The Gender and ICT research group is pleased to announce the institutional ceremony for the Cecilia Castaño Award 2022 for research on gender inequalities in science and technology.


Date: Friday, January 20, 2023

Time: 15:00 to 16:00 h

Venue: Can Jaumandreu UOC Building, C/ Perú, 52 Barcelona.


GenTIC has launched the first edition of the Cecilia Castaño Award at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya with the aim of promoting gender equality both in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) and in science and technology (STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The award seeks the best research works in any academic discipline, whether unpublished or published after January 1, 2020, that address gender inequalities in STEM and provide relevant knowledge on the participation of women in STEM fields. The awards ceremony will acknowledge the winning applicants of this first edition, who have been classified in first and second place as authors of the best research works:


1st Prize: “Graduates’ Opium? Cultural Values, Religiosity and Gender Segregation by Field of Study” (2020), article by Izaskun Zuazu.

2nd Prize: “La brecha de género en los estudios universitarios del sector STEM en el espacio español de educación” (2022), doctoral theses by Sonia Verdugo Castro.


The jury has been integrated by Gloria Bonder, director of the Area of Gender, Society and Politics of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Argentina, Sara Berbel, municipal director at Barcelona City Council, José Luis Martínez-Cantos, assistant professor of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Milagros Sáinz, director of the Gender and ICT research group at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3).


This award ceremony is open to the academic community and all people interested in reducing gender inequalities and achieving equal opportunities in STEM-related fields for women and girls.


Free registration until January 19, 2023 at this link (limited seats are available).


Related links:

Resolution about the Cecilia Castaño Award 2022

Call for the first edition of the Cecilia Castaño Award for research on gender inequalities in science and technology  


Photo by This is engineering on Unplash.