Rachel Palmén, a senior researcher at Gender and ICT, is participating as an invited speaker together with Gloria Bonder, director of the Gender, Society and Policies Area of FLACSO Argentina, in a thematic session at the Latin America and the Caribbean Open Science Forum (#cilac2021) to analyze the gender equality policies implemented at universities and research centres in the European Union and Latin America.


Title:Políticas de igualdad de género en universidades y centros de investigación de la Unión Europea y América Latina: aprendizajes para favorecer la inclusión, calidad y diversidad en la producción de conocimientos

When: Monday, April 26, 2021
Time: 12:15 h (GMT-3); 17:15 h (CEST) 
Venue: Online
Language: Spanish

Registration at this link


Rachel Palmén is an expert researcher in the design, analysis and evaluation of gender equality policies in the R&I system, and a member of the coordinating team of the H2020 project ACT (#ACTonGender), together with Jörg Müller, Lídia Arroyo and Sergi Yanes.


Besides being the director of the Gender, Society and Policies Area of FLACSO Argentina, Gloria Bonder is the coordinator of the UNESCO Regional Chair, Women, Science and Technology in Latin America and coordinates the Latin American Community of Practice of the ACT project.


The CILAC Forum is the “hub” of science in Latin America and the Caribbean. It provides a regional platform organised every two years to debate how to strengthen and implement effective science, technology and innovation (STI) policies aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030.


More information about the CILAC 2021 Forum:

https://forocilac.org/en/cilac2021/ (English)
https://forocilac.org/cilac2021/ (Spanish)