María José Romano


I am currently a research assistant at the Gender and ICT research program (IN3 – UOC), where I provide support for various projects, including data collection, fieldwork, report drafting, implementation of the communication strategy, and organization of scientific activities and social events. My educational background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Social Anthropology from URV and a Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication from UV. Additionally, I have completed postgraduate studies in Applied Social Research from UAB and Citizen Participation from URV, as well as a Master’s degree in Strategic Communication from URV.

Previously, I have worked as a research assistant in several projects at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, focusing on Communication and Cultural studies. Throughout my professional career, I have also been a project coordinator in the NGO environmental sector and worked as a consultant in Corporate Social Responsibility and Gender equality in the public sector. In these sectors, I have conducted assessment studies and developed action plans.

My areas of expertise primarily revolve around strategic communication of organizations, project monitoring, and the execution of projects, with a particular emphasis on the fields of sustainability and gender equality. Methodologically, my main skills are qualitative research methods, with a special focus on ethnography, in-depth interviews, and participatory action research. As a researcher, besides collaborating as an assistant at Gender and ICT, I have conducted research on the social memory of the Spanish Civil War and Franco’s dictatorship recreated in oral history and in social media, and the evolving representations of rural women from a gender perspective.



ORCID: 0000-0001-9531-9046
Social: LinkedIn, Twitter



Castelló, E. [Enric], & Romano, M. J. [María José] (2023). Shepherdesses: new representations of rural women in Spain. Feminist Media Studies, 23(4), 1659-1675. Link to full text

Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Sáinz, M. [Milagros], Romano, M. J. [María José], Escalante-Barrios, E. L. [Elsa Lucía], Younas, A. [Ahtisham], & López-Pérez, B-S. [Beatriz-Soledad] (2023). Use of mixed methods research in intervention studies to increase young people’s interest in STEM: A systematic methodological review. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

Sáinz, M. [Milagros], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Romano, M. J. [María José], & López, B-S. [Beatriz-Soledad] (2022). Interventions to increase young people’s interest in STEM. A scoping review. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 954996.

Sáinz, M. [Milagros], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Rodó-de-Zárate, M. [Maria], Martínez-Cantos, J.L [José-Luis], Arroyo, L. [Lidia], & Romano, M.J. [María José]. (2020). Gendered Motivations to Pursue Male-Dominated STEM Careers Among Spanish Young People: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Career Development47(4), 408–423.

Sáinz, M. [Milagros], Martínez, J. L. [José Luis], Rodo, M. [Maria], Romano, M. J. [María José], Arroyo, L. [Lídia], & Fabregues, S. [Sergi]. (2019). Young Spanish People’s Gendered Representations of People Working in STEM. A Qualitative Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 996.

Müller, J. [Jörg], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Guenther, E. A. [Eñosabeth Anna], & Romano, M. J. [María José]. (2019). Using Sensors in Organizational Research–Clarifying Rationales and Validation Challenges for Mixed Methods. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1188.

Sáinz, M. [Milagros], Castaño, C. [Cecilia], Meneses, J. [Julio], Fàbregues, S. [Sergi], Müller, J. [Jörg], Rodó, M. [María], Martínez, J.L. [José Luis], Romano, M. J. [María José], Arroyo, L. [Lídia], Garrido, N. [Natalia]. (2017). ¿Por qué no hay más mujeres STEM? Se buscan ingenieras, físicas y tecnólogas. Ariel.

Romano, M.J. [María José]. (2017). Memoria y justicia en las redes. Facebook en la acción colectiva por la memoria histórica en España. En L. Quílez & J.C. Rueda (Eds.) Posmemoria de la Guerra Civil y el franquismo. Narrativas audiovisuales y producciones culturales en el siglo XXI (pp. 215-231). Comares.

Castelló, E. [Enric], & Romano, M.J. [María José]. (2016). Wind on the fog. A Reflection on the Policy of Historical Memory at Televisió de Catalunya through the Documentary Perseguits i salvats. Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, 8, 159-166. Link to full text

Buch i Moya, M. [Miquel], Pigrau Solé, A. [Antoni], Gelonch i Monné, M. [Montserrat], Álvarez Oneca, C. [Cándido], Andreu i Florenza, T. [Txema], Romano Serrano, M. J. [María José], Roca i Parellada, J. F. [Joan Francesc], Ollé i Bidó, E. D. [Enric Daniel], & Rodríguez Beas, M. [Marina]. (2011). Ens locals i energía. Associació Catalana de Municipis.

Reus. Àrea de Medi Ambient (2007). Reus és colors, la campanya. Ajuntament de Reus.

Romano, M.J. [María José]. (2005). Llanos del Caudillo. Memoria e historia oral de un pueblo de la colonización agraria. Ciudad Real: Ayuntamiento de Llanos del Caudillo.

Romano, M.J. [María José]. (2004). Diseñar los sueños. Publicidad o cómo confundir ideales, identidades y objetos, Opcions. Información para el consumo responsable, 11, 27-29.


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