Intersectionality is crucial to understanding the complex dynamics of power and inequality within organisations. However, the process of gathering and analysing intersectional data is complicated and raises many questions. Jörg Müller, senior researcher at GenTIC, and Anne Laure Humbert, research professor at the University of Gothenburg, contribute to the discussions on the need for inclusive gender equality plans in research and innovation in an article that provides guidance and clarifications regarding the challenges related to data collection and analysis using an intersectional approach.

The publication is included in the She Figures 2024 Policy Report, which complements the European Commission’s She Figures 2024 main study, the most up-to-date Europe-wide statistics on gender equality in research and innovation. In their article, Jörg Müller and Anne Laure Humbert argue for a re-evaluation of conventional steps in intersectional data collection and distinguish between ‘inclusive’ and ‘intersectional’ Gender Equality Plans (GEPs). In addition, the researchers present novel techniques for analysing intersectional data, including multilevel intersectional modelling, latent class analysis, and qualitative comparative analysis, to better capture the intricate interactions of intersecting social inequalities.

Read Jörg Müller and Anne Laure Humbert‘s article to learn about practical steps and existing tools that can be effective instruments for intersectional data collection and analysis here.

You can dive into the full She Figures 2024 interactive report here.