Milagros Sáinz, director of Gender and ICT, has participated with an invited presentation in the seminar “Las mujeres en el sector de los videojuegos” (Women in the videogame industry) organised by the Women’s Institute of the Spanish Ministry of Equality between the 26 and 28 of January.


Her intervention took place in the first session of the seminar on Tuesday, 26th of January, focused on the current situation of the image of women in the video game sector. During the session, Milagros Sáinz analyzed the persisting stereotypes, sexism, violence and hypersexualization both in the videogame industry and games contents, together with Beatriz Gimeno, Director of the Women’s Institute, María Rubio Méndez, coordinator of Ludosofía, Beatriz Legerén Lago, PhD in Audiovisual Communication, and Marta Trivi from AnaitGames.


To conclude her presentation, Milagros Sáinz highlighted how to reduce gender biases in the design and production of video games, such as developing an ethical code for this sector, guaranteeing an adequate training in gender perspective of video game teams to address sexism and unconscious biases, and fostering the participation of women in the video game industry.


Check out the programme of the seminar and watch the full sessions on the YouTube channel of the Women’s Institute. Find below the recording of the first session:


Photo by Stas Knop on Pexels.