On March 3, the Santa Coloma de Gramenet City Council held the presentation event of the CIBA Campus, one of the new services offered by the space of resources for women, innovation and feminist economy La Ciba. Nuria Parlon, Mayor of Santa Coloma de Gramenet, opened the event and summarized the objectives of the CIBA Campus: to promote the personal autonomy of women, offer feminist training and facilitate knowledge transfer by generating synergies between feminist public policies, universities and research centres, and citizenship.


Lídia Arroyo, a researcher at GenTIC, participated as a guest speaker in a round table moderated by the director of La Ciba, Silvia Migueiz, together with Rosa Cobo, sociologist and professor at the University of La Coruña. Lídia Arroyo‘s communication focused on Feminist Digital Citizenship and analyzed the diverse digital gaps. The researcher highlighted the need for developing inclusive technologies that do not reproduce gender inequalities and to consider both technological designs and contents. “Besides existing gender inequalities in digital skills, women and men make different uses of technology and these differences reproduce social and gender inequalities,” she affirmed. On the other hand, Lídia Arroyo analyzed the evolution of digital inclusion policies in Europe and underlined the current importance of soft skills, apart from digital professional skills. In her intervention, sociologist Rosa Cobo reviewed the feminist genealogy and analyzed the relationship of feminist history with the public policies agenda.


Maribel Cárdenas, Director of Equality Policies of the Santa Coloma de Gramenet City Council, closed the event with a presentation of the CIBA Campus activities program, which includes a School of Feminist Thought and Politics, Reading Club, Purple Lab and other activities aimed at confronting digital gaps and enhancing the autonomy and social participation of women.


Know more about the Ciba Campus and other resources of La Ciba at this link.