





Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2022, December 20). Participation in the Presentation Ceremony of the Miquel Caminal and Anna Alabart Awards to the best TFG in Political Science and Sociology 2022, as head of the Academic Committee of the Professional College of Political Science and Sociology (COLPIS) and as member of the awards panel. More information: -which-strengthen-the-profession/; Video:

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2022, December 14). Invited participation with the communication “Key dimensions for gender equality in the digital society at the national level” at the International Conference on Economy and Public Budgeting for equal opportunities between men and women, organized by the Institute of Studies on the Public Treasury of Andalusia (IEHPA), attached to the Ministry of Economy, Finance and European Funds of the Government of Andalusia. Video:

Arroyo, L. [Lídia] & Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2022, December 13). Invited participation as moderators of a work session on addressing the gender dimension in knowledge, innovation and technological development, coordinated by notus-asr within the training promoted by ANECA to move towards a social evaluation inclusive and with a gender perspective. C3%B3n-y-el-desarrollo-technol%C3%B3gico

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2022, November 24). Invited participation in the Round Table “The other families“, linked to the Tocar mare show within the cycle of activities The family (or the family?), organized by Sala Beckett and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2022, November 18). Invited participation in the Round Table “Roles, abuses and vulnerabilities”, linked to the theater show El desig del cor within the series of activities The family (or the family?), organized by Sala Beckett and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2022, September 21). Introduction to the event Lesbians, bisexuals and trans people building their own peace: Experiences and claims for truth and non-repetition in Colombia. Dialogue with Catalonia, organized by the Gender Committee of the Professional College of Political Science and Sociology of Catalonia (COLPIS) together with Cooperacció and Barcelona City Council. Video here.

Arroyo, L. [Lídia] (2022, June 10). Organization and participation in the closing ceremony of the Postgraduate “The gender perspective in public policies and projects: conceptual and methodological tools“, program of the Professional College of Political Science and Sociology that has been coordinated by Lídia Arroyo in its first edition. i-methodological/

Arroyo, L. [Lídia] (2022, June 7). Participation as a guest expert in the webinar “Exploring the nexus between health, equity and gender”, organized jointly by the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the eHealth Center of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in the context of the IAU HESD Cluster for SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing. Video: Results:

Arroyo, L. [Lídia] (2022, May 18). Participation in the Talk “Today’s co-education, tomorrow’s equality”, organized by AFI Escola Bellaterra in collaboration with Cerdanyola Family School and the Cerdanyola AMPAS Platform. Video:

Arroyo, L. [Lídia] (2022, April 20). Participation in the High Level Policy Event: Through Transitions with +RESILIENT, final event of the +RESILIENT project that took place at the European Parliament in Brussels to present the results of the project to experts and political representatives and discuss how to integrate the conclusions in the policies of the European Union.

Arroyo, L. [Lídia] (2022, March 25). Invited participation with a communication on digitization and gender at the Seminar: “Gender policies in Catalonia, under debate”, organized by the Institute for Self-Government Studies of the Generalitat of Catalonia (IEA). Auditorium of the Palau de la Generalitat. Program: Video:

Arroyo, L. [Lídia] (2022, March 9). Invited participation in the Round Table: Women and work. New inequalities and opportunities?, organized by the Gavà City Council and VI Women’s Congress of the Baix Llobregat). Video:

Garrido, N. [Natalia] (2022, July 7-8). Gendered organizational networks: differences in competitive and cooperative contexts [Presentation]. Similarity, Selection and Influence: A Cross-Disciplinary Symposium on Homophily in Social Networks. Online/hybrid. University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Müller, J. [Jörg] (2022, December 19-21). Writing research proposals. From initial ideas to successful applications. Workshop – Falling Walls – Female Science Talents Intensive Track.

Müller, J. [Jörg] (2022, October 5-6). Guest speaker at the Course: “Beyond diagnoses: Management equality and incorporation of female talent in higher education, research and university management”, organized on October 5-6 by the CUIMPB-Centre Ernest Lluch in col ·collaboration with the Global Network of Universities for Innovation (GUNi) and the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP).

Müller, J. [Jörg] (2022, January 18). Invited participation in the panel “Gender diversity in science”, within the International Forum “Knowledge Diplomacy: Transforming the world through higher education” organized by the British Council of Mexico on January 18-19, 2022 through the their Facebook and YouTube channels. Video: (min. 01:17:00)

Palmén, R. [Rachel] (2022, October 28). Presentation of the INSPIRE project at the Inauguration of the UOC’s Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Hub.

Palmén, R. [Rachel] (2022, June 14). “Community of Practice approach to improving Gender Equality in Research & Innovation, and Higher Education in Europe and beyond”. Invited presentation within the “Tuesday Seminar Series” of the Danish Center for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University. The presentation focuses on the book A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research, edited by Rachel Palmén and Jörg Müller and published by Routledge.

Palmén, R. [Rachel] (2022, March 22). External expertise to support the development of inclusive gender equality in R&I strategy and contribution to the European Commission Task Force for Equality, Round Table: “Inclusive GEPs”, organized by ECORYS for the European Commission. The European Commission has published a report on the results of the sessions with the title “Approaches to inclusive gender equality in research and innovation (R&I)” which can be consulted here.

Palmén, R. [Rachel] (2022, March 10). Revitalization of the working group “How to incorporate the gender perspective into online teaching at the UOC?” at the #JornadaGenderUOC: gender perspective in university teaching, organized by the Equality Unit of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Petroff, A. [Alisa] (2022, November 15). Seminar “Digital platforms and the link with migration and desired immobility: the Venezuelan case in technological sectors”, as a guest speaker as part of the New Challenges of Transnational Mobility cycle, organized by the Universidad Autónoma of Barcelona and the CER-Migracions groups (UAB-UB), GEDIME (UAB) and GT CLACSO of South-South Migration. Video here.

Roqueta-Fernández, M. [Marta] (2022, June 20). Sociolinguistic dialogues IV: language and gender. Organized by the Catalan Sociolinguistic Society. (20 participants)

Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta] (2022, April 26). “Feminist leadership in institutions” training, aimed at people with managerial and commanding positions in the Provincial Council of Barcelona: Video:

Roqueta-Fernández, M. [Marta] (2022, March 16). Workshop on opinion in the media. IES Lluís de Peguera, Manresa (15 participants).

Roqueta-Fernández, M. [Marta] (2022, March 9). Moderation of the Round Table: Women and work. New inequalities and opportunities?, organized by the Gavà City Council and VI Women’s Congress of the Baix Llobregat).

Roqueta-Fernández, M. [Marta] (2022, February 25). Invited participation in the Colloquium: “Digital political communication in Spain.” Coloquio con Víctor Sampedro”, organized by the CNSC research group of the IN3.´. Video:

Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2022, December 15). Participation in the presentation of the Equit@T Awards as a member of the jury. Video:

Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2022, September 17). Participation as an invited speaker with the presentation “Projects that promote the inclusion of the gender perspective”, based on the results of the FECYT publication “Hacia una comunicación inclusiva de la ciencia”. Trivulg@ando. Research, society and dissemination, Residence of Students, Madrid, Spain. Video:

Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2022, June 27). Invited participation Mujeres, Tecnologías y Sociedad Digital, invited presentation at the VII Meeting of the University Platform for Feminist and Gender Studies EUFEM. Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), June 27-28. Video:

Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2022, June 22). The beginning of the gap, the biases in the choice of studies [Invited lecture]. I Congress on Salary Gap. Department of Work and Employment of the Basque Government, Bilbao, June 22-23, 2022. Video:

Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2022, June 9). Participation as an expert in the debate “The promotion of STEM vocations among young people“, organized by the Territorial Network of the Univesitat Oberta de Catalunya in Andalusia within the RETOS Cycle, a cycle of events with the aim of reflecting on the challenges that organizations, education, the economy and society as a whole will have to face in the coming years, from a local perspective. Impact Hub Málaga. Video:

Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2022, February 15). Participation as a guest expert in the Journal Club FECYT “The trap of science and girls. Aspirations, referents and stereotypes“, scientific communication event organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). Video:

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2021, June 29). Roundtable “Conciliación corresponsable” [Conference]. Employment equality in a new scenario of Covid19, organized by the Equality Unit of Universidad de Sevilla. Number of participants: 144 people.

Arroyo, L. [Lídia]. (2021, March 11). Unconscious Gender Bias: What, Why and How to overcome it. A sociological perspective [Conference]. Invited presentation at the online seminar organized by the “Equality, Diversity and Inclusions Committee” of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) on the occasion of International Women’s Day (March 8). Video:º

Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2021, November 28-29). Integrating the Gender Dimension into Research: Findings from the EFFORTI Project. Invited paper at the Annual Knowledge Exchange Conference Somali Women in Higher Education, Research and Academia. Video (min. 01:05:05):

Palmén, R. [Rachel]. (2021, June 30). The research in the framework of the EFFORTI project, as an example of good practice [Conference]. Webinar “How is the gender dimension integrated into a project?”, organized by the H2020 STRENTEX project.

Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2021, February 18). Online conference “Borders, conflicts and security in the Mediterranean: the case of the Spanish-Moroccan border [Panelist]. European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED).

Reyes, J. I. [José Israel], & Meneses, J. [Julio] (2021, June 8). The lived experiences of students with disabilities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Paper presented at the EADTU’s Webinar Week on Diversity & Inclusion in Online Education, Online.

Roqueta-Fernández, M. [Marta]. (2021, May 17). Presentation of the book ‘Digital political communication in Spain: from “Pásalo” to Podemos and from Podemos to Vox’ (Editorial UOC). Organized by the research group Cibersomosaguas and Teknokultura: Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales, with Víctor Sampedro (coordinator), Pep Lobera (author) and Aitor Jiménez (journalist).

Roqueta-Fernández, M. [Marta]. (2021, March 19). Power and cultural industries [Conference]. Universidad de LLeida, subject Cultural Industries.

Sáinz, M. [Milagros]. (2021, September 30). Invited presentation at the table “Women, education and technology in times of COVID”. I International Conference on Educational Innovation with a Gender Perspective, organized by the GRIAL Research Group of the Universidad de Salamanca in collaboration with the XI International Conference on Virtual Campuses (JICV’21).