Newspapers and news blogs








2025, March 20. UOC News. The UOC strengthens its commitment to the fight against racial discrimination. Ana María Noguera, a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at GenTIC, talks about racial discrimination in academic knowledge production and how the INDIWOMINT project recognises indigenous knowledge for climate change mitigation, as part of a campaign by the UOC Equality Unit to raise anti-racist awareness and promote respect for diversity in universities.

2025, March 7. La voz de Galicia. Cuidado con los datos que cedes a las apps de fertilidadLuana Mathias Souto, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at GenTIC, talks in this interview about the THELMA project, which aims to improve the current state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU, focusing on the experiences of end users.

2025, February 13. UOC News. “There are no real-life female role models in school maths textbooks”. Interview with Ana María de la Torre, winner of the 2024 Cecilia Castaño Award for the best doctoral thesis or academic article linked to a doctoral thesis for her study on the perpetuation of stereotypes and gender inequalities in mathematics textbooks.

2025, January 30. UOC News. 11 February: the UOC champions the role of women in science. News article about the UOC Science and Gender Awards Ceremony and other activities organised by the UOC on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, with testimonies from Milagros Sáinz, Director of GenTIC, and Maria Olivella, Director of the UOC Equality Unit.

2025, January 14. ÉXITO EDUCATIVO. Así pueden enseñar los docentes a sus alumnos en el uso crítico de los medios digitalesMilagros Sáinz, director of GenTIC, shares her insights on how to promote young people’s digital empowerment and well-being on the occasion of the publication of a set of educational materials produced in collaboration with the EduAlter association.

2024, December 19. UOC News. Keys for young people to acquire digital habits that safeguard them from discrimination and cyberbullying. The director of GenTIC, Milagros Sáinz, reflects in this article on how to promote young people’s digital empowerment and wellbeing, in relation to a kit of teaching materials developed in collaboration with the EduAlter association.

2024, November 13. La voz de Galicia. Cuidado con los datos que cedes a las apps de fertilidad. Luana Mathias Souto, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at GenTIC, talks in this interview about the THELMA project, which aims to improve the current state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU, focusing on the experiences of end users.

2024, November 13. Los derechos de las mujeres frente a los riesgos de vigilancia de las apps de fertilidad. Article on the THELMA project, led by Luana Mathias Souto, which aims to improve the state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU.

2024, November 13. Diario16. Los derechos de las mujeres frente a los riesgos de vigilancia de las apps de fertilidad. Article on the THELMA project, led by Luana Mathias Souto, which aims to improve the state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU.

2024, October 25. El Mundo Financiero. Cómo proteger los derechos de las mujeres de los riesgos de vigilancia de las apps de fertilidad. Article on the THELMA project, led by Luana Mathias Souto, which aims to improve the state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU.

2024, October 23. TYN Magazine. Cómo proteger los derechos de las mujeres de los riesgos de vigilancia de las apps de fertilidad. Article on the THELMA project, led by Luana Mathias Souto, which aims to improve the state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU.

2024, October 23. Applicantes. Una investigación aborda los riesgos de vigilancia de las apps de fertilidad. Article on the THELMA project, led by Luana Mathias Souto, which aims to improve the state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU.

2024, October 22. Hechos de hoy. Urge concienciar a las mujeres sobre el valor de sus datos de fertilidad. Article on the THELMA project, led by Luana Mathias Souto, which aims to improve the state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU.

2024, October 22. Le projet THELMA examine l’impact de la surveillance algorithmique sur la santé reproductive des femmes. Article on the THELMA project, led by Luana Mathias Souto, which aims to improve the state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU.

2024, October 22. News-Medical.Net. THELMA project examines impact of algorithmic surveillance on women’s reproductive health. Article on the THELMA project, led by Luana Mathias Souto, which aims to improve the state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU.

2024, October 22. Alpha Galileo (Latin America). Cómo proteger los derechos de las mujeres de los riesgos de vigilancia de las apps de fertilidad. Article on the THELMA project, led by Luana Mathias Souto, which aims to improve the state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU.

2024, October 22. Alpha Galileo (Europe). How to protect women’s rights from the surveillance risks of fertility apps. Article on the THELMA project, led by Luana Mathias Souto, which aims to improve the state of fertility data apps and digital surveillance in the EU.

2024, October 22. UOC News. How to protect women’s rights from the surveillance risks of fertility apps. Interview with Luana Mathias Souto, a new postdoctoral researcher at GenTIC, about the THELMA project (Reproductive Health Under Algorithm Surveillance), with which she won the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA). The THELMA project explores Femtech, the technology industry focused on women’s health and well-being, to improve the current state of fertility data and digital surveillance in the EU, with a focus on end-users experience.

2024, September 12. UOC News. “Indigenous people’s knowledge could be essential for mitigating the climate crisis”. Ana María Noguera Durán, a new postdoctoral researcher at GenTIC, talks in this interview about the INDIWOMINT project (Indigenous Women Interconnecting Knowledge: Bodies, Territories, and Technologies for Life), with which she won the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA). The INDIWOMINT project focuses on the productive practices of indigenous women in the Amazonian regions of Brazil and Colombia and explores their relationship with nature. 

2024, March 11. El Marta Roqueta: “Tenir fills és un servei públic”. Interview with Marta Roqueta, journalist and predoctoral researcher at GenTIC, on the meaning of motherhood and parenting in the current context from a feminist perspective.

2024, March 8. Harpers Bazaar. De Carmen Calvo a Bebi Fernández: las expertas hablan sobre la fractura del feminismo (y cómo solucionarla). GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta talks in this magazine article about the diversity of perspectives within the feminist movement in Spain. 

2024, March 6. Blog dels Estudis d’Economia i Empresa. Cristina Delgado Bonet: “Arran del meu TFM estic més compromesa que mai a canviar estereotips i rols de gènere”. Interview with Cristina Delgado Bonet, winner of the 2023 Cecilia Castaño Prize in the Master’s Thesis category. Her research highlights the different perceptions that men and women have of women’s experiences of working in STEM. 

2024, February 28. UOC News. Ten ideas to make research gender equality plans inclusive. Rachel Palmén explains in this article the content of a recently published policy brief in the INSPIRE project, which provides conceptual clarifications and key recommendations for the implementation of inclusive gender equality policies and plans with an intersectional perspective.

2024, February 15. UOC News. “Students appreciate training in gender equality, but they don’t think they need it”. Interview with Cristina Miralles, a researcher awarded the 2023 Cecilia Castaño Award for best doctoral thesis on gender inequalities in science and technology, coordinated by GenTIC.

2024, February 13. UOC News. La UOC premia recerques i treballs sobre gènere. News about the joint award ceremony of the Cecilia Castaño Award for research on gender inequalities in science and technology (STEM), promoted by GenTIC, the Final Project with a Gender Perspective Awards of UOC’s Equality Unit, and the Equit@T Awards of UOC’s Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications.