Juliana Correa Jaramillo

I am an International Negotiator at EAFIT University in Colombia and a PhD student of the doctoral program in Society, Technology and Culture at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. I previously obtained a Master’s degree in International Relations with an emphasis on Security and Development from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and a Master’s degree in Literary Hermeneutics from EAFIT University.


I currently work as Director of International Relations and Cooperation for Development of the QUORUM Institute of Political Studies in Colombia, and as coordinator of the academic area of Business Internationalization at EAFIT University. I am also an undergraduate teacher and an active designer of educational programs and didactic material for virtual education in various higher education institutions around the world. Finally, I work as a methodological advisor in internationalization techniques for the Medellín mayor’s office.



Email: jcorreaj@uoc.edu


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