Ana María Noguera

Ana Maria Noguera Durán is a postdoctoral researcher at the Gender and ICT Research Group (Interdisciplinary Internet Institute – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). She is the Principal Investigator of the project “Indigenous women interconnecting knowledge: bodies, territories and technologies for life” (INDIWOMINT), for which she was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship by Horizon Europe in the 2023 call. She is also a member of the GENDIS/UERGs/CNPq Gender and Diversities Research Group as a researcher specialised in feminist methodologies of decolonial research (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development of Brazil).

She holds a Ph.D. in Education and Cultural Studies from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and an M.Sc. in Education and Cultural Studies and a B.A. in Performing Arts from the National Pedagogical University of Colombia. She was a doctoral researcher at the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel CAPES, Brazil (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) between 2017 and 2022.

Ana María Noguera Durán has carried out interdisciplinary research through a methodological model that articulates participatory research, performance research, and virtual ethnography to analyse the organisations of women victims of social violence and state crimes. Based on participatory methodologies and oriented towards collective creative processes in the arts, she has contributed to the development of other forms and practices of transmitting embodied knowledge about the war and their survival strategies. In the period 2014-2016, she was a Research Fellow of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel with exclusive dedication at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in the research line on body and health policies.

She has also been a visiting professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and a professor at the Minuto de Dios University in Colombia. She works together with social organizations in the defense of human rights, indigenous peoples and the defense of land and territory.



ORCID: 0000-0002-3834-5878

Selected publications

Journal articles and conference proceedings

Noguera Durán, A. M. [Ana María]. (In press). Antígonas Court of Women: Archives, Repertoires and Poetic Memory of a Nation at War, Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies,

Noguera Durán, A. M. [Ana María]. (2024). Yo parí un hijo para la vida y él me parió a mí para la lucha: Poéticas y performancias de resistencia de las antígonas colombianas en la guerra [Dei à luz um filho para a vida e ele me deu à luz para a luta: poètica e performance de resistència das antígonas colombianes na guerra]. Revista da FUNDARTE. Montenegro, 60(60): 1-25, e1356, 2024. – OPEN ACCESS –  Link to full text

Noguera Durán, A. M. [Ana María], Sacchi dos Santos, L. H. [Luis Henrique], & Catañeda, A. [Alejandra]. (2022). Haciendo de los cuerpos prudentes formas de resistir: miedo y violencia en Colombia. Movimientos a partir de procesos en artes escénicas. TEXTURA – Revista de Educação e Letras, 24(57), 74-93.

Noguera Durán, A. M. [Ana María]. (2018). The Limited Experience of a Prudent Body. Transdisciplinary Ways to Analyze and Transform Violence and Conflict in Colombia. Southern Regional Scientific Meeting of ANPEd, XII ANPEd Sul. Education, Democracy and Social Justice, v. XII, 510-519.


Noguera Durán, A. M. [Ana María]. (2022). “Yo Parí un Hijo para la Vida y el me Parió a mí para la Lucha”: Poetic and Pedagogical Elaborations of Pain and Resistance Through Performance [Doctoral Dissertation]. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

Noguera Durán, A. M. [Ana María]. (2016). Cuerpos Prudentes y Otras Formas que la Vida Encuentra para Resistir: Las Artes Escénicas Como un Modo Problematizar Los Escenarios de Violencia en las Zonas de Conflicto en Colombia [Master’s Thesis]. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

Noguera Durán, A. M. [Ana María]. (2013). Aportes para la lectura de la producción teatral como un ejercicio de memoria histórica, estudio de caso Kilele.  Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.