The Spanish High Council of Sports (CSD) has presented today in Madrid the 21 research networks in sports science led by Spanish universities that have been granted by this governmental institution this year with the objective to foster scientific research about sports.


Milagros Sáinz has attended the event in representation of Analytics@Sports&Health, a network coordinated by UOC’s professor Ángel A. Juan (lead researcher of ICSO Research Group at IN3) which aim is to gain a better understanding on how sports can benefit people’s health by developing data-intensive studies combining data science, business analytics, operations research and artificial intelligence, as well as analysing the current gender gap regarding enrolment in engineering and technical degrees applied to the fields of sports and health.


During the presentation event, the Spanish Secretary of State for Sports, María José Rienda, has highlighted the need to continue investing in public policies aimed at improving the Spanish sport system. The 21 research networks newly granted by the Spanish High Council of Sports (CSD) involve 364 researchers from 14 different Spanish universities, 58 companies, 23 national and regional sports federations and 10 foreign research groups.


Analytics@Sports&Health network members include the ICSO Research Group of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3-UOC), FoodLab (UOC Faculty of Health Sciences) and Gender and ICT (IN3-UOC), together with 8 other research groups from different Catalan and Spanish universities in the fields of health, engineering, economy, social sciences and computer studies.


More information on the Analytics@Sports&Health network.

Register at the 2019 Workshop on Analytics@Sport&Health taking place on 11-12 November in Barcelona.