TV and video



2024, February 20. Colpis Catalunya YouTube Channel. In this episode of the podcast ‘La mirada del Colpis’, Lídia Arroyo, GenTIC researcher and head of the Academic Commission of the Professional Association of Political Science and Sociology from Catalonia (COLPIS), talks about the new edition of the Dictionary of Sociology and Sciences Social with Jordi Busquet, coauthor of the publication. (watch the videopodcast)


2024, February 13. FOD BOSA YouTube Channel. Rachel Palmén participated as an invited speaker in the panel ‘From gender to gender+ equality: Intersectionality and inclusiveness in R&I’ at the ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality Conference, organized by the Horizon Europe GENDERACTIONplus project. BOSA, Brussels (Belgium) and online. In the event, Rachel Palmén discussed the INSPIRE project insights and actions to advance intersectionality and inclusiveness in R&I. (watch the video)


2024, February 9. UOC YouTube channel. Interview with Rachel Palmén, researcher at the Gender and ICT group at UOC. On the occasion of International Women’s and Science Day, Marta Aymerich, director of the eHealth Center, interviews Rachel Palmén, senior researcher at GenTIC. Rachel Palmén reflects on gender inequalities in science and technology and explains how the INSPIRE project promotes diversity and inclusion in the research and innovation system as crucial aspects to achieve equal opportunities and enhance the quality and societal relevance of R&I outputs and impacts. (watch the video)


2024, January 25. La CIBA YouTube Channel. GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo presented the session ‘Pressupostos de gènere: Claus, reptes i èxits’ [Gender budgets: keys, challenges and successes], within the seminar series ‘Polítiques feministes: De la teoria a la pràctica’ [Feminist policies: from theory to practice], co-organized by the Professional Association of Political Science and Sociology from Catalonia (COLPIS), the Institute of Political and Social Sciences (ICPS), and La CIBA (Santa Coloma de Gramenet City Council). This seminar series was organized as part of the COLPIS postgraduate course ‘La perspectiva de gènere a les polítiques públiques i projectes: eines conceptuals i metodològiques’  [The gender perspective in public policies and projects: conceptual and methodological tools], coordinated by Lídia Arroyo. (watch the video)


2023, December 29. CALIPER Project YouTube Channel. Rachel Palmén gave an invited keynote presentation about the INSPIRE project at the CALIPER and LeTSGEPs’ joint final conference ‘Inclusive research and Innovation Ecosystems. A Sustainable Way Forward for Gender Equality’, held in Brussels and online on 23 November 2023. (watch the video


2023, October 5. Universidad del Norte YouTube Channel. Milagros Sáinz gave an invited presentation about gender differences in motivation in language, mathematics, and science throughout secondary education at the XI Seminario de Educación e Infancia [XI Seminar on Education and Childhood], organized by Universidad del Norte (Colombia).  (watch the video)


2023, September 18. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación YouTuve Channel. Jörg Müller gave an invited presentation about the INSPIRE project at the Symposium ‘La igualdad de género en las instituciones de ciencia, tecnología e innovación y educación superior [‘Gender Equality in Science, Technology, Innovation, and Higher Education], co-organized by the UNESCO Regional Chair on Women, Science, and Technology in Latin America and the National Program for Gender Equality of the Argentine Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation. (watch the video)


2023, August 23. Telenotícies – TV3. Rubiales: cercles d’impunitat i pressió social. GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez reflects on the Rubiales case and highlights the networks of complicity that facilitate micro-machismo and acts of male micro-violences to be carried out with impunity.


2023, June 26. UOC YouTube Channel. La investigación del IN3 a fondo. Milagros Sáinz, director of GenTIC, talks about the research activities of the Gender and ICT research group in a video dedicated to providing an overview of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3). (watch the video, short version)


2023, May 17. Fundación Integra Digital. Milagros Sáinz, director of GENTIC, has participated in the Webinar “Diseñando el futuro de Internet para una mejor sociedad” [Designing the future of the Internet for a better society], organized by the Integra Digital Foundation on the occasion of Internet Day, analyzing gender biases and gaps in field. (watch the video)


2023, March 15. EU Science & Innovation YouTube Channel. Impact of Gender Equality Plans across the European Research Area. Jörg Muller, a senior researcher at GenTIC, participated as a speaker at this event organised by the European Commission to present and discuss the study commissioned by the EC’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation on the impact that EU and national policies and programmes promoting Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in research organisations have had on gender equality across the European Research Area (ERA). Jörg Müller intervened as a member of this EC study’s Steering Group, as well as a research member of the INSPIRE project and former ACT project coordinator. (watch the video)


2022, December 14. IEHPA YouTube Channel. GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo gave an invited communication on the key dimensions for gender equality in the digital society at the International Conference on Economics and Public Budget for Equal Opportunities Between Men and Women, organized by the Institute of Studies on Public Finance of Andalusia (IEHPA) and the Ministry of Economy, Finance and European Funds of the Junta de Andalucía. (watch the video)


2022, November 15. CER-Migracions YouTube Channel. GenTIC researcher Alisa Petroff presented the results of her postdoctoral research on professionals from technology sectors working on digital platforms and the implications of the gig economy for migration patterns at the seminar series “New challenges of transnational mobility”, organized by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the research groups CER-Migracions (UAB-UB), GEDIME (UAB) and GT CLACSO from Migración Sur-Sur. (watch the video)


2022, September 21. CooperAcció YouTube Channel. Lídia Arroyo, researcher at GenTIC, gave an introduction to the conference Lesbianes, bisexuals i trans construint una pau pròpia: Experiències i reivindicacions per a la veritat i la no repetició a Colòmbia. Diàleg amb Catalunya [Lesbians, bisexuals and trans people building their own peace: Experiences and claims for truth and non-repetition in Colombia. Dialogue with Catalonia], organized by the Gender Committee of the Professional College of Political Science and Sociology of Catalonia (COLPIS) together with Cooperacció and the Barcelona City Council (watch the video).


2022, September 17. TRIVULGANDO YouTube Channel. Milagros Sáinz, director of GenTIC, gave an invited talk at Trivulg@ando, a science communication event organised by Residencia de Estudiantes (Madrid) in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). Milagros Sáinz introduced science dissemination projects that promote the inclusion of a gender perspective. (watch the video)


2022, July 1. Fundación Esplai – YouTube Channel. Lídia Arroyo, researcher at GenTIC, talks about the gender digital divide and its impact in this interview for Fundación Esplai at the Digital Rights Forum held in El Prat de Llobregat from May 25 to 27, 2022. (watch the video)


2022, June 30. Congreso Brecha Salarial –  YouTube Channel. Milagros Sáinz, director of GenTIC, gave an invited conference on gender bias and the influence of gender roles and stereotypes in study choices at the I Congreso sobre Brecha Salarial [1st Congress on the Gender Pay Gap]. The event was held by the Department of Labor and Employment of the Basque Government in Bilbao on June 22-23, and included communications by experts from the academic and business fields, in addition to the Basque Vice President, Idoia Mendia, experts from UN Women such as Asa Ragnér and Ana Pashalishvili, and the president of the Commission of Equality in the Spanish Congress of Deputies, Carmen Calvo. (watch the video)


2022, June 27. Instituto de las Mujeres – YouTube Channel. Milagros Sáinz, director of GenTIC, gave an invited communication entitled “Women, Technologies and Digital Society” at the VII Meeting of the Spanish University Platform for Feminist and Gender Studies (EUFEM), which was held at the University of La Laguna on June 27 and 28, 2022. (watch the video)


2022, June 9. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) – YouTube channel. GenTIC director Milagros Sáinz participated as an invited speaker in the debate “El fomento de las vocaciones STEM entre las jóvenes” [Promoting STEM vocations among young women], organized by the Open University of Catalonia in Andalusia within the events cycle “Ciclo RETOS”. Along with Milagros Sáinz, Isabel Cuadrado, professor of Social Psychology at the University of Almería, and Mari Carmen Aguayo, professor of Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Málaga, participated in the event. The debate was moderated by journalist Magdalena Trillo. (watch the video)


2022, June 7. International Association of Universities (IAU) – YouTube channel. The global cluster of universities working on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, led by the eHealth Center of Universitat Oberta de Caralunya, in conjuntion with the International Association of Universities (IAU), organized the webinar “Exploring the nexus between health, equity, and gender” to discuss issues related to equity and equal access to health. Lídia Arroyo, researcher at GenTIC, participated in the event as an invited speaker. The round table was moderated by Gemma Marfany, Professor of Biology and Genetics at the University of Barcelona, and together with Lídia Arroyo included interventions by Edward Bichetero, Senior Technical Officer of Data Science and Informatics at Makerere University, Hannah Dahlen, Professor of Midwifery at Western Sydney University, and Retna Siwi, Faculty member at the Division of Public Health at Universitas Gadjah Mada, with opening remarks by Hilligje van’t Land, IAU Secretary General, and closing remarks by Marta Aymerich, UOC’s Vice President for Strategic Planning and Research. (watch the video)


2022, May 23. Formació Diputació de Barcelona – YouTube channel. Lideratge feminista. Marta Roqueta, a researcher at GenTIC, offered a conference within the training cycle for team leaders of the Barcelona Provincial Council on feminist leadership and how to promote leadership with a feminist perspective in public institutions. (watch the video)


2022, May 18. WHEC 2022 Website. Rachel Palmén gave an invited presentation on gender equality policies at universities and research centres in the European Union at the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference 2022. The presentation was included in the panel “Contribuciones de los planes y programas de igualdad de género para los futuros de la educación superior” [Contributions of gender equality plans and programs for the futures of Higher Education], organized by the UNESCO Regional Chair on Women, Science and Technology in Latin America. (watch the video)


2022, May 18. Escola de Families Cerdanyola – YouTube channel. Lídia Arroyo participated in the talk session “Coeducació d’avui, la igualtat de demà” [Co-education of today, equality of tomorrow], organized by the Bellaterra school parent’s association in collaboration with the Families School of Cerdanyola and the Platform of School Parent’s Associations in Cerdanyola. (watch the video)


2022, April 8. COLPIS – YouTube channel. Colloquium with Jane Mansbridge, political scientist. GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo moderated a colloquium with professor Jane Mansbridge, organized by the College of Political Scientists and Sociologists of Catalonia (COLPIS) on the occasion of the publication of the book ‘Democracia. Amistad y pugna ’, edited by Gedisa. (watch the video: Catalan version; English version)


2022, March 25. Institut d’Estudis de l’Autogovern – YouTube channel. Seminari: “Les polítiques de gènere a Catalunya, a debat [Seminar: Gender policies in Catalonia, under debate]”. GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo was invited to talk about digitalization from a gender perspective in this seminar organized by the Catalan Institute for Self-Government Studies. The event was open to citizen participation and included presentations by representatives of the Government of Catalonia and academic experts who provided an analysis of what public institutions do and could do to move towards a more egalitarian and inclusive society. More than a hundred people attended the event, both online and in person. (watch the video)


2022, March 9. Ajuntament de Gavà – YouTube channel. Taula Rodona: Dones i treball. Noves desigualtats i oportunitats? On March 8, 2022, Lídia Arroyo gave a guest presentation at the Round Table: “Women and Work”, organized by Gavà City Council. Lídia Arroyo presented the transnational study that she coordinated in the +RESILIENT project to identify the professional skills that are relevant for generating digital social innovation and reflected on the future of work. Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez, also a researcher at GenTIC, moderated the round table. (watch the video)


2022, March 4. PDICIENCIA – YouTube channel. The director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, is interviewed in this video created by the project PDICIENCIA to present the book Hacia una comunicación inclusiva de la ciencia: Reflexiones y acciones de éxito, published by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). Milagros Sáinz is one of the experts who author the publication, a guide that explores the aspects to take into account to design scientific dissemination projects with an inclusive approach in four areas: gender and socio-cultural situation, cultural groups and groups at risk of social exclusion, disability, and LGTBI+ people. Together with Milagros Sáinz, the video includes interventions by the coordinator of the book Ramón Flecha (Universitat de Barcelona) and co-authors Diego Ortega-Alonso (University of Jaén and PDICIENCIA), Gracia Trujillo (Complutense University of Madrid) and Teresa Sordé (Autonomous University of Barcelona). (watch the video)


2022, February 25. UOC – YouTube channel. GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez participated as an invited speaker in the symposium “Comunicación política digital en España” [Digital Political Communication in Spain], held online by the CNSC research group of the IN3. In the event, Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez presented her doctoral research on the use of social media by feminist activists in Catalonia and discussed with Víctor Sampedro, Professor of Political Communication at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC), the issues that emerge from the book Comunicación política digital en España: del “Pásalo” a Podemos y de Podemos a Vox. The symposium was chaired by Marta Cambronero (CNSC – UOC) and, together with Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez, included the participation of Rosa Borge (CNSC – UOC) and Carol Galais (UAB). (watch the video)


2022, February 15. FECYT ciencia – YouTube channel. The director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, participated as an invited expert in Journal Club FECYT, a scientific communication online event organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) to discuss the main conclusions of social science research on how to foster girls’ interest in science and technology, what is the influence of gender stereotypes and the effectiveness of presenting female role models in STEM. (watch the video)


2022, January 23. Notícies en xarxa – Cap de Setmana. GenTIC researcher Natalia Garrido is interviewed in the news channel Notícies en xarxa on the conclusions of the study Exploitation of the 2016 Gender-Based Violence Survey in Catalonia from a youth perspective, which she co-authored with Maria Rodó-Zárate (UB) and Claudia Malpica Lander (IN3-UOC). (watch the video, min. 00:13:28)


2022, January 18. British Council México – YouTube channel. Jörg Müller, a senior researcher at GenTIC, participated as an invited speaker in the Forum “Diplomacia del Conocimiento: Transformando el mundo a través de la educación superior” [Knowledge Diplomacy: Transforming the world through higher education], organized by the British Council Mexico on 18-19 January 2022. Jörg Müller intervened in the debate about gender diversity in science together with Rosalba Medina, president of REDNACECYT, and Susana Lizano, president of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. (watch the video, min. 01:17:00)


2022, January 14. Lídia Arroyo and Jörg Müller, researchers at Gender and ICT, gave a communication at the Twenty-second International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations on the results of the +RESILIENT project transnational study that identified the professional skills and organizational elements required to generate sustainable social digital innovation. Watch the conference session Skills and Organizational Elements for Social Digital Innovation: Transnational Study +RESILIENT Project in this video.


2021, November 29. Somalia Gender Hub – Facebook channel. Rachel Palmén, a senior researcher at GenTIC, gave the communication “Integrating the Gender Dimension into Research: Findings from the EFFORTI Project” as an invited speaker at the Annual Knowledge Exchange Conference Somali Women in Higher Education. (watch the video, min. 01:05:05)


2021, November 25. La Xarxa –  Fet A Mida. Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez is interviewed on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to reflect on gender-based violence in the media. (watch the video)


2021, November 24. Ajuntament de Gavà – YouTube channel. Taula rodona “Les violències sexuals”. GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez chaired a round table on sexual violences, organised by the Gavà City Council for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The table included the following speakers: Ana Burgos García, anthropologist and coordinator of the Noctàmbul@s Observatory; Teresa Echevarría Vallejo, referring nurse of sexual violence and founder of the Violence Commission at Hospital Clínic in Barcelona; and Maria Carme Riu Pascual, president of the Non-Standard Women’s Association. (watch the video)


2021, November 9. UOC – YouTube channel. Jornadas Online “Género y Ciencia de Datos en Deporte y Salud” (26-27 octubre 2021) – Red GENDASH. Video summary of the online workshop organised by the GENDASH Network on 26-27 October 2021. It includes interviews with some of the participating speakers and collaborators: María Martín (director of the Psychosocial Research in Sports Group and INEF professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Nuria Giménez Blasi (professor at the Universidad Católica de Ávila and professor of the Master’s Degree in Nutrition in Physical Activity and Sport at the UOC), Jordi Falgueras (director of the Degree in Sciences and Technologies applied to Sport and Fitness (CFET) at EUNCET Business School), Armando Nieto (president of Divina Seguros), David Arroyo Menéndez (pre-doctoral researcher at the Rey Juan Carlos University), Laura Esquius de la Zarza (professor of Health Sciences Studies at the UOC and director of the Master in Master’s Degree in Nutrition in Physical Activity and Sport at the UOC) and Carolina Cárcamo (professor at the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia-UNAD, Colombia). (watch the video)


2021, November 9. UOC – YouTube channel. Jornadas Online “Género y Ciencia de Datos en Deporte y Salud” (día 1, 26 de octubre 2021). First-day programme sessions of the online workshop organized on 26-27 October 2021 by the Spanish Network on “Gender and Data Science in Sport and Health” and coordinated by GenTIC  together with FoodLab (UOC Faculty of Health Sciences) and ICSO (IN3-UOC). (watch the vídeo)


2021, November 9. UOC – YouTube channel. Jornadas Online “Género y Ciencia de Datos en Deporte y Salud” (día 2, 27 de octubre 2021). Second-day programme sessions of the online workshop organized on 26-27 October 2021 by the Spanish Network on “Gender and Data Science in Sport and Health” and coordinated by GenTIC together with FoodLab (UOC Faculty of Health Sciences) and ICSO (IN3-UOC). (watch the vídeo)


2021, October 26. Govern obert – YouTube channel. Jornades anuals de Govern obert. Sessió 2: Dades obertes per frenar la corba. Lídia Arroyo participated as a guest speaker in a round table at the first edition of the Annual Open Government Conference, organized by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Open Government of the Government of Catalonia. The round table was chaired by Pastora Martínez, Vice-Rector for Globalization and Cooperation at the UOC, and included the following speakers: Lídia Arroyo (researcher at GenTIC and principal investigator of the Data COVID Gender project), Sílvia Cordomí, Director of Strategy and Quality at the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS), Toni Sanclement, designer of infographics and health data analyst, and Alexandre López-Borrull, professor and researcher in the Learning, Media and Entertainment Research Group (GAME) at the UOC’s Information and Communication Sciences Studies. (watch the video)


2021, October 21. TVE 2 – En línia. Interview with Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez on the Me Too movement. (watch the video)


2021, October 10. UOC – YouTube channel. Lídia Arroyo, researcher at GenTIC and head of the Academic Commission of the Professional Association of Political Science and Sociology (COLPIS), chaired the inaugural presentation of the Catalan Association of Political Science held on October 10, 2021 at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. (watch the video)

2021, September 3

0. Grupo de investigación GRIAL – YouTube channel. Milagros Sáinz, director of GenTIC, participated in the table “Género y Diversidad” [Gender and Diversity], in the I Jornadas Internacionales de innovación educativa con perspectiva de género organized by the GRIAL Research Group at Universidad de Salamanca. Watch Milagros Sáinz‘s presentation “Importancia de exponer a los jóvenes a role models (referentes) femeninos” [Importance of exposing young people to female role models] in this video (from minute 00:15:00 onwards).


2021, September 30. Grupo de investigación GRIAL – YouTube channel. María del Carmen Gallego and Milagros Sáinz presented the communication “Pre-service primary and secondary teachers’ gender stereotypes about students’ academic abilities and ambivalent sexism” in the I Jornadas Internacionales de innovación educativa con perspectiva de género, organized by the GRIAL Research Group at Universidad de Salamanca (watch the video, from minute 01:32:32 onwards)


2021, September 9. Instituto de las Mujeres – YouTube channel. Sergi Yanes, researcher of the GenTIC research group, participated on September 22 in the webinar “Justicia algorítmica en clave de género” [Algorithmic Justice from a Gender View], organized by the Spanish Women’s Institute (watch the video).


2021, September 8. Twitch TV. Lídia Arroyo intervened as an invited speaker to talk about the digital gaps from a gender perspective in the event “Periodismo, alfabetización y brechas digitales” [“Journalism, literacy and digital gaps”], organized by Maldita Educa, an initiative by the Foundation, on the occasion of International Literacy Day. (watch the video, from 00:50:17 onwards)


2021, July 9. Planta baixa – TV3. Marta Roqueta-Fernández has been interviewed on the Catalan television program “Planta baixa” to talk about the use of non-binary language and why it is important to consider gender in our linguistic choices. (watch the video, from 00:34:46 onwards)


2021, July 7. Ajuntament d’Esplugues – YouTube Channel. Lídia Arroyo participated as an invited speaker in the round table Dones al capdavant de la digitalització [Women at the forefront of digitization] at the 9ª Jornada Emprenem. Feminisme i Transformació Digital organized by the Baix Llobregat County Council, Esplugues City Council, Vil·la Pepita and the Baix Llobregat Women’s Council. (watch the video, from 01:13:50 onwards)


2021, July 5. CRASSH Cambridge – Youtube Channel. Natalia Garrido gave the communication “New Horizons for the Democratization of Care in Barcelona” at The Social Life of Care Conference, organized by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) on 13-15 May 2021. (watch the video, from 12:56 onwards)


2021, June 22. Gender Equality Academy EU – YouTube Channel. An introduction to the Gender Equality Audit & Monitoring (GEAM) tool with ACT (Session 1). Video of the introductory session to the training workshop on the Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) tool developed by the H2020 project ACT. The training was given by GenTIC researchers Jörg Müller, ACT project coordinator, and Sergi Yanes, member of the project team. (watch the video)


2021, June 8. La Ciba – YouTube Channel. Lídia Arroyo gave a communication on the digital gender gaps at the International Conference Data Feminism. Dades i economies emergents: reptes i oportunitats per a les dones, organized by La CIBA. The researcher intervened on the Round Table “Oportunitats d’ocupació de les dones en llocs de treballs digitals” [Employment opportunities for women in digital jobs]. (watch the video, from 04:02:45 onwards)


2021, May 25. En Línia – La 2 (RTVE Catalunya). Interview with Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez on the phenomenon of forced marriages, based on her research in the context of Catalonia. (watch the video, from 00:29:21 onwards).


2021, May 20. Coincidències – YouTube Channel. Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez participated as an invited speaker together with anthropologist Manuel Delgado in the debate “Terrats com a agents de canvi urbà” [Terrace roofs as agents of urban change] organized by the cultural association Coincidències on the terrace roof of the former Damm Factory in Barcelona. (watch the video)


2021, April 27. Foro CILAC – YouTube Channel. Rachel Palmén gave a communication in a thematic session at the Latin America and the Caribbean Open Science Forum (#cilac2021) as an invited speaker together with Gloria Bonder, director of the Gender, Society and Policies Area of FLACSO Argentina. Her presentation analyzed the gender equality policies implemented at universities and research centres in the European Union. (watch the video)


2021, April 13. Ajuntament de Barcelona – YouTube channel. Lídia Arroyo participated as an invited speaker at the round table “Reactivació de les persones. Ocupació de qualitat i sostenible” within the Barcelona reAct conference, organized by the Barcelona City Council from 13 to 16 April with experts and agents from all sectors to exchange and analyze proposals to relaunch the economy after a year of pandemic. (watch the video)


2021, March 25. Ajuntament de Terrassa – YouTube channel. Alisa Petroff presented her research about women in crowdsourcing platforms in the technological sectors of the digital economy in the Congrés Dones, Ciència i Tecnologia [Women, Science and Tecnology Conference] WSCITECH21. (watch the video, from 03:46:40 onwards)


2021, March 25. Ajuntament de Terrassa – YouTube channel. Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez gave a presentation which analyzed the limitations of the OECD’s economic approach to fostering girls’ interest in STEM in the Congrés Dones, Ciència i Tecnologia [Women, Science and Tecnology Conference] WSCITECH21. (watch the video, from 02:20:12 onwards)


2021, March 15. FECYT Facebook Live. Debate #FECYTedu #coNprueba “¿Cómo formentar la inclusión en el aula? Ejes: género, etnia, socioeconómico [How to promote inclusion in the classroom? Axes: gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic]”, organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) with interventions by GenTIC director Milagros Sáinz and Teresa Sordé (researcher at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Chaired by: Ángela Monasor. (watch the video)


2021, March 11. ThePRBB – YouTube channel. Lídia Arroyo‘s invited conference “Unconscious Gender Bias: What, Why and How to overcome it. A sociological perspective” in the online seminar organised by the PRBB “Equality, Diversity and Inclusions Committee” to celebrate International Women’s Day (8th March). The event took place on 11 March 2021 and the full talk is available in this video. (watch the video)


2021, March 6. Barcelona Activa – YouTube channel. Lídia Arroyo gave an invited lecture on the care work and the professional skills of the future in the diploma ceremony of the course “Atenció higienicosanitària de persones dependents” co-organized by Barcelona Activa, Associació Mujeres Migrantes Diversas and Barcelona Cuida. The video of the event is available at this link. (watch the video, lecture by Lídia Arroyo from minute 15:38 onwards)


2021, March 2. Redes – YouTube channel. Natalia Garrido gave an invited lecture on Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs) in the study of organizations in the fifth Colloquium of Redes. The full lecture is available in this video. (watch video)


2021, February 23. Betevé – btv notícies migdia. Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez talks on the Betevé channel newscast about the impact and the limitations of digital social networks to denounce sexual harassment. (watch the video, minute 14:27 onwards)


2021, January 26. Instituto de las Mujeres – YouTube channel. Seminario online “Las mujeres en el sector de los videojuegos” –  Sesión 1. Lecture by Milagros Sáinz on the current situation of the image of women in the video game sector, in which she analyzes stereotypes, sexism, violence and hypersexualization together with Beatriz Gimeno, Director of the Spanish Women’s Institute, María Rubio Méndez, coordinator of Ludosofía, Beatriz Legerén Lago, PhD in Audiovisual Communication, and Marta Trivi from AnaitGames. (watch the video)


2020, December 2. Barcelona LGTBI – YouTube channel. (Des)construint el gènere i la sexualitat al món digital. Lecture by Marta Roqueta-Fernández within the program of activities of the LGTBI center of Barcelona, in which she addressed how gender norms and sexuality are configured and contested in the digital environment. (watch the video)


2020, November 26. TV3 – TelenotíciesLes dues cares d’alguns mites. Intervention by Marta Roqueta-Fernández in the news of the TV3 channel, in which she reflects on the social and media tendency to ignore the cases of sexual harassment and gender-based violence committed by some male celebrities. (watch the video)


2020, November 18 . UST Santiago – Teams. Seminario Comunicación y Género: Visibilizando la desigualdad de género en el siglo XXI. Video of the seminar on gender and communication organized by Santo Tomás University in Santiago (Chile), which includes an invited communication by GenTIC researcher Lidia Arroyo Prieto on digital gaps and gender inequalities in the context of the Covid pandemic. (watch the video)


2020, November 12. UOC – YouTube channel. 2020 Online Workshop “Sports and Health Analytics Research (6-7 October)”. This video includes interviews with Lidia Arroyo and other participating speakers in the Workshop on “Sports and Health Analytics Research” (#SportsAndHealthAnalytics), held on 6-7 October 2020. The event was organized by the Spanish Network on Sports and Health Analytics Research with a Gender Perspective (SHARP), financed by the High Council for Sports (CSD), Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport (Ref. 09/UPR/20), and coordinated by three research groups at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya: FoodLab (UOC Faculty of Health Sciences), GenTIC and ICSO (IN3-UOC). (watch the video)


2020, November 11. UOC – YouTube channel. 2020 Online Workshop “Sports and Health Analytics Research” (Day 1, 6th of October). First-day programme sessions of the workshop organized on 6-7 October 2020 by the Spanish Network on Sports and Health Analytics Research with a Gender Perspective (SHARP) and coordinated by GenTIC  together with FoodLab (UOC Faculty of Health Sciences) and ICSO (IN3-UOC). The event gathered researchers from different disciplines regarding the application of data science and analytics research to the sports and health sectors from a gender perspective. (watch the video)


2020, November 11. UOC – YouTube channel. 2020 Online Workshop “Sports and Health Analytics Research” (Day 2, 7th of October). Second-day programme sessions of the workshop #SportsAndHealthAnalytics, organized on 6-7 October 2020 by the Spanish Network on Sports and Health Analytics Research with a Gender Perspective (SHARP) and coordinated by GenTIC together with FoodLab (UOC Faculty of Health Sciences) and ICSO (IN3-UOC). (watch the video)


2020, November 9. UOC – YouTube channel. Cambios Sociales Necesarios versus Oportunidades para la Equidad de Género en la Sociedad Digital. Webinar Equit@t 2020, organized by UOC Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications to tackle the social changes and opportunities for gender equity in digital society in the context of the Covid pandemic. With the participation of Milagros Sáinz together with Susana Prado (Inetum), Jordi Vallverdú (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and María Antonia Huertas (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). (watch the video) 


2020, October 29. AVTE USC – YouTube channel. Congreso Innovatia 8.3 y acto de entrega de la III edición del Consurso Innovatia 8.3. Video of the Innovatia 8.3 Congress 2020 and third Innovatia 8.3 contest edition, with the participation of Milagros Sáinz as an invited speaker in the round table “Covid crisis and the need for a feminist economy”. (watch the video)


2020, October 27. CADEP Acacia UNFV. I Congreso CADEP ACACIA. Keynote lecture by Lidia Arroyo in the CADEP ACACIA Congress organized by the CADEP Acacia Network and Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Perú). (See Lidia Arroyo‘s communication from min. 02:18:20 onwards: watch video)


2020, October 21. Inspiring Girls EspañaYouTube channel. Chicas en STEM: ¿Es un problema de Referentes?“. Presentation of the study ‘Girls in STEM: Is It a Female Role-Model Thing?’, co-authored by Milagros Sáinz and researchers Susana González-Pérez and Ruth Mateos de Cabo (Universidad CEU San Pablo in Madrid), in a webinar organized by Inspiring Girls Foundation and Fundación Pons. (watch the video)


2020, October 1. Govern obert – YouTube channel. Presentació del llibre Dades obertes i intel·ligència artificial: eines per a la igualtat de gènere. Presentation of the book “Open Data and Artificial Intelligence, Tools for Gender Equality” and round table with the ten expert women interviewed, including GenTIC researcher Lidia Arroyo. (watch the video)


2020, June 5. CEIG (UVic-UCC) – YouTube channel. Exploring an intersectional approach to gender-based violence prevention in secondary schools: research, questions and challenges“. Concluding lecture at the Online Conference “Polyhedral Views on Gender Violences”, by Vanita Sundaram (University of York) and presentation of the “Zones F” podcast by Lo Relacional. (watch the video)


2020, June 3. CEIG (UVic-UCC) – YouTube channel.Pedagogies del desig: Com abordem la pornografia en les aules de secundària“. Third roundtable at the Online Conference “Polyhedral Views on Gender Violences”. Invited experts Cristina GaraizabalSilvia Merino and Amat Molero shared theoretical and practical insights on how to deal with pornography and sexual education at secondary schools. Chaired by: Gerard Coll-Planas (watch the video).


2020, May 29. CEIG (UVic-UCC) – YouTube channel. Les fronteres del gènere: Com articulem els eixos dona/home i la diversitat sexual i de gènere en la prevenció de la violència?” Second roundtable at the Online Conference “Polyhedral Views on Gender Violences” on how to address the woman/man axis and integrate sexual and gender diversity in gender violence prevention. With invited experts including Miquel Missé, Maribel Cárdenas and Míriam Solá. Chaired by: Gerard Coll-Planas (watch the video).


2020, May 26. CEIG (UVic-UCC) – YouTube channel. Intervencions en la Cruïlla: Com apliquem la interseccionalitat en la prevenció de les violències de gènere?” First roundtable at the Online Conference “Polyhedral Views on Gender Violences” on how to apply intersectional perspectives in the prevention of gender violences, with invited experts including Patsilí Toledo, Lucas Platero and Lídia Casanovas. Chaired by Maria Rodó-Zárate. (watch the video)


2020, May 25. CEIG (UVic-UCC) – YouTube channel. “Why intersectionality is not a luxury“. Inaugural conference at the Online Conference “Polyhedral Views on Gender Violences”, by Emilia Roig (Center for Intersectional Justice in Berlin). Chaired by Maria Rodó-Zárate. (watch the video)


2020, February 11. UPC TV. Round Table: Què vols ser de gran? Enginyera! (What do you want to do for a living when you grow up? Engineer!) organized by the Barcelona School of Agriculture (ESAB) and the School of Engineering of Castelldefels Telecommunications and Aerospace (EETAC) of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and moderated by GenTIC researcher Lidia Arroyo. (watch the video)


2020, January 8. Més 324 – TV3. Interview with Maria Rodó Zárate, Montse Bassa, Tània Verge and Laia Serra, co-editors of the book Terra de Ningú Volum II: Perspectives feministes sobre la repressió, Barcelona: Gatamaula i Pol·len edicions. (watch the video)


2019, December 10. UOC – YouTube channel. Presentation “Developing an Evaluation Framework for Gender Equality in R&I (EFFORTI) by Rachel Palmén at the UOC Research Showcase 2019. (watch the video)


2019, December 2. UOC – YouTube channel. Summary of the Open Workshop on Analytics@Sport&Health that was organised on November, 11-12 by the Spanish Network on Data Analytics and New Technologies in Sport and Health (05/UPR/19), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport and sponsored by Movistar Centre. (watch the video)


2019, November 20. Barcelona Ajuntament – YouTube channel. Video of the Open Forum session “Data and Gender: the importance of Data with Gender Perspective in Public Policies”, organised by the Barcelona City Council, Barcelona Activa and research group Dimmons of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3-UOC) as part of the Sharing Cities Action Encounter 2019.  The session counted with presentations by GenTIC researcher Lidia Arroyo and other experts in gender data such as: Karma Perió (Digital/Data Journalist), Eli Vivas (StoryDataBcn), Nuria Espuny (DG Transparency & OpenData. Government of Catalonia), Catherine D’Ignazio (MIT and Emerson College), Valentina Bazzarin (Associazione Orlando). Moderator: Thais Ruiz (Dimmons & DigitalFems). (watch the video)


2019, October 8. MediaLab Prado – YouTube channel. Video of the Round Table organised by Medialab Prado on the occasion of the Ada Lovelace Day, with the interventions of Milagros Sáinz (GenTIC), Celia Santos Tapia (Noies al lab!) and Vicky Cortés (PyLadies Madrid). (watch the video)


2019, October 4. Institut Català de la Salut (ICS) – YouTube channel. Video summary of the workshop “Let’s incorporate a gender perspective in health” at the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS), which included an opening speech by Jörg Müller on the social sciences approach to sex and gender and the relevance of integrating the gender dimension in healthcare. (watch the video)


2019, September 16. UOC – YouTube channel. Video summary about the IN3 Workshop for Young Researchers 2019, in which diverse GenTIC PhD researchers participated. In the video, Marlon Xavier remarks the possibilities that the Workshop offers for researchers to question their methodological assumptions and rethink their own work, whereas María del Carmen Gallego Arias highlights the need for collaboration between social sciences and technological disciplines to break the gender gap in technology.


2019, September 12. UOC – YouTube channel. Video to learn how the Relief Maps tool works and its applications (watch the English, Spanish and Catalan versions).


2019, August 12. Inspiring Girls International YouTube channel. Interview with Lidia Arroyo in which she explains the importance of integrating a gender perspective in the research on the use and design of technologies. (watch the video)


2019, July 4. Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya (CTecno) YouTube channel. Video summary of the networking session and event “La propera revolució digital: les dones TIC” [The next digital revolution: the ICT women], organized by Cercle Tecnològic de Catalunya (CTecno) in collaboration with Barcelona Activa. Milagros Sáinz participated in the event and round table, aimed at discussing strategies of intervention to foster the attraction and retention of women to the technological sector. (video summary) (full video)


2019, June 25. Canal UNED. Efectos y eficacia de las intervenciones para incrementar el interés de las jóvenes por los estudios y profesiones científicas y tecnológicas. Presentation by Milagros Sáinz about the GESTEMI project (MINECO/AEI, FEDER, UE, ref. FEM2017-84589-R) at the I +D+I FEM 2019 Conference organised by the Center for Gender Studies of the National Distance Education University. (watch the video)


2019, May 22. Vilaweb. Maria Rodó: ‘Barcelona és dissenyada pels homes i per als homes’. Interview with Maria Rodó de Zárate on gender bias in urban design. (watch the video)


2019, April 11. UOC R&I Meeting Days. Maria Rodó de Zárate presents the Relief Maps tool to potential users in the framework of the R&I Meeting Days of UOC. (watch the video)


2019, March 12. “Valor afegit” TV3. Milagros Sáinz is interviewed about the inclusion of a gender perspective in all the aspects of society. (watch the video. Min. 10:42)


2019, February 28. El País – YouTube channel. Lidia Arroyo Prieto talks about the unequal gender representation in the Mobile World Congress of Barcelona. (watch the video)


2019, February 27. “La aventura del saber” La 2 RTVE. Milagros Sáinz takes part in the Congress Scientix 2019. (Different shots from min. 00:35 to 01:34, watch the video)


2019, February 3. FECYT ciencia – YouTube channel. Milagros Sáinz‘s presentation in Scientix 2019 focused on the factors hindering women’s participation in the STEM fields. (watch the video)


2018, November 22. Ajuntament de Barcelona – YouTube channel. Panel on “Digital Platforms and Gender Perspective” organised at the Sharing Cities Summit held in Barcelona on 12th-15th November 2018, with the intervention of GenTIC researcher Lidia Arroyo Prieto together with Thais Ruiz (Dimmons UOC), Marta Delatte (LiquenDataLab), Ester Bonet (Viquidones – Wikimujeres), Jessica Sena (Geochicas), María Sefidari & Virginia Díez (Wikimedia). (watch the video)


2018, October 24. UOC – YouTube channel. Lidia Arroyo Prieto offers a seminar in the framework of UOC Master on Employment and Labor Market in which analyses the impact of digital inclusion policies addressed to women, and explores the effects of acquiring digital competences for women’s employability (watch the video).


2018, June 14. UOC – YouTube channel. Maria Rodó de Zárate presents “Relief Maps” in #SpinUOC 2018 (watch the video).


2018, March 8. 8TV – 8 al dia. Maria Rodó de Zárate analyses the root causes of the gender pay gap and its social implications on the occasion of the International Women’s Day (watch the video – from minute 01:07:50).


2018, February 3. TV3 – Telenotícies migdia. Family-oriented activities organized by UOC and GenTIC on the occasion of the Day of Women and Girls in Science (watch the video).


2017, July 4. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. IN3 Research Seminar “The Psychic Life of Neoliberal Women: Splitting, Blaming and Perseverance”, by Darren Thomas Baker (watch the video).


2017, June 28. Talk #SeBuscanIngenieras (Female Engineers are Wanted) organized in Espacio Fundación Telefónica on the occasion of the book launch ¿Por qué no hay más mujeres STEM? Se buscan ingenieras, físicas y tecnólogas (Why aren’t there more women in STEM? Female engineers, physical scientists and technologists are wanted) (watch the video).


2017, March 16. UOC R&I talks – 00:08:03. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the main research lines of the Gender and ICT research group (watch the video).


2017, March 7. Barcelona TV – Bàsics BTV 21:01h – 00:08:47. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the perception of mathematics and technology skills of girls and boys and the influence of gender stereotypes in students’ academic choices (watch the video).

2017, March 7. TV3 – Els Matins 12:54h 00:18:16. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the perception of mathematics and technology skills of girls and boys and the influence of gender stereotypes in students’ academic choices (watch the video).


2017, February 28. Televisión Española 2 – Vespre a la 2 – 00:16:55. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the digital gender gap in the context of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (watch the video).


2017, February 2. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. IN3 Research Seminar “El dret a la ciutat i les emocions com a indicadors de desigualtat”, by Maria Rodó de Zárate (watch the video).


2016, July 20. Televisió de Catalunya – Els matins. Interview with Lidia Arroyo Prieto on young people and social media (watch the video).


2016, May 13. Universidad Miguel Hernández. Milagros Sáinz‘s lecture “The gender gap in Science, Technology, Languages, and Computer studies. The transmission of gender roles and stereotypes in the classroom”. I Jornada de Educación. Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche (watch the video).


2016, April 19. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Interview with Barbara Schneider, Distinguished Professor in the College of Education and Department of Sociology at the Michigan State University. UOC Research Week 2016, Barcelona (watch the video).


2016, April 19. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Interview with Chandra Muller, Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Texas. UOC Research Week 2016, Barcelona (watch the video).


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