Jörg Müller, senior researcher at GenTIC, has offered an invited presentation about the integration of the gender perspective in research groups at a seminar organised by the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020.


The event addressed the role of science education to increase girls’ future development in STEM disciplines, as well as how gender biases affect the daily-work of research groups and women’s presence along the academic ladder. In addition to Jörg Müller’s presentation about the gender dimension in research teams, Digna Couso, PhD in science teaching and director of CRECIM, offered a communication on the gender perspective in science education.


The event concluded with an award ceremony in which Neus Domingo, CSIC Distinguished Researcher at the ICN2 Oxide Nanophysics Group and chair of the ICN2 Equality Committee, presented the institutional awards for the Best Female PhD paper, the Best Female Postdoc paper, and the Best Female PhD thesis.


Know more about the programme on this link.

Poster of the event.