Newspapers and blogs 2020-2021





2019-2018 2017-2016


2021, December 21. La Vanguardia. Las mujeres jóvenes sufren más violencia machista que las de mayor edad. Article on the conclusions of the study Exploitation of the 2016 Gender-Based Violence Survey in Catalonia from a youth perspective, co-authored by GenTIC researcher Natalia Garrido with Maria Rodó-Zárate and Claudia Malpica.

2021, December 21. UOC News. Young women are more likely to be the victims of gender-based violence than older women. In this article at UOC News, Claudia Malpica (IN3) and Natalia Garrido (GenTIC) talk about the main findings of the research study about gender-based violence in young people in Catalonia that they have carried out together with Maria Rodó-Zárate. (English) (Spanish) (Catalan)

2021, November 24. El nacional. Dues de cada cinc dones joves han patit violències masclistes durant un any. Article on the main conclusions of the research study Exploitation of the 2016 Gender-Based Violence Survey in Catalonia from a youth perspective, carried out by Maria Rodó-Zárate, Claudia Malpica and Natalia Garrido.

2021, November 23. IN3 Blog. Gender and Data Science in Sport and Health workshop – Video. Blog post on the video summary of the Online Workshop “Gender and Data Science in Sports and Health”, which was organized on 26-27 October 2021 by GenTIC and ICSO from the IN3, and FoodLab from the UOC Faculty of Health Sciences, in the framework of the GENDASH Network.

2021, November 21. 7 DIAS EXTREMADURA. UOC: Las actitudes sexistas del profesorado condicionan la educación secundaria. Article on the findings of a study led by GenTIC director Milagros Sáinz that explored the views of Spanish secondary school teachers on gender differences in academic achievement and study choices.

2021, November 16. 20 MINUTOS.  Las actitudes sexistas del profesorado condicionan la educación secundaria: “De las alumnas se espera más”. Article on the main findings of the study “Secondary School Teachers’ Views of Gender Differences in School Achievement and Study Choices in Spain”, led by Milagros Sáinz, director of GenTIC.

2021, November 15. UOC News. Teachers’ sexist attitudes have a major impact on secondary education. Milagros Sáinz is interviewed in this article at UOC News to reflect on the findings of the study “Secondary School Teachers’ Views of Gender Differences in School Achievement and Study Choices in Spain”, led by the director of GenTIC and co-authored with Jordi Solé, Sergi Fàbregues and Sara García-Cuesta. (Spanish) (Catalan)

2021, November 15. NAIZ. Actitudes sexistas del profesorado condicionan la ESO según un estudio.

2021, November 15. PHYSORG.COM. Teachers’ sexist attitudes have a major impact on secondary education.

2021, November 15. Mujeres a seguir. Ellos más listos, ellas más aplicadas: Así afectan los estereotipos de género de los profesores a los resultados de sus estudiantes.

2021, November 15. EurekAlert! Teachers’ sexist attitudes have a major impact on secondary education

2021, November 15. El economista. Un estudio indica que parte del personal docente apunta al intelecto de los chicos en contraposición al esfuerzo de las chicas como fuente de éxito académico.

2021, November 15. Má Un estudio afirma que las actitudes sexistas de los profesores condicionan la educación Secundaria.

2021, November 15. Diario de Jerez. Un estudio afirma que las actitudes sexistas de los profesores condicionan la educación secundaria.

2021, November 15. Huelva información. Un estudio afirma que las actitudes sexistas de los profesores condicionan la educación Secundaria.

2021, November 15. Europa Sur. Un estudio afirma que las actitudes sexistas de los profesores condicionan la educación Secundaria.

2021, November 15. Granada Hoy. Un estudio afirma que las actitudes sexistas de los profesores condicionan la educación Secundaria.

2021, November 15. El Día de Córdoba. Un estudio afirma que las actitudes sexistas de los profesores condicionan la educación Secundaria.

2021, November 15. Diario de Almería. Un estudio afirma que las actitudes sexistas de los profesores condicionan la educación Secundaria.

2021, November 15. Diario de Cádiz. Un estudio afirma que las actitudes sexistas de los profesores condicionan la educación Secundaria.

2021, November 15. Diario de Sevilla. Un estudio afirma que las actitudes sexistas de los profesores condicionan la educación Secundaria.

2021, November 15. El economista. Las actitudes sexistas del profesorado condicionan la educación secundaria.

2021, November 15. El Las actitudes sexistas del profesorado condicionan la educación secundaria.

2021, November 15. Estrella digital. Las actitudes sexistas del profesorado condicionan la educación secundaria.

2021, November 15. COPE. Las actitudes sexistas del profesorado condicionan la educación secundaria.

2021, November 15. La Vanguardia. Las actitudes sexistas del profesorado condicionan la educación secundaria.

2021, November 15. ALPHA GALILEO. Teachers’ sexist attitudes have a major impact on secondary education (Spanish)

2021, October 22. UOC News. The pandemic confirms that promoting open science benefits scientific research. Article by Jade Riera and Rubén Permuy on UOC’s commitment to sharing knowledge and the participation of Lídia Arroyo (GenTIC), together with other UOC experts, in a round table at the first edition of the Annual Open Government Conference, organized by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Open Government of the Government of Catalonia. (Spanish) (Catalan)

2021, October 20. El economista. El futuro tiene que escribirse también con letra de mujer.

2021, October 17. El Punt Avui. Trencant estereotips.

2021, October 17. 20 minutos. Miedo a ser penalizadas por embarazo, estereotipos… las barreras que afrontan las mujeres para elegir carreras STEM.

2021, October 14. EL PERIÓDICO DE CATALUNYA. Poques dones escullen carreres de ciències i tecnologia per biaixos de gènere.

2021, October 14. ELPERIÓDICO.COM. Pocas mujeres escogen carreras de ciencias y tecnología por sesgos de género.

2021, October 14. HAY CANAL. Sesgos de género en STEM.

2021, October 14. SOLARNEWS.ES. Los sesgos de género siguen entorpeciendo que las mujeres se dediquen a ámbitos STEM.

2021, October 14. INNOVA SPAIN. ¿Qué impide que las mujeres se dediquen a las carreras STEAM?

2021, October 13. UOC News. Gender biases continue to hinder women’s access to work in STEM fields. GenTIC researchers Alisa Petroff, Lídia Arroyo and Milagros Sáinz talk in this article about the main findings of their research study on the experiences of young adults during their transition from college into the STEM labour force in Spain. (Spanish) (Catalan)

2021, October 13. MURCIA.COM. Los sesgos de género siguen entorpeciendo que las mujeres se dediquen a ámbitos STEM.

2021, October 13. ECONOMIA DE HOY.ES. Los sesgos de género siguen entorpeciendo que las mujeres se dediquen a ámbitos STEM.

2021, October 13. COPE. Pocas mujeres escogen carreras de ciencias y tecnologías por sesgos de género.

2021, October 13. La Vanguardia. Pocas mujeres escogen carreras de ciencias y tecnologías por sesgos de género.

2021, October 13. ALPHA GALILEO. Gender biases continue to hinder women’s access to work in STEM fields. (Spanish)

2021, October 7. Educaweb. Las medidas tomadas durante el COVID-19 han aumentado las desigualdades en el mercado de trabajo. Interview with GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo on the current challenges of work and employment.

2021, September 23. La Marea. ¿Hasta qué punto necesitamos (o queremos) usar algoritmos para cambiar el mundo? Article about the webinar “Justicia algorítmica en clave de género” [Algorithmic justice from a gender view], organized by the Women’s Institute, in which GenTIC researcher Sergi Yanes participated to talk about gender bias in algorithms and AI.

2021, September 12. Diari de Barcelona. Posem perspectiva de gènere a la foscor. La sobrerepresentació de les dones víctimes i la manca de context en el relat de feminicidis són claus per entendre la relació de ‘Crims’ i la perspectiva de gènere. In this article by Marina Alaminos, Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez analyzes the true-crime tv show Crims from a gender perspective and explains how the structural causes of sexist violence are hidden in its narratives.

2021, August 31. UOC News. “Activism provides subaltern knowledge and the ability to detect bias in academia”. Interview with Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez, a writer, journalist and researcher at GenTIC, on the research she is carrying out to understand how feminist activists use digital tools to achieve their political goals. (English) (Catalan) (Spanish)

2021, August 17. La Vanguardia. ¿Nos podemos reír de todo y de todos? In this article by Mayte Rius in La Vanguardia, Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez reflects on the uses and limits of humour.

2021, August 14. Nueve mitos (desmontados) a los que da alas el negacionismo de la violencia machista y que sirven para perpetuarla. Article by Marta Borraz in, in which Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez dismantles some myths about feminism and gender violence.

2021, August 8. Diari de Barcelona. Marta Roqueta: “No hi ha res més totalitari que debatre sobre l’autopercepció d’una altra persona”. Interview with GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez on the debate around non-binary language and the use of social media by people with dissident subjectivities.

2021, July 26. Núvol. És el ‘totis’ una barrera contra la inclusió? In this article by Gerard E. Mur, GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez talks about the use of non-binary language.

2021, July 20. IN3 Blog. Smashing Catalan media patriarchy using digital tools. Article by Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez on her doctoral research, which explores how feminist groups use social media to achieve their goals and organize themselves.

2021, July 8. El País. El coronavirus se muda a la zona alta de Barcelona: de Nou Barris a Sarrià. In this article by Bernat Coll, GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo talks about the incidence of Covid in relation to occupational segregation and socioeconomic status with a gender perspective to analyze the reasons why there are currently more cases in the high-income districts of Barcelona.

2021, June 25. Lídia Arroyo: “Les xarxes necessiten més mirada LGTBIQ en la seva cocreació per ser un espai igualitari”. Interview with GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo on the role of the internet and digital technologies in promoting gender equality, sexual and gender diversity, and social inclusion.

2021, May 28. CTXT. Pornografía e Internet: hacia una moralidad democrática. Article by Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez on the feminist debate around pornography and its role in legitimizing sexual violence.

2021, May 12. MALDITA.ES. Por qué se han frenado las vocaciones matemáticas de las adolescentes. publishes a report by Laura Chaparro originally published by Agencia Sinc on March 15, 2021, in which Milagros Sáinz talks about the increasing association of mathematics with digitization, algorithms and big data, and how it has caused a decrease in women’s interest in this field.

2021, May 10. IN3 Blog. Women and digitization: reducing the digital gender gap. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the different types of digital gender gaps and why it is important to confront them. The researcher also talks about the book Mujeres y digitalización. De las brechas a los algoritmos (Women and Digitization, From Gaps to Algorithms), co-authored by Milagros Sáinz, Lídia Arroyo and Cecilia Castaño and published by the Spanish Ministry of Equality in 2020.

2021, April 19. UOC News. Where are the women on the Spanish-language Wikipedia site? Article on the publication of a study about the gender gap in the engagement and editing practices in the Spanish Wikipedia co-authored by GenTIC researchers Julio Meneses and Sergi Fàbregues, together with  Julià Minguillón (UOC), Eduard Aibar (UOC) and Núria Ferran (UAB). (Spanish) (Catalan)

2021, March 29. Fraunhofer IAO Blog. The State of the Art in Measuring (Gender-sensitive) Work Conditions in Research and Innovation. Interview with Jörg Müller on the Gender Equality Monitoring and Auditing tool developed by the H2020 project ACT to support the collection of high-quality data for gender equality in research organizations and higher education institutions.

2021, March 16. EDUCACIÓN 3.0. ¿Hay una igualdad real entre niños y niñas en el aula? In this online magazine article by Laura Pajuelo, Milagros Sáinz talks about gender inequalities in the education of boys and girls. Access the print magazine version here: Pajuelo, L. (2021, February – April). Objetivo: igualdad.  EDUCACIÓN 3.0, 41, 38-40.

2021, March 15. Sinc. Por qué se han frenado las vocaciones matemáticas de las adolescentes. Press article by Laura Chaparro in which Milagros Sáinz reflects on the fact that the growing association of the Mathematics degree with digitization, algorithms and big data has caused a decrease in the interest of women in this field whereas men’s interest in Mathematics has increased.

2021, 8 March. FECYTedu – Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT). La importancia de desafiar los roles y estereotipos de género a través de la docencia. Blog post by Milagros Sáinz on the causes of the gender gap in study choices and the need for challenging gender roles and stereotypes in teaching.

2021, 8 March. El Diari de l’Educació. Orientació no sexista per fomentar vocacions científico-tècniques entre les nenes. Blog post by Milagros Sáinz on how gender stereotypes influence the academic and professional decisions of adolescents and the importance of offering education and academic guidance from families and primary and secondary education centres free from sexist biases.

2021, 3 March. Magisnet. Científicas brillantes, un estímulo para despertar vocaciones en las niñas. In this press article by Adrián Arcos, Milagros Sáinz talks about her recent research on the influence of female role models in girls’ preferences for STEM studies and how parents’ and teachers’ assessments of adolescents’ academic competencies contribute to reinforcing gender roles and stereotypes.

2021, 11 February. El imparcial. Mujer y ciencia: “Los referentes femeninos son escasos y eso desanima a niñas y jóvenes”. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, in which she analyses the root causes of women’s underrepresentation in STEM fields and emphasizes the influence of female role models to encourage girls and young women to pursue technological and scientific careers.

2021, 11 February. 20 minutos. España supera a la media de la UE en paridad en ciencia e ingeniería… pero siguen faltando referentes. Article by Elena Omedes on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in which Milagros Sáinz talks about gender inequalities in technological fields and in STEM studies and occupations.

2021, 27 January. Diari ARA. Cura, digitalització i el futur del treball. Opinion article by Lídia Arroyo on the future of the labour market and the socioeconomic importance of the care sector. (Catalan) (Spanish)

2020, 17 December. UOC News. “Women are more exposed to COVID-19 because a higher proportion of them work in the frontline care sector”. Interview with Lídia Arroyo, researcher at GenTIC and principal investigator of the DataCOVIDGender project. Lídia Arroyo highlights the importance of integrating a gender perspective into R&I and explains the scope of DataCOVIDGender, an interdisciplinary research and open data initiative funded by the Catalan Ministry of Health’s Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS) which aim is to generate and share open knowledge on the effect of gender inequalities in the job market on the prevalence of COVID-19. (Catalan) (Spanish)

2020, 16 December. UOC News. Sexual abuse among men: a stigmatized phenomenon in Latin America. Article on the study Characterization of child sexual abuse in the Departments of the North Region of Colombia: Foundations for Prevention, carried out by GenTIC researchers Sergi Fàbregues and Julio Meneses along with the Institute of Education Studies-IESE of the University of the North in Colombia and the Colombian National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Science. The research was led by Elsa Lucía Escalante-Barrios from the University of the North in Colombia and analysed 680 cases of alleged male-on-male sexual abuse reported to Legal Medicine between 2017 and 2018 in the country’s Caribbean region. (Spanish)

2020, 10 December. UOC News. “The industries of sport and health are not immune to the use of big data and artificial intelligence”. Interview with UOC researchers Ángel A. Juan (ICSO), Anna Bach (FoodLab) and Milagros Sáinz (GenTIC) on the emerging trends in the use of big data and analytics research in the sports and health sector from a gender perspective, in relation to the topics addressed by the Spanish network SHARP and the workshop “Sports and Health Analytics Research“. Also, GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo talks in this interview about the goals of the DataCOVIDGender project. (Catalan) (Spanish)

2020, 4 December. UOC Staff Blog. There are a few new faces at the Equality Unit, let’s get to know them! Blog post on the incorporation of new advisory members in the Equality Unit at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. GenTIC researcher Rachel Palmén is one of the nine individuals selected to be part of the Equality Unit advisory team. (Catalan) (Spanish)

2020, 2 December. El Mundo – Yo Dona. ¿Siguen las mujeres jóvenes alejadas de las carreras tecnológicas? In this press article by Olalla Uriarte, Milagros Sáinz talks about the influence of gender roles and stereotypes in the lack of interest of young women in technological careers.

2020, 19 November. UOC News. Detectar víctimes infantils és clau per prevenir la violència contra les dones. Article by Roser Reiner on the ocassion of the International Day for the Eliminatio of Violence against Women on 25 November, which includes the views of Milagros Sáinz and other gender experts such as Josep Maria Tamarit, Pastora Martínez Samper, and Maria Olivella.

2020, 19 November. Informática++. Despacho 42: Género y tecnología con Mila Sáinz. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on the underrepresentation of women in technological fields in Depacho 42 – podcast produced by UOC Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications.

2020, 13 November. UOC News. Equity in ICT, far from being a reality. Chronicle of the Webinar Equit@t 2020, organized on 9 November 2020 by UOC Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications to tackle the social changes and opportunities for gender equity in digital society in the context of the Covid pandemic. With the participation of GenTIC director Milagros Sáinz together with Susana Prado (Inetum) and Jordi Vallverdú (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Chaired by María Antonia Huertas (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).

2020, 7 November. La Razón. Un estudio confirma la efectividad de las sesiones role models con niñas mejoran la motivación de elegir profesiones científico-tecnológicas. Article on the study “Girls in STEM: Is It a Female Role-Model Thing?“, by Susana González-Pérez, Ruth Mateos de Cabo and Milagros Sáinz, which analyzed the impact of an intervention program by the Inspiring Girls Foundation based on female role models in science.

2020, 4 November. Hola. Cómo despertar el interés de las niñas por la ciencia. Article by Ana Caaveiro on the root causes of the gender gap in STEM studies and occupations, and the findings of the study “Girls in STEM: Is It a Female Role-Model Thing?“, co-authored by Susana González-Pérez, Ruth Mateos de Cabo and Milagros Sáinz.

2020, 2 November. ABC. El empleo del futuro repite los errores del pasado. A pesar de sufrir un déficit de talento, el empleo femenino en la industria que definirá el futuro no alcanza ni el 20%. Milagros Sáinz talks about the underrepresentation of women in the technology sector in this article by María José Pérez-Barco.

2020, 30 October. El Correo. ¿Conoces el ‘efecto Matilda’? Así influye en las científicas del futuro. Article by Miriam Najibi on the invisibility of women scientists, in which Milagros Sáinz comments on the results of two recent studies that addressed the influence of female role models in girls’ interest in STEM and the role of families and teachers to confront or perpetuate gender biases and stereotypes.

2020, 23 October. El Mundo – Sapos y princesas. Un estudio confirma la efectividad de las sesiones ‘role models’ con niñas para mejorar la motivación a la hora de elegir profesiones STEM. Article on the findings of the study “Girls in STEM: Is It a Female Role-Model Thing?“, co-authored by Susana González-Pérez, Ruth Mateos de Cabo and Milagros Sáinz.

2020, 23 October. El Mundo Financiero. Un estudio confirma la efectividad de las sesiones role models con niñas para mejorar la motivación a la hora de elegir profesiones científico-tecnológicas. Article on the study “Girls in STEM: Is It a Female Role-Model Thing?“, co-authored by Susana González-Pérez, Ruth Mateos de Cabo and Milagros Sáinz, which analyzed the impact of an intervention program based on female role models in STEM developed by the Inspiring Girls Foundation in Spain.

2020, 22 October. Diari ARA. Critarures. Es busquen futures científiques. Exposar dones d’èxit en àmbits STEM a les nenes, vacuna social contra els estereotips de gènere. Article on two studies led by GenTIC director Milagros Sáinz which analyze the impact of female role models in girls’ preferences for STEM subjects and occupations and the influence of parents and teachers in reinforcing gender roles and stereotypes.

2020, 15 October. UOC News. Showcasing successful women’s STEM achievements, a social vaccine against gender stereotypes among young girls. Milagros Sáinz talks about two studies recently published in Frontiers in Psychology which analyze the impact of female role models in influencing girls’ preferences for STEM subjects (see “Girls in STEM: Is It a Female Role-Model Thing?“) and the role played by parents and teachers in reinforcing gender stereotypes with regard to the academic skills assessment of adolescents (see “Parent and Teacher Depictions of Gender Gaps in Secondary Student Appraisals of Their Academic Competences“). (Catalan) (Spanish)

2020, 6 October. Magisterio. Referentes femeninos, los espejos donde mirarse. Article by Rubén Villalba in which Milagros Sáinz and other experts, such as Marta Macho and Elisa Garrido, reflects on the causes and consequences of the gender gap in scientific and technological careers.

2020, 6 October. Blog Educació, Psicolopia i Societat. Gènere, producció acadèmica i COVID-19. Blogpost by Sergi Fàbregues which reviews the scientific evidence on gender inequalities in research and innovation careers and the negative impact of confinement and working conditions during the pandemic on women academics. (Catalan) (Spanish)

2020, 17 September. The conversation. No hay duda: los programas para lograr la igualdad de género en ciencia funcionan. Article by Rachel Palmén on the impact of initiatives aimed at improving gender equality in research and innovation, and the case studies at European level analyzed within the framework of the EFFORTI project.

2020, 7 July. La vanguardia. Investigan efecto social de la pandemia debido a las desigualdades de género. Press article on a study coordinated by Lidia Arroyo and funded by the Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Assessment (AQuAS) which will analyse and present data on the COVID-19 incidence in Catalonia in relation to gender and social inequalities.

2020, 7 July. UOC News. Gender inequalities in the labour market may affect the incidence of COVID-19. Article on a new study lead by Lidia Arroyo which analyses the impact of COVID-19 in relation to gender-based occupational segregation. The project has been approved by the Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Assessment (AQuAS) and involves the participation of the Open Data Barcelona Initiative to create an accessible open data portal. (English, Spanish, Catalan)

2020, 25 June. La vanguardia. La sobrecarga de los cuidados recayó sobre las mujeres durante la pandemia. Maria Rodó-Zárate talks about the visibility of gender inequalities in housework and care activities in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

2020, 21 June. Social Media en Investigación – #CienciaArcoíris. Lidia Arroyo, socióloga y especialista en género. Interview with GenTIC researcher Lidia Arroyo in the scientific communication portal Social Media en Investigación. Lidia Arroyo underlines that integrating not only the gender dimension but also an intersectional and LGTBIQ perspective is essential to achieve a truly inclusive and unbiased science.

2020, 21 June. L’opció. La visió sexista de l’educació en les famílies condiciona la tria del futur acadèmic, segons un estudi de la UOC.

2020, 19 June. UOC News. Sexist views on education within families affect future academic choices. Article on a study carried out by Milagros Sáinz, José-Luis Martínez and Julio Meneses which analyses the gender differences in the responses of Spanish secondary school students to situations of academic sexism. (English, Spanish, Catalan)

2020, 19 June. La Vanguardia. Investigación revela que visión sexista familiar condiciona elección studios.

2020, 19 June. Reus La visió sexista de l’educació en les famílies condiciona la tria del futur acadèmic, segons un estudi de la UOC.

2020, 19 June. Eix Diari. La visió sexista de l’educació en les famílies condiciona la tria del futur acadèmic, segons un estudi de la UOC.

2020, 19 June. La República. La visió sexista de l’educació en les famílies condiciona la tria del futur acadèmic, segons un estudi de la UOC.

2020, 19 June. Sapos y Princesas. La visión sexista de la educación en las familias condiciona la elección del futuro académico, según un estudio de la UOC.

2020, 19 June. La visión sexista de la educación en las familias condiciona la elección del futuro académico, según un estudio de la UOC.

2020, 28 May. UOC News. Les desigualtats de gènere s’agreugen amb el confinament. GenTIC researcher Maria Rodó-Zárate together with other UOC experts such as Ana Maria Gálvez (Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences) and Mayo Fuster (DIMMONS) point at how the coronavirus crisis has exacerbated existing gender inequalities and the need for a strategy that values care work. (Catalan) (Spanish)

2020, 13 May. El país. La igualdad sigue sin llegar a la ciencia ni a la tecnología. Milagros Sáinz talks about the persistent gender inequalities in the ICT sector.

2020, 11 May. Educaweb. “Es indispensable que las personas que ofrecen orientación académica y profesional estén formadas en perspectiva de género”. Interview with Milagros Sáinz on how to address the gender gap in STEM with gender-sensitive educational and occupational guidance.

2020, 5 May. Pensem. Polititzar la llar en època de confinament. Maria Rodó Zárate reflects in this opinion article on the public/private binomial in the context of the COVID-19 confinement. The researcher highlights the need to tackle households and private spaces as political issues in order to collectively address situations of social inequality and discrimination.

2020, 25 April. Diari ARA. Les dirigents que mantenen la transmissió del coronavirus a ratlla. Lidia Arroyo talks about female leadership in the context of the coronavirus pandemic management.

2020, 24 April. Directa. La infància i el (des)confinament: apunts per superar la perspectiva adultocèntrica. Opinion article by Maria Rodó Zárate on the treatment of children’s rights and needs in the management of COVID19.

2020, 5 March. UOC News. “There is a widespread fear of public spaces among young girls, especially in relation to being sexually assaulted”.  Interview with Maria Roodó Zárate on current gender inequalities and discrimination. (English) (Spanish) (Catalan)

2020, 6 February. UOC News. More resources and greater gender competence are needed for science equality measures to be effective. GenTIC researcher Rachel Palmén talks about the results of a research carried out in the EFFORTI project which analysed 19 interventions developed in six European countries to foster gender equality in R&D institutions.

2020, 4 February. UOC News. “It’s essential that there are realistic female role models in science and technology, not just those that become household names“. Interview with Milagros Sáinz about the reasons that move girls away from scientific and technological fields. (English) (Spanish) (Catalan)

2020, 4 January. El Español. Estos son los Ksi-Meritos, los populares neonatos de juguete acusados de sexistas: los motivos. GenTIC director Milagros Sáinz highlights in this press article the importance of encouraging that girls and boys develop abilities through play that do not pigeonhole them into gender roles.