The INSPIRE project is organizing two training sessions to get to know the Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) tool, which will take place online on 29 and 31 May 2024 with an overall duration of 7 hours.

The GEAM tool is an online, open-access platform for conducting survey-based gender equality audits within academic organisations, including universities and research centres. Its primary aim is to provide those working in or interested in gender equality with a tool to collect relevant data to better understand existing intersectional inequalities within their organisation and to monitor progress over time.

Originating from the ACT project, the GEAM tool has been continuously developed and made available in more than 14 European languages. The GEAM Tool questionnaire has been expanded and refined through the insights and experiences of more than forty participating organisations. In addition, a new version of the GEAM tool has been developed in the context of the INSPIRE project to cover not only employees but also students’ experiences.

Target participants

These workshops are aimed at individuals working on gender equality within academia or other organisations, such as Gender Equality officers, Human Resources officers, science managers, or researchers and academics forming part of equality committees and working groups. The sessions are tailored for individuals new to the social sciences field, without previous understanding of designing and executing online surveys. Participants will receive a practical guide to effective and high-quality monitoring of equality data, including both employee and student experiences at the organisational level.

Session contents and registration

The workshops will guide participants through the preparatory steps for launching a GEAM questionnaire. Participants will be encouraged to work with real-world examples. The adapted questionnaire can be launched after the workshop to generate real data – or not.

  • Session I – Introduction to the GEAM & Key Concepts – 29 May 2024

The first session will introduce the overall GEAM framework, its purpose, main components of the employee questionnaire and the student questionnaire, and application scenarios. Several members of the GEAM development and support team will be available for Q&A. There is no limit on the number of participants for the general introduction to the GEAM.

  • Session II – Hands-on technical practice – 31 May 2024

The second session will provide hands-on training for setting up and customising a GEAM questionnaire. It will be limited to 20 participants.

To take part, please register here.