On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women held every November 25, the University of Vic is organizing a round table to discuss how to create alternatives to an educational system that reproduces sexism and tolerates inequalities. Isabel Carrillo, Marta Burguet and Rosa Guitart will participate in the debate, chaired by Esther Fatsini, starting from the reflections shared in the book Desfer la teranyina del gènere des de l’educació (Undoing the gender spiderweb from education). In this publication, Milagros Sáinz, director of the Gender and ICT research group, explores the reproduction of gender stereotypes in education, along with other contributions from Isabel Carrillo, Marta Burguet, Rosa Guitart and Carlos Lomas.

When: Thursday, November 16, 2017, at 18:00 h
Venue: Sala Mercè Torrents, building C of the Miramarges Campus, UVic-UCC

What we do and do not do, the way we build relationships, the language and support materials we use, how we organize tasks and make decisions, among others aspects of school life, can include sexist elements and generate inequalities. Being aware of this phenomenon is necessary to be able to carry out an inclusive education that, at the same time, recognizes the value of diversity.

The book Desfer la teranyina del gènere des de l’educació (Undoing the gender spiderweb from education), edited by Isabel Carrillo and published by Eumo Editorial in 2017, offers perspectives of critical pedagogy and guidelines to break the invisible threads of the roles of gender from the educational environment. Throughout five chapters, the publication analyzes how gender inequalities operate in educational relations and presents principles and actions to be aware of sexism, so often naturalized, that contribute to making equity possible.

This event is aimed at students and professionals in the field of both formal and non-formal education, and is open to anyone interested in the subject.

More information and registration here.