GenPORT, the European portal of gender and science resources coordinated by Gender and ICT, has attended the 13th Conference of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), which was held on 10-12 June 2016 in Strasbourg (France). In the event, Jörg Müller and Lidia Arroyo, members of the Gender and ICT research group, presented the poster GenPORT: Generating Synergies among Gender and Science Communities.

A diverse range of research institutions, individuals and associations from the international community of science and communication editing participated in the EASE Conference, whose main theme was “Scientific integrity: editors on the front line”, and could know about the GenPORT project characteristics and results.

GenPORT is an EU FP7 initiative which consists of a community sourced internet portal, offering an open collaborative environment for researchers, practitioners and policy-makers working on gender equality and excellence in science, technology and innovation. The portal covers all sciences (natural and social sciences, and humanities), and is a useful platform for both gender experts and those who are not but are interested in gender and science issues.

Gender experts can join E2E data base, upload their contributions on gender and science and share them with the rest of the community. Non-experts on gender can find resources to integrate a gender perspective in research contents or to implement gender equality measure in research institutions. GenPORT facilitates virtual collaboration spaces for exchanging experiences and fostering collaboration among researchers, practitioners and policy-makers interested in gender and science.

At this moment GenPORT counts on 238 Registered Users, 233 Organizations and 714 Submitted Resources. See more in the GenPORT website.