GenTIC director Milagros Sáinz has participated in a round table organized by Women in Machine Learning & Data Science (WiMLDS) and McKinsey Spain aimed at inspiring a debate on artificial intelligence and data science, with a special focus on the promotion of women and gender minorities in technological fields.

The event took place on January 30 at the McKinsey & Company headquarters in Madrid. It included technical sessions on the social impact and ethical challenges of artificial intelligence, by Marta Prieto (data scientist in the McKinsey Analytics team) and Helena Cebrián (co-founder of We The Humans and director of marketing and communication at Quint).

Milagros Sáinz intervened in the Round Table: “Women inclusion in tech roles. Call for action: we design the future!”, together with speakers Laila El Qadi (head of Communications and data translation at Grupo AIA), and María Eugenia Delgado (advanced analytics data scientist at McKinsey & Company). In the debate, Milagros Sáinz highlighted the outstanding role of women in the development of technology and pointed at the gender factors that explain women’s underrepresentation and lack of visibility in the technological fields.

Check out the program of the event.


Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash