Milagros Sáinz, director of GenTIC, co-authors a new book chapter together with professors Susana González Pérez (Universidad CEU San Pablo) and Silvia Carrascal Domínguez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) on how to encourage girls and young women’s interest in STEM careers. The chapter is included in the book Las mujeres en distintos sectores de actividad en España. Evolución y liderazgo [Women in different sectors of activity in Spain. Evolution and leadership], which has been published by the women’s association We Are We Add (WaWa) and EUNSA Editorial.


Coordinated by Silvia Carrascal y Laura Fernández Castro, members of We Are We Add (WaWa), the book includes a prologue by the Spanish Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, and comprises 14 articles by 27 authors that analyse the evolution of women’s participation in different social, economic and academic sectors in Spain. Expert women reflect on the evolution and current situation of women’s role in diverse fields from an interdisciplinary approach and based on reports, science communication publications and best practices.


The publication was released in a public event held in the Lázaro Galdiano Museum in Madrid on April 21, 2022. All income derived from this collective work is intended for non-profit organizations that support women’s labour insertion.


Find more information on the WaWa and EUNSA Editorial websites.