This workshop aims to interrogate current understandings of masculinities bringing together cutting-edge researchers from different backgrounds and academic traditions in order to enable a conversation and build stable networks of discussion on masculinities from a critical perspective. The title of this proposed workshop “Men in Movement” expresses our intention to bring together critical thinking on masculinities considered as intersectional, complex, dynamic and flexible social processes.

18-20 November 2015
Espai Francesca Bonnemaison, Barcelona

— Simultaneous translation provided —

Organizing Committee:
Begonya Enguix (Estudis d’Arts i Humanitats/UOC- Mediaccions/IN3)
Paco Abril (Homes Igualitaris, UdG, UOC)
Krizia Nardini (UOC- Mediaccions/IN3)

Organization: UOC, Homes Igualitaris (AHIGE) and the support of La Caixa (Internationalization at Home), IN3, Estudis d’Arts i Humanitats (UOC), Diputació de Barcelona, Homes Igualitaris (AHIGE) and Gentic (IN3)

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