The Barcelona City Council organized the Barcelona reAct conference on 13-16 April to address how to relaunch the economy of the city after a year of pandemic. Experts and stakeholders from all sectors participated in the event to exchange and analyze proposals.


GenTIC researcher Lídia Arroyo participated as a guest speaker in the round table “Reactivation of people. Quality and sustainable employment”, dedicated to discussing the impact of Covid in employment and analyzing the new paradigms of work from a socially sustainable perspective. In her intervention, the researcher analyzed the challenges of digitization and highlighted the importance of not reinforcing gender and social inequalities with post-pandemic measures. Also, Lídia Arroyo pointed out the value of the care sector concerning the essential professional skills both in nowadays and the future society.


Raquel Gil Eiroá, Commissioner of the Barcelona City Council for the Promotion of Occupation and Policies against Precarious Work, moderated the table. Along with Lídia Arroyo, the debate included interventions by Sara Berbel, municipal manager of the Barcelona City Council, Daniel Susskind, an economics fellow at the University of Oxford and visiting professor at King’s College, and Jonathan Barr, head of the Occupation and Testing Unit of the OECD Center for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities.


Watch the round table “Reactivation of people. Quality and sustainable employment” in this video: