On January 15, the +RESILIENT project organised its 3rd webinar addressed to the project partners and open to stakeholders in the Mediterranean area. The event aimed at discussing methods for monitoring and evaluating social innovation actions.


During the sessions, Francesca Petrella, researcher at Aix-Marseille Université, presented the evaluation methodology established by +RESILIENT for assessing the project pilot actions, including aspects such as skills development, participative processes, territorial relationships, economic sustainability, sharing of value and answering of unmet needs. On the other hand, GenTIC researcher Rachel Palmén introduced the evaluation framework and methods for collecting data developed by the H2020 project EFFORTI, and Lídia Arroyo, also a researcher at GenTIC, described how to implement the EFFORTI model to evaluate the +RESILIENT pilot actions.


Upcoming +RESILIENT webinars will tackle the topic of business models for social entrepreneurship on 28th January 2021, and the use of open data on 2nd February 2021.


+RESILIENT is a project of the Interreg MED Programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund that promotes open resources for social and digital innovation of socially responsible enterprises in the Mediterranean area, especially for companies operating in the social economy, creating socially-responsive value chains at a transnational level.


Know more about +RESILIENT and its upcoming events on the project website.