How does tourism affect the daily life of cities and regions? Is there a relationship between the climate crisis and global tourism development? How is the issue of tourism approached from feminist and gender studies? These and other questions are discussed in the book by Sergi Yanes La cuestión turística. Trece entrevistas para repensar el turismo [The Tourist Question. Thirteen interviews to rethink tourism], published by Alba Sud Editorial and PASOS – Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural.


In the publication, Sergi Yanes conducts thirteen interviews with leading academic figures in the fields of social sciences and tourism, such as Hazel Andrews, Raoul Bianchi, Tim Edensor, Robert Fletcher, Norma Fuller, C. Michael Hall, Daniel Hiernaux, Freya Higgins-Desbiolles, Diana Ojeda and Antonio Miguel Nogués Pedregal. Throughout the book, the impact of tourism development in the territory and its role as a generator of social inequalities and economic dependence is critically analyzed from different theoretical and political approaches.


This work is the result of research carried out by Sergi Yanes over three years and linked to the project “Research platform on tourism, human rights and gender equality” developed by Alba Sud with the support of the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD) (2019 call).


Download the publication at this link.