The portal on scientific dissemination Social Media en Investigación has published an interview with GenTIC researcher Lidia Arroyo as part of the initiative #CienciaArcoíris. In the interview, Lidia Arroyo underlines the importance of integrating the gender dimension in research content as well as an intersectional and LGTBIQ perspective in order to ensure that scientific knowledge is truly inclusive and unbiased.


“The intersectional and LGTBIQ perspective is essential since heteronormativity leads us to assume the heterosexuality of the study population and, therefore, an important part of it is excluded and/or the results are erroneously interpreted”, she affirms. In addition, according to Lidia Arroyo it is essential to make the LGTBIQ collective visible in the academic field and in other areas of society to break the heteronormative assumption.


#CienciaArcoíris intends to make LGTBIQA + people visible in the research and innovation sector. On the occasion of the (LGBTQ) Pride Month, it is publishing a daily blog post over June 2020 in order to introduce researchers from different fields of knowledge, disseminate their work and make known their opinions and recommendations to achieve a more inclusive and diverse science and innovation.


Read the full interview with Lidia Arroyo at this link.

More information about #CienciaArcoíris on the Social Media en Investigación site.