Higher education institutions



Our research lines provide with knowledge and evidence to support the design and implementation of gender equality policies around the ICT, STEM and R&I fields. In that regard, the Equality Unit at the University of La Laguna (ULL) has used the EXPECTANCIES project’s results (Ref. FEM2011-2014117) to elaborate intervention proposals addressed to secondary education centers. The Expectancies’ findings have been also useful to plan gender equality measures aimed at higher education activities:


      • “Training for incorporating equality criteria into teaching and research practices”, presented by the UIG-Universidad de La Laguna to the Call for Grants for Official Postgraduate Gender Studies and University Activities related to equal opportunities between women and men (BOE June 11, 2014). Responsible investigators: Ana Puy and Sara García-Cuesta, Equality Unit of the University of La Laguna.


      • “Incorporating a gender perspective in the ULL activities’ assessment” (EXP.: 16/3-ACT/13). Gender Equality Observatory (University of La Laguna, 2014). Responsible investigators: Ana Puy and Sara García-Cuesta, Equality Unit of the University of La Laguna.


      • “Training, information and awareness-raising in equality 2014: gender equality policies as social responsibility, prevention of harassment and other gender-based violence measures” (EXP.: 16/3-ACT/13), presented by the UIG-Universidad de La Laguna to the Call for Grants for Official Postgraduate Gender Studies and University Activities related to equal opportunities between women and men (BOE 25 de julio de 2013). Responsible investigators: Ana Puy and Sara García-Cuesta, Equality Unit of the University of La Laguna.