The Gender and ICT research group has just started working on the EFFORTi project, a H2020 Research and Innovation Action that will run from 1st of June 2016 until 31st of May 2019. With a total budget of just under 2 million €, the project will build an evaluation framework for gender equality measures in research and innovation across Europe. The effort is coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany and involves partners from Denmark (University of Aarhus), Austria (Joanneum Research), Hungary (The Association of Hungarian Women in Science), and Luxembourg (Intrasoft) besides the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. The project will gather existing evaluation approaches in research and innovation, and provide an integrated framework for examining the implementation and the outcomes of equality measures on the individual, organizational and national level. The evaluation framework will be tested with 25 case studies distributed across France, Austria, Sweden, Germany, Spain and Denmark, and made available as an online knowledge base and interactive tool.

The Gender and ICT research group consolidates with this third European project its international presence. Besides being partners in EFFORTi, the research group is coordinating the FP7 project GenPORT for building an Internet portal on gender and science which will end in 2017, and GEDII, a H2020 project (2015-2018) which develops new and innovative methods for assessing the impact of gender diversity on research teams.

Know more about the current projects of Gender & ICT in this website.