Rachel Palmén, a senior researcher at GenTIC, gave an invited presentation at the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC) that took place in Barcelona on 18-22 May, 2022. In her communication, Rachel Palmén analysed the gender equality policies that have been implemented in the context of the European Research Area and how they have been evaluated. Furthermore, she introduced the lessons learnt from diverse European initiatives, such as the GEAR tool developed by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and the activities carried out by the H2020 projects EFFORTI and ACT in terms of how to achieve an effective institutional change towards gender equality in research and innovation.

Rachel Palmén’s presentation was included in the panel “Contribuciones de los planes y programas de igualdad de género para los futuros de la educación superior” [Contributions of gender equality plans and programs for the futures of Higher Education], which was organized by the UNESCO Regional Chair on Women, Science and Technology in Latin America in the framework of the WHEC. Together with Rachel Palmén, the panel included communications by relevant experts on gender equality in higher education belonging to Latin American universities and research institutions such as Gloria Bonder (Director of the Gender, Society and Public Policies Area of FLACSO Argentina), Ana G. Buquet Corleto (researcher at the Center for Research and Gender Studies of the UNAM), Carmen Andrade Lara (Director of Gender Equality at the University of Chile), and Patricia Ruiz Bravo López (professor at Universidad Católica del Perú and director of the UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality in Higher Education Institutions).

Watch the video of the panel “Contributions of gender equality plans and programs for the futures of Higher Education” here: