The journal Media, Culture & Society has published a new article co-authored by GenTIC researcher Marta Roqueta-Fernàndez and Sofia P. Caldeira from Universidade Lusófona that analyzes the development of the #MeToo movement in Catalonia and Portugal. The article presents #MeToo as a common and easily recognisable frame used in local contexts to approach different issues of sexual and gendered violence, yet flexible enough to allow for national specificities.


The researchers aim to contextualize and situate #MeToo, providing a critical review of the movement in two local contexts. By focusing on national expressions of #MeToo in Portugal and Catalonia, this article explores how #MeToo took shape in (and was shaped by) these local contexts and existing feminist practices. It presents the different temporalities and dynamics of the movement, exploring the roles of both social media and traditional press in the local developments of #MeToo, and also briefly exploring the local legislative implications of the movement.



Roqueta-Fernàndez, M. [Marta], & Caldeira, S. P. [Sofia P]. (2023). (2023). Situating #MeToo: a comparative analysis of the movement in Catalonia and Portugal. Media, Culture & Society, 0(0).


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