The Center for Gender Studies of the National Distance Education University organizes the I+D+I FEM Conference on June 24, 25 and 26 in the auditorium of the Rectorate of this university. The symposium will bring together twenty-one research groups from seventeen Spanish universities that will present the competitive projects of the state plan that, with a gender perspective, are currently being developed.

The objective of this meeting is to promote networking between individuals researching in our country with a feminist perspective, facilitating the creation of interdisciplinary alliances. Bearing in mind also that one of the guiding principles of the European Horizon 2020 program is the promotion of effective equality between men and women and the integration of the gender dimension in teaching, research and innovation.

Milagros Sáinz, director of GenTIC, will present the project “Effects and effectiveness of interventions aimed at increasing the interest of young women for scientific and technological studies and professions” (GESTEMI).

GESTEMI, with a duration of four years (2018-2021), has as its main objective to analyze the effect of a series of psychosocial interventions that try to increase the interest of girls for science and technology studies and professions. Specifically, these interventions will seek to improve both the performance, the perceived ability and the interest of girls in this type of subjects, in which there is still a broad gender gap.


Find more information about the event and the programme here.

Watch the video of the presentation at Canal UNED.