The director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, was the invited expert at the latest edition of Journal Club, a scientific communication project of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). This Journal Club episode was organized to commemorate the Day of Women and Girls in Science and addressed the influence of education and communication on the scientific aspirations of girls. At the event, Milagros Sáinz discussed what should be considered when designing scientific activities with a gender perspective for minors, based on the conclusions of the most relevant social research about the influence of gender stereotypes and the effectiveness of role models on girls’ interest in science and scientific careers.


Milagros Sáinz analysed the conclusions of the systematic review by Jessica R. Gladstone and Andrei Cimpian “Which role models are effective for which students?”, published in the International Journal of STEM Education in 2021, and answered the questions raised by the participants in the chat.


Watch the video of the Journal Club FECYT “The trap of science and girls. Aspirations, references and stereotypes”:


The event is also available as a podcast on iVoox and Spotify