Sergi Yanes Torrado

Research Assistant at GenTIC from 2019 to 2021

I am a senior consultant at Spora Sinergies and adjunct professor at the UOC’s Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences. I have worked as a research assistant in the ACT project, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and coordinated by GenTIC (IN3-UOC), as well as in the evaluation plan of the basic income experiment B-MINCOME (Urban Innovative Action-EU), carried out by IGOP (UAB). I have also been part of the coordination staff of the non-formal education programme of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay (MEC).




ORCID: 0000-0001-9699-6831


Latest publications

Castaneda, J. [Juliana], Jover, A. [Assumpta], Calvet, L. [Laura], Yanes, S. [Sergi], Juan, A. [Angel] & Sáinz, M. [Milagros] (2022). Dealing with Gender Bias Issues in Data-Algorithmic Processes: A Social-Statistical Perspective. Algorithms, 15(9), 303.

Guyan, K. [Kevin], Aldercotte, A. [Amanda], Müller, J. [Jörg], Caprile, M. [Maria], & Yanes Torrado, S. [Sergi] (2022). The development of the Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring survey. In R. [Rachel] Palmén & J. [Jörg] Muller (Eds.), A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research (1st ed.) (pp. 44-63). Routledge.

Yanes Torrado, S. [Sergi] (2021). La cuestión turística. Trece entrevistas para repensar el turismo. Alba Sud Editorial. PASOS, Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural.

Marcús, J. [Juliana], Mansilla, José A. [José A.], Boy, M. [Martín], Yanes, S. [Sergi], & Aricó, G. [Giuseppe] (Coord.) (2019). La ciudad mercancía: turisticación, renovación urbana y políticas de control del espacio público. Teseo: Buenos Aires.

Yanes, S. [Sergi] (2019). Recuperar el barrio. Estrategias de transformación urbana en la Ciudad Vieja de Montevideo. In Claudio Milano & José A. Mansilla (Eds.), Ciudad de Vacaciones. Conflictos urbanos en espacios turísticos (pp. 439–454). Barcelona: Pol·len Edicions.

Yanes, S. [Sergi], Marín, C. [Claudio], & Cantabrana, M. [María] (2017). Papeles de plomo. Los voluntarios uruguayos en la Guerra Civil espanyola. Montevideo: Banda Oriental.

Malet, D. [Daniel], Yanes, S. [Sergi], & Antebi, A. [Andrés] (2016). Reconfigurando el entramado turístico: tres breves ensayos a cargo de “Turismografías”. Quaderns de l’Institut Català d’Antropologia.


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