Non-academic educational activities

Gender and ICT has developed non-academic educational activities with secondary students, teachers and families aimed at addressing the challenges associated with the influence of gender stereotypes on students’ educational aspirations. The objective of those initiatives was to raise awareness to avoid academic sexism and reduce tolerance for gender-based inequalities in the educational environment.

Through a combination of individual and group dynamics, adolescents enrolled in second and third years of compulsory secondary education reflected on the influence of gender stereotypes on how boys and girls assess their own abilities in math and language, as well as considering the existing stereotypes about STEM and non-STEM subjects and occupations. During the workshops, school materials were distributed with slogans on them promoting equal opportunities and gender equity in the scientific and technological fields.


Family-oriented activities for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2018
Workshop intended to reflect about the pervasive stereotypes around scientific studies and occupations and to raise awareness of girls’ opportunities in STEM fields.

Col·legi Sagrada Família-Horta. Barcelona. 3 February 2018. READ MORE



11february-women-in-science-day-sInternational Day of Women and Girls in Science 2017
Workshops aimed at raising awareness about the existing gender stereotypes around scientific and technological careers and occupations on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Facilitators: Milagros Sáinz, & María J. Romano. Courses 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B ESO.

IES Miguel Delibes (Madrid). 14 February 2017. READ MORE



Workshop ‘Stereotypes and study choices’
Related to the research project ESTEREO (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, FEM2014-55096-R) and the collaboration agreement with the Catalan Women’s Institute. Facilitators: Milagros Sáinz, María J. Romano, Lidia Arroyo, & Mari Carmen Gallego. Courses 2A, 2B, 2D, 3C, 3D ESO. IES Front Marítim (Barcelona).

2-15 December 2016; 25 January 2017. READ MORE


workshops-FTWorkshop ‘What profession do you imagine?’
Related to the research projects ESTEREO (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, FEM2014-55096-R) and Young people’s gender biases about STEM (Fundación Telefónica). Facilitators: Milagros Sáinz, & María J. Romano. Courses 3C, 4A ESO.

IES Juana de Castilla (Madrid). 20 December 2016


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