The journal PLOS ONE has published a new article co-authored by GenTIC researchers Julio Meneses and Sergi Fàbregues, together with UOC researchers Julià Minguillón, Eduard Aibar and Núria Ferrar-Ferrer, which explores the gender gap in the Spanish Wikipedia.


The authors analyse data from Wikipedia registered users’ profiles and pages to estimate the percentage of women editors and measure their engagement and editing practices with respect to their men counterparts. Using their own coding procedure, the researchers identified a greater number of women than by relying only on the gender reported in their user profile. Results showed that the percentage of women comprises 11.6% of all analysed editors and men outnumber women in all Wikipedia namespaces in a ratio that is always equal to or greater than 3:1, though there is still a significant percentage of users whose gender cannot be determined by either method.


The article “Exploring the gender gap in the Spanish Wikipedia: Differences in engagement and editing practices” is available for open access on the journal website.