The +RESILIENT project has participated in the Saló de l’Ocupació (Employment Event) in Barcelona by organising the thematic session “Sectors with career opportunities: the care sector”. The panel was held on 9 November 2021 and convened by Barcelona Activa, Barcelona’s local economic development agency, as part of the +RESILIENT scale-out activities oriented to transfer the project results to key stakeholders.


Lídia Arroyo, researcher at GenTIC, presented the results of the +RESILIENT transnational study that she coordinated on the required skills and organizational elements for social and digital innovation in enterprises operating in the social economy. Paco Ramos, Executive Director for Strategies for Fostering Employment at Barcelona Activa, explained the pilot plan developed in Barcelona from the +RESILIENT study results that focused on the care sector aimed at dependent elder people.


Organised from a Quadruple Helix Model approach, the event also involved policymakers, enterprises and non-profit entities of the social economy in the debate around the +RESILIENT results and the current relevance of the care sector. In that regard, the event included the participation of Miquel Carrión Molina, Deputy Director of Youth Employment and Qualification of the Government of Catalonia; Ana Vicente Olmo, researcher at the vocational training foundation Fundació Barcelona FP; Belén García Antolín, director of the organisation for socio-labour inclusion Anem per Feina; Mar Mestre, director of the clients’ area of Suara Cooperativa, and Ana León Pellicer, responsible for recruitment, training and development of the retirement home company Vima Residencial SL.