Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, online.

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, November 14). Inclusion of the gender dimension in doctoral research (introductory session). Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, online.

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, October 5). Desarrollo de las diferencias de género de la motivación en lengua, matemáticas y ciencias a lo largo de la educación secundaria. Invited presentation at the XI Seminario de Educación e Infancia. Alternativas pedagógicas para aprender a leer en el mundo de hoy. Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia and online. Video:–

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, October 2). Ampliando horizontes de las chicas en ciencia y tecnología a partir de intervenciones con mujeres referentes: el Proyecto HORIGESTEM [Presentation]. Gender and ICT Research Seminar: Exploring Gender Gaps and Barriers Towards Inclusive Gender Equality in the Digital Society. Audience: 25 people. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, June 9). The Gender Gap in STEM: Insights from Spain. Invited presentation at the Workshop: Understanding Gender Gaps in STEM from a Global Perspective, organized by Andrea Vial (Assistant Professor of Psychology at NYU Abu Dhabi) and Andrei Cimpian (Professor of Psychology at New York University) to disseminate research results and stimulate international collaborations to investigate gender gaps in STEM from a global perspective. Washington Square North Faculty, NYU (United States).

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, May 24). Invited participation at the STEM Education Roundtable Discussion, organized by the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) in Barcelona. Academic experts at an international level gathered in this meeting to discuss differences and commonalities affecting the recruitment and retention of women in STEM education in the United States and in Spain/Europe. Audience: 12 people. More information:

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, May 17). Sesgos y brechas de género en el ámbito digital. Invited participation at the Webinar: Diseñando el futuro de internet para una mejor sociedad. Fundación Integra Digital. Online. Video:

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, March 29]. Género en ciencia: De la segregación en los estudios STEM a las desigualdades en la carrera científico-académica [Gender in science: From segregation in STEM studies to inequalities in the scientific-academic career], invited communication at the Seminar Demospaz. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Madrid. Video:

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, March 21). La inclusión de la perspectiva de género en los Trabajos Fin de Grado (TFG) y Fin de Máster (TFM). Aplicación de la perspectiva interseccional. Webinar: ¿Cómo incluir la perspectiva de género en trabajos finales? [How to integrate the gender perspective in final degree projects] (2nd edition). Audience: 50 people. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, online.

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2023, March 8). Webinar “Com incloure la perspectiva de gènere en treballs finals?” [How to integrate the gender perspective in final degree projects] (1st edition). Audience: 40 people. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, online.