Aran Romero-Moreno, a postdoctoral researcher at GenTIC and INSPIRE project manager, has written a new research article exploring the integration of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of practice with Patricia H. Collins’ intersectional theory. Published in the journal Sociological Theory, Aran Romero-Moreno reviews in this peace the philosophical ideas underlying these theories and contextualises key concepts such as ’embodied knowledge’, ‘structure’, ‘identity’, ‘class’, ‘privilege’ and ‘capital’.

The researcher highlights the relationship between these two epistemological frameworks by comparing them with specific references and practical examples. Additionally, the study investigates the potential for integrating the two political theories, emphasizing the conceptual and methodological gaps that such integration could bridge. Aran Romero-Moreno’s conclusions lay the groundwork for the effective development of an intersectional theory of practice.

Find the article in Sociological Theory.


Romero-Moreno, A. [Aran]. (2025). Toward an Intersectional Theory of Practice: Integrating Pierre Bourdieu’s and Patricia H. Collins’s Thought. Sociological Theory – First online publication

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