Anabella Di Tullio Arias

Anabella Di Tullio is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (GenTIC and SOTRAC: Transformació Social i Comunicació research groups). She is also a researcher at CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research) and at the Institute for Gender Studies Research (IIEGE) at University of Buenos Aires. She holds a degree in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires, a Master’s in Women`s Studies, Gender and Citizenship and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona.


Founder and Coordinator of the Centre for Gender Studies and Feminisms (Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral – UNCAUS), she is an Associated Professor in the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities (UNCAUS) and an Invited Professor at various postgraduate courses at University of Buenos Aires and UTE-Ecuador. She has also worked as a professor at University of Barcelona and Pompeu Fabra University.


Her main research interests are feminist theory and political theory. She has participated in numerous research projects both in Argentina and Spain. During her doctoral training, she was a visiting scholar at the City University of New York (CUNY). In 2016, she obtained the Victoria Kent International Research Award in its XXVI edition. Member of the International Network of Women Political Scientists #NoSinMujeres #NotWithoutWomen.




ORCID: 0000-0002-0866-0236

Social: Twitter



Di Tullio, A. [Anabella], Smiraglia, R. [Romina], Penchansky, C. [Celina] (Eds.). (2023). Feminismos y Política II. Educación, Cultura y Memoria. Resistencia, ConTexto Editorial.

Di Tullio, A. [Anabella], Smiraglia, R. [Romina], Penchansky, C. [Celina] (2023). Introducción: Repensar lo político desde los feminismos. In A. Di Tullio, R. Smiraglia & C. Penchansky (Eds.), Feminismos y Política II. Educación, Cultura y Memoria (pp. 7-10). Resistencia, ConTexto Editorial.

Di Tullio, A. [Anabella]. “Feminisme: teoria i pràctica política” (forthcoming 2023). En Pérez-Lozano, L.,  Morales-Gálvez, S., Sanjaume-Calvet, M. i Riera-Gil, E. (eds.), Filosofia política: una introducció, Editorial Universitat de Barcelona.


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