Alisa Petroff

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the UOC since 2019. I got my degree in Sociology from the Universidad de Granada (thanks to the scholarship funded in the framework of the International Agreement between the Universidad de Granada and the Eastern European countries 2001-2005). I obtained my Master in Applied Social Research (2008-2009) and the PhD in Sociology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2009-2013) as a FPU fellow (with European mention and extraordinary award). My postdoctoral research trajectory is linked to the GEDIME/CER-Migracions from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and as academic coordinator of the Inter-university Master in International Migration (UB-UAB). My master research project “Labour trajectories of highly skilled Romanian immigrants in Barcelona” received in April 2010 the Award of the Catalan Association of Sociology for Young Sociologists. I have been a visiting research fellow at The Mauricio Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy University of Massachusetts Boston, Queen Mary College, University of London, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
My research interests are related to migration and mobility studies from a transnational perspective. More specifically I have developed research related to labour trajectories of skilled migrants in IT sectors (my PhD), return and circulatory patterns of immigrants in times of crisis, global social protection in the health care of migrant communities and gender and social cohesion of migrants and second generations.



ORCID: 0000-0001-7779-8426


Selected publications

Parella, S. [Sònia], & Petroff, A. [Alisa] (2023). Causes, Consequences and Complications of Return Migration from Spain: Bolivian Women’s Transnational Family Reunification in Their Country of Origin. In J. Cienfuegos, R. Brandhorst, & D. Fahy Bryceson (Eds.), Handbook of Transnational Families Around the World (pp. 283–297). Springer International Publishing.

Fierro, J. [Jaime], Parella, S. [Sònia], Güell, B. [Berta], Petroff, A. [Alisa] (2022). Generational cohorts versus national origin: explaining the educational attainment among children of Latin American immigrants in Spain. Ethnicities, 22(2), 274-296.

Petroff, A. [Alisa], & Fierro, J. [Jaime] (2022). Crowd work in STEM-related fields: A window of opportunity from a gender perspective? Sociology Compass, e13058.

Petroff, A. [Alisa] (2022). Crowdsourcing in ICT Fields: The Link Between Mobility and Digital Labor Markets in Highly Skilled Tasks. In R. Baikady, S. Sajid, V. Nadesan, J. Przeperski, M. R. Islam & J. Gao (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change (pp. 1–23). Palgrave Macmillan.

Petroff, A. [Alisa], Sáinz, M. [Milagros], & Arroyo, L. [Lídia] (2022). A Multilevel Qualitative Perspective to Gendered Life Course, Socialization, and STEM Trajectories Among Emerging Adults in Spain. Emerging Adulthood10(5), 1256-1268. https://doi.or g/10.1177/21676968211021678

Fierro, J. [Jaime], Parella, S. [Sònia], Güell, B. [Berta], Petroff, A. [Alisa] (2021) Educational Achievement Among Children of Latin American Immigrants in Spain. Journal of International Migration & Integration.

Fierro, J. [Jaime], Parella, S. [Sònia], Guell, B. [Berta] & Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2021). El proceso de adaptación de los hijos e hijas de migrantes ecuatorianos en España: análisis de la trayectoria educativa en contextos de post-crisis. In R. [Rosa] Aparicio & A. [Alejandro] Portes (Eds.), Los nuevos españoles: la incorporación de los hijos de inmigrantes. Bellaterra.

Parella, S. [Sònia], Silvestre, J. [Javier], & Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2021). A mixed-method analysis of remittance scripts among Bolivian immigrants in Spain. Journal of International Development, 33(1), 256-274.

Petroff, A. [Alisa], Viladrich, A. [Anahí], & Parella, S. [Sònia]. (2021). Framing inclusion: The media treatment of irregular immigrants’ right to health care in Spain. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 82, 135-144.

Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2021). La participación de las mujeres en las plataformas de crowdsourcing: retos y oportunidades en los sectores tecnológicos de la economía digital. In Llibre d’actes del Congrés Dones, Ciència i Tecnologia – WSCITECH21 (pp. (pp. 182-192). Ajuntament de Terrassa.

Parella, S. [Sònia], & Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2020). Planning to Go Back Home Because of the Economic Crisis? Evidence from the Short-Term Return Intentions of Bolivian Migrants in Spain. Latin American Research Review, 55(2), 1–12.

Parella, S. [Sònia], & Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2019). Return Intentions of Bolivian Migrants During the Spanish Economic Crisis: the Interplay of Macro-Meso and Micro Factors. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 20291–305.

Parella, S. [Sònia], Petroff, A. [Alisa], Speroni, T. [Thales], & Piqueras, C. [Clara]. (2019). Social Suffering and Return Migrations: A Conceptual Proposal. Apuntes Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 46(84):33-57.

Petroff, A. [Alisa], Milios, G. [Georgios], & Pérez, M. [Marta]. (Eds.). (2018). Refugees on the move. political, legal and social challenges in times of turmoil. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. CER-MIGRACIONS, Servei de Publicacions (Focus on International Migration, 5).

Dobbs, E. [Erica], Levitt, P. [Peggy], Parella, S. [Sònia], & Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2018). Social Welfare Grey Zones: How and Why Sub-National Actors Provide When Nations Do Not? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(9), 1595-1612.

Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2017). Training, labour and migratory trajectories of skilled Romanians in Spain: key elements explaining successful careers. Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, 25(3), 289-305.

Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2017). Una aproximación a los métodos mixtos a partir de las trayectorias migratorias de profesionales rumanos en BarcelonaEMPIRIA. Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, 36, 15-38.

Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2016). Reversing the brain drain: evidence from a Romanian brain networking organization. International Migration, 54(5), 122-135.

Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2016). From the Brain Drain to the Brain Circulation: Typology of a Romanian Brain Network. In C. Solé, S. Parella, T. Martí & S. Nita (Eds.), Impact of Circular Migration on Human, Political and Civil Rights. United Nations University Series on Regionalism, vol 12. Springer, Cham.

Petroff, A. [Alisa]. (2016). Turning points and transitions in the migratory trajectories of skilled Romanian immigrants in Spain. European Societies, 18(5), 438-459.


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